# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # FlightGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # FG1000 MFD var MFDPages = [ "NavigationMap", "TrafficMap", "Stormscope", "WeatherDataLink", "TAWSB", "AirportInfo", "AirportDirectory", "AirportDeparture", "AirportArrival", "AirportApproach", "AirportWeather", "IntersectionInfo", "NDBInfo", "VORInfo", "UserWPTInfo", "TripPlanning", "Utility", "GPSStatus", "XMRadio", "XMInfo", "SystemStatus", "ActiveFlightPlanNarrow", "ActiveFlightPlanWide", "FlightPlanCatalog", "StoredFlightPlan", "Checklist", "NearestAirports", "NearestIntersections", "NearestNDB", "NearestVOR", "NearestUserWPT", "NearestFrequencies", "NearestAirspaces", "WaypointEntry", "DirectTo", "Surround", ]; var nasal_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/"; foreach (var page; MFDPages) { io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ "MFDPages/" ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ '.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ "MFDPages/" ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Styles.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ "MFDPages/" ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Options.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ "MFDPages/" ~ page ~ '/' ~ page ~ 'Controller.nas', "fg1000"); } var MFDDisplay = { new : func (fg1000instance, EIS_Class, EIS_SVG, SVG_Path, myCanvas, device_id=1) { var obj = { parents : [ MFDDisplay ], EIS : nil, NavigationMap: nil, Surround : nil, _pageList : {}, _fg1000 : fg1000instance, _canvas : myCanvas, }; obj.ConfigStore = obj._fg1000.getConfigStore(); obj._svg = myCanvas.createGroup("softkeys"); obj._svg.set("clip-frame", canvas.Element.LOCAL); obj._svg.set("clip", "rect(0px, 1024px, 768px, 0px)"); var fontmapper = func (family, weight) { #if( family == "Liberation Sans" and weight == "narrow" ) { return "LiberationFonts/LiberationSansNarrow-Regular.ttf"; #} # If we don't return anything the default font is used }; foreach (var page; MFDPages) { var svg_file = SVG_Path ~ page ~ '.svg'; # Load an SVG file if available. if (resolvepath(svg_file) != "") { canvas.parsesvg(obj._svg, svg_file, {'font-mapper': fontmapper}); } } canvas.parsesvg(obj._svg, EIS_SVG, {'font-mapper': fontmapper}); obj._MFDDevice = canvas.PFD_Device.new(obj._svg, 12, "SoftKey", myCanvas, "MFD"); obj._MFDDevice.device_id = device_id; # DirectTo "Page" loaded first so that it receives any Emesary notifications # _before_ the actual page. obj._DTO = fg1000.DirectTo.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg); obj._DTO.getController().RegisterWithEmesary(); # Next, the WaypointEntry "Page" so that it too receives any Emesary notifications # _before_ the actual page. obj._WaypointEntry = fg1000.WaypointEntry.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg); obj._WaypointEntry.getController().RegisterWithEmesary(); obj._MFDDevice.RegisterWithEmesary(); # Surround dynamic elements obj._pageTitle = obj._svg.getElementById("PageTitle"); # Controller for the header and display on the bottom left which allows selection # of page groups and individual pages using the FMS controller. obj.Surround = fg1000.Surround.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg); obj.SurroundController = obj.Surround.getController(); # Engine Information System. A special case as it's always displayed on the MFD. # Note that it is passed in on the constructor obj.EIS = EIS_Class.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg); obj.addPage("EIS", obj.EIS); # The NavigationMap page is a special case, as it is displayed with the Nearest... pages as an overlay obj.NavigationMap = fg1000.NavigationMap.new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg); obj.addPage("NavigationMap", obj.NavigationMap); obj.NavigationMap.topMenu(obj._MFDDevice, obj.NavigationMap, nil); # Now load the other pages normally; foreach (var page; MFDPages) { if ((page != "NavigationMap") and (page != "EIS") and (page != "DirectTo") and (page != "WaypointEntry")) { #var code = "obj.Surround.addPage(\"" ~ page ~ "\", fg1000." ~ page ~ ".new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));"; var code = "obj.addPage(\"" ~ page ~ "\", fg1000." ~ page ~ ".new(obj, myCanvas, obj._MFDDevice, obj._svg));"; var addPageFn = compile(code); addPageFn(); } } # Display the Surround, EIS and NavMap and the appropriate top level on startup. obj.Surround.setVisible(1); obj.EIS.setVisible(1); obj._MFDDevice.selectPage(obj.NavigationMap); return obj; }, getDevice : func () { return me._MFDDevice; }, del: func() { me._MFDDevice.current_page.offdisplay(); me._MFDDevice.DeRegisterWithEmesary(); me.SurroundController.del(); }, setPageTitle: func(title) { me._pageTitle.setText(title); }, addPage : func(name, page) { me._pageList[name] = page; }, getPage : func(name) { return me._pageList[name]; }, getDeviceID : func() { return me._MFDDevice.device_id; }, getCanvas : func() { return me._canvas; } };