<?xml version="1.0" ?> <!-- This file is part of FlightGear, the free flight simulator http://www.flightgear.org/ Copyright (C) 2014 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --> <PropertyList> <!--station-starts-with></station-starts-with--> <atis> <text>This is </text> <token>airport-name</token> <text> airport information </text> <token>id</token> <text>. Time </text> <token>time</token> <text> Zulu. Expect </text> <token>approach-type</token> <text> approach.</text> <if> <equals> <token>rwy-land</token> <token>rwy-to</token> </equals> <then> <text> Landing and departing runway </text> <token>rwy-land</token> </then> <else> <text> Landing runway </text> <token>rwy-land</token> <text> and departing runway </text> <token>rwy-to</token> </else> </if> <text>. Weather. Wind </text> <token>wind-dir</token> <text> degrees at </text> <token>wind-speed-kn</token> <text> knots</text> <if> <not-empty> <token>gusts</token> </not-empty> <then> <text> gusts up to </text> <token>gusts</token> <text> knots </text> </then> </if> <text>. </text> <if> <not-empty> <token>cavok</token> </not-empty> <then> <text>CAVOK</text> </then> <else> <text>Visibility </text> <token>visibility-metric</token> <text>. </text> <if> <not-empty> <token>phenomena</token> </not-empty> <then> <token>phenomena</token> <text>. </text> </then> </if> <if> <not-empty> <token>clouds</token> </not-empty> <then> <text>Clouds </text> <token>clouds</token> </then> <else> <text>No significant clouds</text> </else> </if> </else> </if> <text>. Temperature </text> <token>temperature-deg</token> <text> dewpoint </text> <token>dewpoint-deg</token> <text>. QNH </text> <token>qnh</token> <text> hektopascal or </text> <token>inhg</token> <text> inches. </text> <token>trend</token> <text>. Advise on initial contact you have information </text> <token>id</token> <text>.</text> </atis> </PropertyList>