<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
##                                                                               ##
## Improved redout/blackout system for Flightgear                                ##
##                                                                               ##
## Author: Nikolai V. Chr. (property rules), Thorsten Renk (shaders),            ##
##         Benedikt Hallinger (groundshake effect)                               ##
##                                                                               ##
##                                                                               ##
##                                                                               ##
##                                                                               ##
## Version 2.10            License: GPL 2.0                                      ##
##                                                                               ##

            <!-- inputs -->
            <!-- internal -->
            <!-- outputs -->

    <filter><!-- check for NaN -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                        <property alias="/params/blackout"/>
                        <property alias="/params/blackout"/>
        <output alias="/params/blackout"/>

    <filter><!-- check for NaN -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                        <property alias="/params/redout"/>
                        <property alias="/params/redout"/>
        <output alias="/params/redout"/>

            <!-- check if blackout onset has sane value. -->
                        <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
                    <property alias="/params/fast-b"/>
        <output alias="/params/onset-b"/>

            <!-- check if blackout complete has sane value. -->
                        <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
                        <property alias="/params/fast-b"/>                    
                        <property alias="/params/fast-b"/>
                        <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
        <output alias="/params/fast-b"/>

            <!-- check if redout onset has sane value. -->
                        <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>
                    <property alias="/params/fast-r"/>
        <output alias="/params/onset-r"/>

            <!-- check if redout complete has sane value. -->
                        <property alias="/params/fast-r"/>
                        <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>                                        
                        <property alias="/params/fast-r"/>
                        <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>
        <output alias="/params/fast-r"/>

            <!-- check if JSBSim is the FDM. -->
                    <property alias="/params/jsb"/>
                    <property alias="/params/groundshake/result" />
        <output alias="/params/g-force"/>

        <!-- for backwards compatibility for planes that use gdamped property -->
        <input alias="/params/g-force"/>
        <output alias="/params/g-damp"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/fast-b"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/fast-b"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/onset-b"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/g-force"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/g-force"/>

    <filter><!-- reduce blackout -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
                    <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
                            <property alias="/params/blackout"/>
                                            <property alias="/params/rec-f"/>
                                                        <property alias="/params/log/g-force"/>
                                                        <property alias="/params/log/onset-b"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/rec-s"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/rec-f"/>
        <output alias="/params/blackout"/>

    <filter><!-- increase blackout -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
                    <property alias="/params/onset-b"/>
                            <property alias="/params/blackout"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/onset-t-b"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/g-force"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/onset-b"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/fast-b"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/onset-b"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/fast-t-b"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/onset-t-b"/>
        <output alias="/params/blackout"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                            <property alias="/params/fast-r"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/fast-r"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                            <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/onset-r"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
        <output alias="/params/g-force-inv"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force-inv"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/g-force-r"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force-inv"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force-inv"/>
        <output alias="/params/log/g-force-r"/>

    <filter><!-- reduce redout -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
                    <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>
                            <property alias="/params/redout"/>
                                            <property alias="/params/rec-f"/>
                                                        <property alias="/params/log/g-force-r"/>
                                                        <property alias="/params/log/onset-r"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/rec-s"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/rec-f"/>
        <output alias="/params/redout"/>

    <filter><!-- increase redout -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/g-force"/>
                    <property alias="/params/onset-r"/>
                            <property alias="/params/redout"/>
                                                    <property alias="/params/onset-t-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/g-force-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/onset-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/fast-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/log/onset-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/fast-t-r"/>
                                                            <property alias="/params/onset-t-r"/>
        <output alias="/params/redout"/>

                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/blackout"/>
                    <property alias="/params/redout"/>
        <output alias="/params/sum"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and negative G effect, set fading color to red -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/red"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and negative G effect, set fading amount -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/alpha"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and positive G effect, set fading color to black -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/red"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and effect should be black, set fading amount -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                <property alias="/params/als"/>
                                <property alias="/params/filters"/>
                                <!-- this will be used when ALS filters are in effect -->
                                        <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                        <value>0.66</value><!-- onset of blackout -->
                                    <value>0.34</value><!-- (full-onset) of blackout -->
                                        <property alias="/params/als"/>
                                        <property alias="/params/filters"/>
                                <!-- this will be used when ALS filters are off -->
                                <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/alpha"/>

        <!-- When system is off or not in pilot view, set fading to off -->
                        <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                        <property alias="/params/inside"/>
        <output alias="/params/alpha"/>

        <!-- When system disabled, set blackout amount to 0 -->
                    <property alias="/params/enable"/>
        <output alias="/params/blackout"/>

