<?xml version="1.0"?>




      <label>Select an Airport</label>




    <!-- Generalize all this, turn into helpers and load defaults via XML -->
      var MAX_RUNWAYS = 28; # number of entries at KEDW

      var DIALOG = cmdarg();
      var listeners = [];

      ## "prologue" currently required by the canvas-generic-map
       var dialog_name ="airports"; #TODO: use substr() and cmdarg() to get this dynamically
       var dialog_property = func(p) return "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/"~p; #TODO: generalize using cmdarg
       var DIALOG_CANVAS = gui.findElementByName(DIALOG, "airport-selection");

      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lat", 0);
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon", 0);
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/mode", "search");
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-mode", "0");
      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list", "");

      if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways") == "") {
        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways", "1");

      if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking") == "") {
        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking", "0");

      if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower") == "") {
        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower", "1");

      if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads") == "") {
        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads", "1");

      # Start with the closest airport
      var airport_id = airportinfo().id;

      # Retrieve METAR
      fgcommand("request-metar", var n = props.Node.new({ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
                                                         "station": airport_id}));

      var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports", 1);
      var avail_runways = dlg.getNode("available-runways", 1);
      var avail_parking = {};

      if (dlg.getNode("list") == nil)
          dlg.getNode("list", 1).setValue("");

      var airportlist = dlg.getNode("list");

      var mode = {
        runway:     dlg.getNode("use_runway", 1),
        bestrunway: dlg.getNode("use_best_runway", 1),
        parkpos:    dlg.getNode("use_parkpos", 1)

      var set_radio = func(m) {
        foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
          mode[k].setBoolValue(m == k);

      var initialized = 0;
      foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
        if (mode[k].getType() == "NONE" or initialized) {
        } else {
          initialized += mode[k].getBoolValue();
      if (!initialized) {

      var update_info = func {
          var info = airportinfo(airport_id);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/id", airport_id);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/name", info.name);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/location", sprintf("%.3f / %.3f", info.lat, info.lon));
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon", info.lon);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lat", info.lat);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/elevation-ft", 3.28 * info.elevation);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
          AirportChart.getController().setPosition(info.lat, info.lon);

          if (info.has_metar) {
            # Retrieve an updated METAR, and indicate that we've not got one currently.
            fgcommand("request-metar", var n = props.Node.new({ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
                                                         "station": airport_id}));
          } else {
            # This airport has no METAR. Rather than cancelling the retrieve-metar command, simply set the TTL
            # to a very long time so it won't over-ride our message.
            setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/time-to-live", 9999);

          # Display the comms frequencies for this airport
          var fcount = 0;

          if (size(info.comms()) > 0) {
            # Airport has one or more frequencies assigned to it.
            var freqs = {};
            var comms = info.comms();

            foreach (var c; comms) {
              var f = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency);
              if (freqs[c.ident] == nil) {
                freqs[c.ident] = f;
              } else {
                freqs[c.ident] = freqs[c.ident] ~ " " ~ f;

            foreach (var c; sort(keys(freqs), string.icmp)) {
              setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/label", c);
              setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/value", freqs[c]);
              fcount += 1;

          while (fcount < 13) {
            # zero remaining comms channels
            setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/label", "");
            setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/value", "");
            fcount += 1;

          var longest_runway = 0;
          var runways = info.runways;
          var infoAboutRunways = [];   # list of strings for display

          var runway_keys = sort(keys(runways), string.icmp);
          var i = 0;

          foreach(var rwy; runway_keys) {
              var r = runways[rwy];
              longest_runway = math.max(longest_runway, r.length * 3.28);
              avail_runways.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(rwy);
              var rwyInfo = sprintf("%5s %12d' / %03d deg", rwy, r.length * 3.28,

              if (r.ils != nil) {
                  rwyInfo = sprintf("%s %20.3f Mhz", rwyInfo,
                                    r.ils.frequency / 100);

              append(infoAboutRunways, rwyInfo);

              i += 1;
              if (i == MAX_RUNWAYS)

          var runwayInfoNode = dlg.getNode("selected-airport/runways-info", 1);
          runwayInfoNode.setValue(string.join("\n", infoAboutRunways));
          fgcommand("dialog-update", props.Node.new({"object-name": "runways-info", "dialog-name": "airports"}));

