<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    Copyright (c) 2015 onox

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

<system name="c172p heat">

    <property value="37.0">heat/human-body-temp-degc</property>

    <channel name="cabin-doors-windows">

        <aerosurface_scale name="heat/door-left">

        <aerosurface_scale name="heat/door-right">

        <aerosurface_scale name="heat/door-baggage">

        <aerosurface_scale name="heat/window-left">

        <aerosurface_scale name="heat/window-right">

        <summer name="heat/doors-windows-left">

        <summer name="heat/doors-windows-right">

        <summer name="heat/doors-windows-total">

        <summer name="heat/humans-count">


    <channel name="cabin-temperature">

        <!-- The exhaust gas temperature controls how much the air is
             heated up.
        <pure_gain name="heat/heat-exhaust-gas-temp-degc">

            <!-- Extra heat (in Celsius) when EGT is at maximum. EGT is
                 usually between 0.4 and 0.6.

        <!-- Computes the difference in temperature between the cabin
             heat intake (behind propeller) and the cabin.
        <summer name="heat/cabin-heat-temp-diff">

        <!-- Computes the difference in temperature between the cabin
             air intake (ventilating air door on the right side of the
             fuselage) and the cabin.
        <summer name="heat/cabin-air-temp-diff">

        <summer name="heat/cabin-human-temp-diff">
                <max> 0.10</max>

        <scheduled_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-heat-duct">
                <independentVar lookup="row">/engines/active-engine/rpm</independentVar>
                <independentVar lookup="column">/velocities/airspeed-kt</independentVar>
                            40      120
                       0    0.10    0.50
                     700    0.25    0.60
                    2800    0.50    1.00

        <scheduled_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-air-duct">
                <independentVar lookup="row">/engines/active-engine/rpm</independentVar>
                <independentVar lookup="column">/velocities/airspeed-kt</independentVar>
                            40      120
                       0    0.10    0.50
                     700    0.25    0.60
                    2800    0.50    1.00

        <!-- Even with the air slider closed, there is still some small
             amount of heat transferred via the fuselage.
        <summer name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-fuselage">
                <max> 0.1</max>

        <scheduled_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-overhead-vent-left">
                     40     0.10
                    120     0.50

        <scheduled_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-overhead-vent-right">
                     40     0.10
                    120     0.50

        <pure_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-doors-windows">

        <pure_gain name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-humans">

        <summer name="heat/cabin-air-transfer-total">

        <integrator name="heat/cabin-air-temp-degc">

            <!-- This is the constant that actually controls how fast
                 (or slow) the cabin temperature changes.


    <channel name="surface-temperature">

        <summer name="heat/surface-cabin-heat-transfer">

            <!-- If the pilot opens the air slider, the cabin air temp might
                 start increasing or decreasing fast. Clip the difference to
                 limit this effect.
                <max> 5.0</max>

        <integrator name="heat/surface-temp-degc">

            <!-- This is the constant that actually controls how fast
                 (or slow) the surface temperature changes.


    <channel name="cabin-dewpoint">

        <fcs_function name="heat/non-humans-airflow">

        <pure_gain name="heat/humans-airflow">

        <fcs_function name="heat/future-cabin-rel-humidity">
                            <!-- Human breath: 35 C with 95 % RH -->

        <summer name="heat/cabin-rel-humidity-diff">

                <max> 10.0</max>

        <integrator name="heat/cabin-relative-humidity">

            <!-- This is the constant that actually controls how fast
                 (or slow) the cabin relative humidity changes.

            <!-- Keep relative humidity above zero to prevent
                 math domain error (which happens in ln(x) for x = 0).
                <min>  0.1</min>

        <!-- Computing the dewpoint using the Arden Buck equation:

             y_m(T, RH) = ln(RH/100 * exp((b - T/d) * (T/(c+T)))

             using the following constants:

             b = 17.67; c = 243.5 celsius; d = 234.5 celsius


             Bolton, D. (1980). The computation of equivalent potential
             temperature. Monthly weather review, 108(7), 1046-1053.
        <fcs_function name="heat/cabin-dewpoint-ym">

        <!-- Computing dewpoint using the Arden Buck equation using constants
             that give a maximum error of 0.1 % for -30.0 <= T <= +35.0.

             Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew_point#Calculating_the_dew_point
        <fcs_function name="heat/cabin-dewpoint-degc">

        <!-- Normalized human perception of dew point:

             0.0 is dry; 0.1 - 0.5 is comfortable; 0.7 is somewhat uncomfortable;
             0.8 - 0.9 is very uncomfortable; 1.0 is extremely high.

             Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dew_point#Relationship_to_human_comfort
        <fcs_function name="heat/cabin-dewpoint-perception-norm">
                        10  0.0
                        13  0.3
                        16  0.5
                        18  0.7
                        21  0.8
                        24  0.9
                        26  1.0


    <channel name="fog-and-frost">

        <summer name="heat/surface-dewpoint-diff">

            <!-- Small maximum to slowdown increase and decrease of fog
                 and frost.
                <max> 0.5</max>

        <switch name="heat/moisture-windup-trigger">
            <default value="0"/>

            <test logic="AND" value="1">
                heat/surface-dewpoint-diff GT 0
                heat/moisture-norm GE 1

            <test logic="AND" value="1">
                heat/surface-dewpoint-diff LT 0
                heat/moisture-norm LE 0

        <integrator name="heat/moisture-norm">

            <!-- This is the constant that actually controls how fast
                 (or slow) the moisture changes.


        <pure_gain name="heat/moisture-fog-level">

        <pure_gain name="heat/moisture-frost-level">

        <switch name="heat/fog-level">
            <default value="heat/moisture-fog-level"/>
            <test logic="AND" value="0">
                heat/cabin-air-temp-degc LE 0

        <switch name="heat/frost-level">
            <default value="heat/moisture-frost-level"/>
            <test logic="AND" value="0">
                heat/cabin-air-temp-degc GT 0