        <!-- When system is disabled, set redout amount to 0 -->
                    <property alias="/params/enable"/>
        <output alias="/params/redout"/>

        <!-- When system is off or not in pilot view or negative G effect, set greyout to off -->
                        <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                        <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                        <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/greyout"/>

        <!-- When system is off or not in pilot view or negative G effect, set tunnel-vision to off -->
                        <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                        <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                        <property alias="/params/sum"/>
        <output alias="/params/tunnel"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and positive G effect, set tunnel-vision amount -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                <value>0.35</value><!-- onset of tunnel -->
                            <value>0.65</value><!-- (full-onset) of tunnel -->
        <output alias="/params/tunnel"/>

        <!-- When system is on, in pilot view and positive G effect, set greyout amount -->
                <property alias="/params/enable"/>
                    <property alias="/params/inside"/>
                    <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                <property alias="/params/sum"/>
                                <value>0.15</value><!-- onset of greyout -->
                            <value>0.65</value><!-- (full-onset) of greyout -->
        <output alias="/params/greyout"/>

    <!-- Ground shake effect
         The ground shake effect simulates the roughness of the terrain and the
         resulting forces onto the pilot when moving over it.
         This is achieved by generating random g-forces depending on the current terrain bumpyness.
         The force is then applied to the pilot depending on movement speed of the aircraft.

         Adjustments reside in sim/rendering/headshake/groundshake and can be done with this properties:
          - effect-factor:    Overall effect scaling/enabling, so users can disable/adjust in cockpit-gui
          - default-aircraft-scaler-factor: allows to adjust the default aircraft effect output.
                              To be overwritten from aircraft for which the default table is OK but the effect to small/big.
                              Set to zero in case a separate scaler is provided
          - default-aircraft-scaler-min-knots: at this speed the effect starts
          - default-aircraft-scaler-max-knots: at this speed the effect reaches its maximum
          - custom-aircraft-scaler: aircraft devs calculate their own scaling algorythm result here.
                              Most probably this is based on speed etc.
                              Set default-aircraft-scaler-factor to zero, because otherwise the
                              default still applies (default+custom effects are added)!
        <gain><property alias="/params/groundshake/effect-factor"/></gain>
                <!-- only act when having ground contact -->
                <property alias="/params/groundshake/has-ground-contact"/>
                <property alias="/params/groundshake/is-moving"/>
                    <!-- defines bumps of surface -->
                    <property alias="/params/groundshake/rng-source"/>

                    <!-- apply bumpiness of terrain -->
                            <value>0.1</value> <!-- so we have a effect even on taxiway/runway -->
                            <property alias="/params/groundshake/terrain-bumpiness"/>
                        <!-- apply the default aircraft scaling -->
                        <!-- note: in case the aircraft dev wants his own model, he should deactivate the internal one -->
                        <!-- this can be done by setting the deafualt-aircraft-factor to zero -->
                        <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler" />
                        <!-- apply aircraft specific scaling -->
                        <!-- (this is intended to model gear damping based on speed etc) -->
                        <property alias="/params/groundshake/aircraft-scale-prop"/>

        <input><value>0.0</value></input> <!-- in-air: no ground forces -->
        <output alias="/params/groundshake/result" />
        <name>Ground bumps</name>
        <!-- calculate the ground bump number: The rate and ammount of change simulates bumps in the surface -->
                <property alias="/params/groundshake/has-ground-contact"/>
                <property alias="/params/groundshake/is-moving"/>
            <!-- depending on position: the faster we go, the faster the prop changes, the faster the bumps come in -->
        <output><property alias="/params/groundshake/rng-source"/></output>
        <absolute type="bool">false</absolute>
        <discrete-resolution>1024</discrete-resolution> <!-- frequency of the changes/bumps: the smaller, the more wide the bumps are -->
        <name>Aircraft has ground contact</name>
            <property alias="/params/groundshake/has-ground-contact"/>
        <name>Aircraft is moving</name>
            <property alias="/params/groundshake/is-moving"/>
        <name>Default aircraft scaling by speed</name>
        <!-- This filter defines a table for applying the scaled effect by airspeed to
             simulate basic damping of the gear. It allows for defining dynamic min/max knots
             ranges and scales linearly bin between -->
        <gain> <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-factor"/> </gain>
            <!-- Formula: (1/(max-min))*speed-(min/(max-min)) lets us scale linearly with given min/max values -->
                                <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-maxkts"/>
                                <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-minkts"/>
                        <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-minkts"/>
                            <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-maxkts"/>
                            <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler-minkts"/>
            <property alias="/params/groundshake/default-aircraft-scaler" />