# Reads and returns a complete file as a string var readfile = func(file) { if((var st = stat(file)) == nil) die("Cannot stat file: " ~ file); var sz = st[7]; var buf = bits.buf(sz); read(open(file), buf, sz); return buf; } # Generates a stat() test routine that is passed the "mode" field # (stat(...)[2]) from a stat() call (index 2), extracts the IFMT # subfield and compares it with the given type, assumes S_IFMT == # 0xf000. var _gen_ifmt_test = func(ifmt) { func(stat_mode) { var buf = bits.buf(2); bits.setfld(buf, 0, 16, stat_mode); return ifmt == bits.fld(buf, 12, 4); } } # Generate file type test predicates isdir(), isreg(), islnk(), etc. # Usage: var s = io.stat(filename); # nil -> doesn't exist, broken link # if (s != nil and io.isdir(s[2])) { ... } var ifmts = {dir:4, reg:8, lnk:10, sock:12, fifo:1, blk:6, chr:2}; foreach(fmt; keys(ifmts)) caller(0)[0]["is" ~ fmt] = _gen_ifmt_test(ifmts[fmt]);