          # Update the list of available parking positions
          avail_parking = {"AVAILABLE":1};
          foreach (var park; info.parking()) {
              avail_parking[park.name] = 1;

          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/longest-runway", longest_runway);

          var airport_pos = geo.Coord.new();
          airport_pos.set_latlon(info.lat, info.lon);

          var pos = geo.aircraft_position();
          var dst = pos.distance_to(airport_pos) / 1852.0;
          var crs = pos.course_to(airport_pos);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/distance-nm", dst);
          setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/course-deg", crs);

          gui.dialog_update("airports", "runway-list");

      var listbox = func {
          airport_id = pop(split(" ", airportlist.getValue()));
          airport_id = substr(airport_id, 1, size(airport_id) - 2);  # strip parentheses


      var apply = func {
          setprop("/sim/presets/airport-id", airport_id);
          setprop("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", -9999);
          setprop("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", -9999);
          setprop("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", -9999);
          setprop("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt", 0);
          setprop("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm", 0);
          setprop("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth-deg", 0);
          setprop("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 0);
          setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg", 9999.0);

          if (mode["bestrunway"].getBoolValue()) {
            setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
            setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
            setprop("/sim/presets/runway-requested", 0);
          } else if (mode["runway"].getBoolValue()) {
            setprop("/sim/presets/runway", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy"));
            setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
            setprop("/sim/presets/runway-requested", 1);
          } else {
            setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
            setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos"));

      canvas.register_callback(update_info); # FIXME: this is a workaround to run dialog-specific code in the canvas block
	fgcommand("clear-metar", var n = props.Node.new({ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
                                                             "station": airport_id}));
        #map.cleanup_listeners(); #TODO: We should be setting a signal when closing the dialog, so that cleanup code can be invoked automatically
        foreach (var l; listeners)
        setsize(listeners, 0);







              var apt_type = "airport:";
              var heli_type = "heliport:";
              var search_term = getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list");

              # strip off airport type prefix
              if (string.match(search_term,heli_type)) {
                search_term = string.substr(search_term,size(heli_type));
              else if (string.match(search_term,apt_type)) {
                search_term = string.substr(search_term,size(apt_type));
              var new_value = "";

              # add new airport type prefix based off helipad checkbox
              if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads")) {
                new_value = heli_type ~ search_term;
              else {
                new_value = apt_type ~ search_term;
              setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list", new_value);

              # change airport type to heliport if checkbox is set
              var apt_type = "airport";
              if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads")) {
                 apt_type = "heliport";
              var airports = findAirportsWithinRange(100,apt_type);

              var list = dlg.getNode("close-airports", 1);


              forindex (var idx; airports) {
                list.getNode("value["~ idx ~ "]", 1).setValue(airports[idx].name ~ "  (" ~ airports[idx].id ~ ")");












            <label>Aircraft Position</label>




            <label>Best runway</label>
            <label>(based on wind)</label>






                var pos = getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos");
                  contains(avail_parking, pos) == 0);

            <label>Parking position not found</label>






          <legend>Airfield Information</legend>

          <legend>Airfield Chart</legend>




                <label>Airfield Chart</label>


                    var myCanvas = canvas.get( cmdarg() );
                    var mapGrp = myCanvas.createGroup();
                    var AirportChart = mapGrp.createChild("map");

                    # Initialize the controller:
                    AirportChart.setController("Static position", "main");
                    var controller = AirportChart.getController();

                    # Initialize a range and screen resolution.  Setting a range
                    # to 4nm means we pick up a good set of surrounding fixes
                    # We will use the screen range for zooming.  If we use range
                    # then as we zoom in the airport center goes out of range
                    # and all the runways disappear.

                    var range_step = 1.5;

                    # Center the map's origin: FIXME: move to api.nas, i.e. allow maps to have a size/view that differs from the actual canvas ??

