<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- HLA.dtd This is version 1.0 of a DTD file to fully define the OMT in XML terms -->
<!ELEMENT objectModel (
<!ATTLIST objectModel
          DTDversion      CDATA    #FIXED "1516.2"
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          nameNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          type            (FOM|SOM) #REQUIRED
          typeNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          version         CDATA    #IMPLIED
          versionNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          date            CDATA    #IMPLIED
          dateNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          purpose         CDATA    #IMPLIED
          purposeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          appDomain       CDATA    #IMPLIED
          appDomainNotes  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          sponsor         CDATA    #IMPLIED
          sponsorNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
          pocName         CDATA    #IMPLIED
          pocNameNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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          other           CDATA    #IMPLIED
          otherNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT objects (objectClass+)>
      <!ELEMENT objectClass (attribute*, objectClass*)>
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                name           NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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                sharing        (Publish|Subscribe|PublishSubscribe|Neither) #IMPLIED
                sharingNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics      CDATA    #IMPLIED 
                semanticsNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED > 
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                   name                 NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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                   dataTypeNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 
                   updateType           (Static|Periodic|Conditional|NA) #IMPLIED
                   updateTypeNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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                   updateConditionNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   ownership            (Divest|Acquire|DivestAcquire|NoTransfer)
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                   sharing              (Publish|Subscribe|PublishSubscribe|Neither)
                   sharingNotes         NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   dimensions           NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   dimensionsNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   transportation       NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                   transportationNotes  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   order                (Receive|TimeStamp) #IMPLIED
                   orderNotes           NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics            CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT interactions (interactionClass+)>
      <!ELEMENT interactionClass (parameter*, interactionClass*)>
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                name              NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                nameNotes         NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                sharing           (Publish|Subscribe|PublishSubscribe|Neither) #IMPLIED
                sharingNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                dimensions        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 
                dimensionsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 
                transportation    NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                transportationNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                order             (Receive|TimeStamp) #IMPLIED
                orderNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics         CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
         <!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
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                   name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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                   dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 
                   semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >

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                normalizationNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                value              CDATA    #IMPLIED
                valueNotes         NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
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                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                dataType         NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >

   <!ELEMENT synchronizations (synchronization+)>
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                label            NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                labelNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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                dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                capability       (Register|Achieve|RegisterAchieve|NoSynch) #IMPLIED
                capabilityNotes  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >

   <!ELEMENT transportations (transportation+)>
      <!ELEMENT transportation EMPTY>
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                name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                nameNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                description      CDATA    #IMPLIED
                descriptionNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT switches EMPTY>
   <!ATTLIST switches
             autoProvide                       (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             autoProvideNotes                  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
             conveyRegionDesignatorSets        (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             conveyRegionDesignatorSetsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
             attributeScopeAdvisory            (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             attributeScopeAdvisoryNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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             attributeRelevanceAdvisoryNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
             objectClassRelevanceAdvisory      (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             objectClassRelevanceAdvisoryNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
             interactionRelevanceAdvisory      (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             interactionRelevanceAdvisoryNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
             serviceReporting                  (Enabled|Disabled) #IMPLIED
             serviceReportingNotes             NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

   <!ELEMENT dataTypes (basicDataRepresentations,
      <!ELEMENT basicDataRepresentations (basicData+)>
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                   nameNotes           NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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                   sizeNotes           NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 
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                   interpretationNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   endian              (Big|Little) #IMPLIED
                   endianNotes         NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   encoding            CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   encodingNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED> 
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                   resolution          CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   resolutionNotes     NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   accuracy            CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   accuracyNotes       NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics           CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>
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                   name                NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                   nameNotes           NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   representation      NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                   representationNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics           CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                      name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                      nameNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                      values           NMTOKENS  #IMPLIED
                      valuesNotes      NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>
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                   name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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                   encoding         CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   encodingNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>
      <!ELEMENT fixedRecordDataTypes (fixedRecordData+)>
         <!ELEMENT fixedRecordData (field+)>
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                   name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                   nameNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   encoding         CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   encodingNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED >
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                      name             NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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                      dataType         NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                      dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                      semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                      semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>
      <!ELEMENT variantRecordDataTypes (variantRecordData+)>
         <!ELEMENT variantRecordData (alternative+)>
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                   name              NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
                   nameNotes         NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
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                   discriminantNotes NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   dataType          NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                   dataTypeNotes     NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   encoding          CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   encodingNotes     NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                   semantics         CDATA    #IMPLIED
                   semanticsNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>
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                      enumerator       CDATA    #REQUIRED
                      enumeratorNotes  NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                      name             NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                      nameNotes        NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                      dataType         NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED
                      dataTypeNotes    NMTOKENS #IMPLIED
                      semantics        CDATA    #IMPLIED
                      semanticsNotes   NMTOKENS #IMPLIED>

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                name            NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED
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