# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # Foobar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # DirectTo page. This is an overlay, sitting on whatever page the user # is on already. Hence it is not called in the normal way, but instead # explicitly displays/hides itself when the DTO button is pressed. var DirectTo = { SHORTCUTS : [ "FPL", "NRST", "RECENT", "USER", "AIRWAY" ], new : func (mfd, myCanvas, device, svg) { var obj = { parents : [ DirectTo, MFDPage.new(mfd, myCanvas, device, svg, "DirectTo", "DIRECT TO") ], symbols : {}, }; obj.crsrIdx = 0; # Dynamic text elements in the SVG file. In the SVG these have an "DirectTo" prefix. textelements = [ "Name", "City", "Region", "LocationBRG", "LocationDIS", ]; obj.addTextElements(textelements); obj._SVGGroup.setInt("z-index", 9); # Data Entry information. Keyed from the name of the element, which must # be one of the textelements above. Each data element maps to a set of # text elements in the SVG of the form [PageName][TextElement]{0...n}, each # representing a single character for data entry. # # .size is the number of characters of data entry # .chars is the set of characters, used to scroll through using the small # FMS knob. obj.IDEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "ID", "", 4, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"); obj.VNVAltEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "VNVAlt", "", 5, "0123456789"); obj.VNVOffsetEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "VNVOffset", "", 2, "0123456789"); obj.CourseEntry = PFD.DataEntryElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "Course", "", 3, "0123456789"); obj.Activate = PFD.TextElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "Activate", "ACTIVATE?"); # The Shortcut window. This allows the user to scroll through a set of lists # of waypoints. obj.WaypointSubmenuGroup = obj._SVGGroup.getElementById("DirectToWaypointSubmenuGroup"); assert(obj.WaypointSubmenuGroup != nil, "Unable to find DirectToWaypointSubmenuGroup"); obj.WaypointSubmenuGroup.setVisible(0); obj.WaypointSubmenuSelect = PFD.ScrollElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, "WaypointSubmenuSelect", DirectTo.SHORTCUTS); obj.WaypointSubmenuScroll = PFD.GroupElement.new(obj.pageName, svg, [ "WaypointSubmenuScroll" ] , 4, "WaypointSubmenuScroll", 0, "WaypointSubmenuScrollTrough" , "WaypointSubmenuScrollThumb", 60); # The Airport Chart - only displayed on the MFD variant (where thre's if there's a Map SVG element present) if (obj.elementExists("Map")) { obj.DirectToChart = fg1000.NavMap.new(obj, obj.getElement("Map"), [860,440], "rect(-160px, 160px, 160px, -160px)", 0, 2, 1); } else { obj.DirectToChart = nil; } obj.setController(fg1000.DirectToController.new(obj, svg)); return obj; }, displayDestination : func(destination) { if (destination != nil) { # Display a given location if (me.DirectToChart != nil) { me.DirectToChart.setVisible(1); me.DirectToChart.getController().setPosition(destination.lat,destination.lon); } me.setTextElement("Name", string.uc(destination.name)); me.setTextElement("City", ""); me.setTextElement("Region", ""); me.setTextElement("LocationBRG", "" ~ sprintf("%03d°", destination.course)); me.setTextElement("LocationDIS", sprintf("%d", destination.range_nm) ~ "nm"); me.IDEntry.setValue(destination.id); me.VNVAltEntry.setValue("00000"); me.VNVOffsetEntry.setValue("00"); me.CourseEntry.setValue("" ~ sprintf("%03d°", destination.course)); } else { if (me.DirectToChart != nil) me.DirectToChart.setVisible(0); me.setTextElement("Name", ""); me.setTextElement("City", ""); me.setTextElement("Region", ""); me.setTextElement("LocationBRG", "_"); me.setTextElement("LocationDIS", "_"); me.IDEntry.setValue("####"); me.VNVAltEntry.setValue("00000"); me.VNVOffsetEntry.setValue("00"); me.CourseEntry.setValue(0); } }, offdisplay : func() { me.DirectToChart.setVisible(0); me._group.setVisible(0); me.getElement("Group").setVisible(0); me.getController().offdisplay(); }, ondisplay : func() { me.DirectToChart.setVisible(1); me._group.setVisible(1); me.getElement("Group").setVisible(1); me.getController().ondisplay(); }, };