                    # Styling: This is a bit crude at the moment, i.e. no dedicated APIs yet - but it's
                    # just there to prototype things for now
                    var Styles = {};
                    Styles.get = func(type) return Styles[type];
                    var Options = {};
                    Options.get = func(type) return Options[type];

                    ## set up a few keys supported by the DME.symbol file to customize appearance:
                    Styles.DME = {};
                    Styles.DME.debug = 1; # HACK for benchmarking/debugging purposes
                    Styles.DME.animation_test = 0; # for prototyping animated symbols

                    Styles.DME.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
                    Styles.DME.line_width = 3.0;
                    Styles.DME.color_tuned = [0,1,0]; #rgb
                    Styles.DME.color_default = [1,1,0];  #rgb

                    Styles.APT = {};
                    Styles.APT.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
                    Styles.APT.line_width = 3.0;
                    Styles.APT.color_default = [0,0.6,0.85];  #rgb
                    Styles.APT.label_font_color = Styles.APT.color_default;

                    Styles.PARKING = {};
                    Styles.PARKING.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
                    Styles.PARKING.line_width = 3.0;
                    Styles.PARKING.color_default = [0,0.85,0.6];  #rgb
                    Styles.PARKING.label_font_color = Styles.APT.color_default;

                    Styles.FLT = {};
                    Styles.FLT.line_width = 3;

                    Styles.FIX = {};
                    Styles.FIX.color = [1,0,0];
                    Styles.FIX.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40%

                    Styles.VOR = {};
                    Styles.VOR.range_line_width = 2;
                    Styles.VOR.radial_line_width = 1;
                    Styles.VOR.scale_factor = 0.6; # 60%

                    var ToggleLayerVisible = func(name) {
                        (var l = AirportChart.getLayer(name)).setVisible(l.getVisible());
                    var SetLayerVisible = func(name,n=1) {

                    Styles.APS = {};
                    Styles.APS.scale_factor = 0.25;

                    var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
                    # TODO: we'll need some z-indexing here, right now it's in the layer order
                    foreach(var type; [r('TAXI',1,0),r('RWY',1,1),r('TWR',1,2),r('DME',0,3),r('VOR',0,4),r('NDB',0,5),r('FIX',0,6),r('PARKING',0,7)] ) {
                        AirportChart.addLayer(factory: canvas.SymbolLayer, type_arg: type.name,
                                         visible: type.vis, priority: 4,
                                         style: Styles.get(type.name),
                                         options: Options.get(type.name) );
                        (func {
                            # Notify MapStructure about layer visibility changes:
                            var name = type.name;
                            props.globals.initNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-"~name, type.vis, "BOOL");
                                    func(n) SetLayerVisible(name,n.getValue()))


                    # Add some event listeners to handle mouse interactions
                    myCanvas.addEventListener("drag", func(e)
                      (func {
                      controller.applyOffset(-e.deltaX, -e.deltaY); })();

                    myCanvas.addEventListener("click", func(e)
                      (func {
                      controller.applyOffset(e.localX - myCanvas.get("view[0]")/2,
                                             e.localY - myCanvas.get("view[1]")/2); })();

                    myCanvas.addEventListener("wheel", func(e)
                      var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
                      if (e.deltaY >0) {
                        if (range < 10000)
                      } else {
                        if (range > 100)
                      setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());

                    if ((getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lat") != nil) and
                        (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon") != nil)    )
                      # If we've got some values from a previous instantiation of the dialog
                      # then use them to display the correct position, consistent with the
                      # rest of the dialog.


                    <label>Nav data</label>
                        var visible = ! getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-DME");
                        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-DME", visible);
                        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-VOR", visible);
                        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-NDB", visible);
                        setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-FIX", visible);




                            var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
                            if (range &lt; 10000)
                            setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());

                    <format>Zoom %d</format>


                            var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
                            if (range &gt; 100)
                            setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());


        <!-- airport info  -->

            <!-- airport info table -->



                  <label>Airfield Information</label>


                <label>Athens Intl Airport Elefterios Venizel</label>
                <!--  The above airport is the longest name in Airports/apt.dat.gz as of 3 November 2012 -->


                <label>Lat / Lon:</label>

                <format>%.0f ft</format>

                <label>Longest runway:</label>
                <format>%.0f ft</format>

                <format>%.1f nm</format>

                <format>%.0f deg</format>

          <!-- comms frequencies table -->


                <label>Communications Frequencies</label>


              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

              <label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>

              <label>123.456 123.456</label>

          </group>   <!-- of comm frequencies table -->

          <!-- runways table -->




          </group> <!-- of runways table -->

        </group>   <!-- of airport info outer table -->
    <!-- End of RH Pane -->




        <legend>Go To Airport</legend>


