%% FGShortRef.tex -- Flight Gear documentation: Short reference
%% Written by Michael Basler, starting May 2001.
%% Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Basler  (pmb@epost.de)
%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% General Public License for more details.
%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
%% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
%% $Id: FGShortRef.tex,v 0.6 2002/09/09 michael
%% (Log is kept at end of this file)


\newcommand{\FlightGear}{{\itshape\bfseries FlightGear}}
\newcommand{\TerraGear}{{\itshape\bfseries TerraGear}}
\newcommand{\SimGear}{{\itshape\bfseries SimGear}}
\newcommand{\PLIB}{{\itshape\bfseries PLIB}}
\newcommand{\JSBSim}{{\itshape\bfseries JSBSim}}
\newcommand{\Cygwin}{{\itshape\bfseries Cygwin}}




\centerline{\large \textbf{\FlightGear{} Short Reference}}

\scriptsize \noindent
%\footnotesize \noindent
 \FlightGear{} is a free flight simulator developed collectively over the
 Internet under the GPL.\\

 \textbf{Main Web site:} \web{http://www.flightgear.org/}

\textbf{Program Start:}  & Linux/UNIX via the script runfgfs under /FlightGear,\\
                         & Windows via the Batch file runfgfs.bat under /FlightGear

\textbf{Engine Start:}  & Put ignition switch to ''BOTH''. Set mixture to 100\,\%. Set throttle to about 25\,\%.\\
                        & Operate starter using the SPACE key. Set throttle back to idle after starting the engine. Release parking brake, if applied.

 \textbf{Keyboard controls:}
 Tab.\,1: \textit{Main keyboard controls on the numeric keypad with
 activated \texttt{NumLock} key}.\\


 Tab.\,2: \textit{View directions accessible after de-activating \texttt{NumLock} on the numeric keypad.}


 Tab.\,3: \textit{Display options.}


 Tab.\,4: \textit{Autopilot and related controls.}


Tab.\,5: \textit{Special action of keys, if autopilot is enabled.}


Tab.\,6: \textit{Engine control keys}


Tab.\,7: \textit{Miscellaneous keyboard controls.}



 \textbf{Mouse controlled functions:}
 There are three mouse modi. In the usual mode (pointer curser) panel's controls can be operated
 with the mouse. To change a control, click with the left/middle mouse button on the
 corresponding knob/lever. While the left mouse button leads to small increments/decrements,
 the middle one makes greater ones. Clicking on the left hand side of the knob/lever
 decreases the value, while clicking on the right hand side increases it.

 Right clicking the mouse activates the simulator control mode (cross hair cursor). This allows
 control of aileron/elevator via the mouse in absence of a joystick
 (enable \texttt{-$ $-enable-auto-coordination} in this case).

 Right clicking the mouse another time activates the view control mode (arrow cursor).
 This allows changing direction of view via the mouse.

 Right clicking the mouse once more resets it into the initial state.

 Short Reference by M. Basler (pmb@epost.de) for \FlightGear{} version 0.8.0.\\
 Published under the GPL (\web{http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html})


%% Revision 0.4  2001/01/05  michael
%% Initial revision based on getting Started 0.4
%% Revision 0.5 2002/02/15   michael
%% based on \inputs of revised table files from Getting Started 0.5