Install scenery14<html><head/><body><p>The easiest way to automatically install scenery is to use TerraSync. If you prefer to download and install scenery manually, you can use this dialog to extract and install the files in the correct place. (<a href=""><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">Click here to download scenery</span></a>)</p><p>Files will be extracted and installed to a 'Scenery' folder inside your chosen downloads location (currently %1), after which you can delete the archives if you wish.</p><p>To begin, click 'Next' and select one more more downloaded scenery archives, which have names such as 'w010n40.tar.gz'</p></body></html>31Please wait, verifying and extracting scenery...67TextLabel87Successfully installed the scenery files to '%1'. This location will be added to the list of additional sceneries to be used.121Add18Hangar URL:44Cancel65Add hangar77Failed to find a hangar description at the URL: '%1'. Check you entered the URL correctly.129Access to the hangar data was forbidden by the server. Please check the URL you entered, or contact the hangar authors.132Failed to download from the server due to a network problem. Check your Internet connection is working, and that you entered the correct URL.135The hangar you requested is for a different version of FlightGear. (This is version %1)138The requested hangar seems to be invalid (damaged or incomplete). Please contact the hangar authors, or try again later142Click here to add a new aircraft hangar. (Note this requires an Internet connection)153Enter a hangar location (URL) to add.161Retrieving hangar information...169There was a problem adding the hangar: %1.178Aircraft hangars24Aircraft hangars are managed collections of aircraft, which can be downloaded, installed and updated inside FlightGear.25The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not set up. To add it, click here.52Additional aircraft folders75To use aircraft you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folder(s) containing the aircraft data.76Remove the aircraft folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed)104No custom aircraft paths are configured.125Additional scenery folders142To use scenery you download yourself, FlightGear needs to know the folders containing the scenery data. Adjust the order of the list to control which scenery is used in a region.143Remove the scenery folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed)173No custom scenery paths are configured.194Install add-on scenery204If you have downloaded scenery manually from the official FlightGear website, you can use this button to extract and install it into a suitable folder. (Scenery downloaded this way should have a file name such as 'w40n020.tar.gz')231Show more17Show less25URI: %1
Local path: %226by %1107Website125Support and issue reporting131Wikipedia137Ratings:171Flight model176Systems184Cockpit197Exterior205Local file location: %1214Install46Uninstall60195Update74Queued93Cancel94111196Downloading110Are you sure you want to uninstall this aircraft?193Installed Aircraft25Browse35Updates46No aircraft updates available right now188Filter using ratings19Adjust minimum ratings37Aircraft are rated by the community based on four critiera, on a scale from one to five. The ratings are designed to help make an informed guess how complete and functional an aircraft is.76Minimum flight-model (FDM) rating:85Minimum visual model rating91Minimum systems rating97Minimum FDM rating103This hangar is currently disabled due to a problem. Click here to try updating the hangar information from the server. (An Internet connection is required for this)63Remove103Cancel104Remove this hangar? (Downloaded aircraft will be deleted from your computer)106Move up51Move down51Time & Date30Time of day37Select the time of day used when the simulator starts, or enter a custom date and time.38Current time40Dawn40Morning40Noon40Afternoon41Dusk41Evening41Midnight42Custom time & date4264Enter a date and time to begin the flight at. By default this is in local time for the chosen starting location - use the option below to request a time in GMT / UTC.66Custom time is GMT / UTC74Season81Select if normal (summer) or winter textures are used for the scenery. This does not affect other aspects of the simulation at present, such as icing or weather simulation82Summer (default)86Winter86Weather113Advanced weather modelling119Detailed weather simulation based on local terrain and atmospheric simulation. Note that using advanced weather with real-world weather data (METAR) information may not show exactly the conditions recorded, and is not recommended for multi-player flight since the weather simulation is not shared over the network.120Real-world weather130Download real-world weather from the NOAA servers based on location.131Weather scenario139METAR159Enter a custom METAR string, e.g: '%1'163The entered METAR string doesn't seem to be valid.164advanced weather231real-world weather232Fly with a flight-plan42Load52Save62Clear67Aircraft & flight information76Callsign / Flight No.88Aircraft type:107Flight rules:129Flight type:145Scheduled146Non-scheduled147General aviation148Military149Other150Wake turbulence category:169Light170Medium171Heavy172Jumbo173Route181251Departure airport:191Departure time:215Cruise speed:227Cruise altitude:242Generate route271Using284High-level (Jet) airways285Low-level (Victor) airways286High- & low-level airways287View route292Clear route301Destination airport:329Estimated enroute time:350Total distance: %1365Alternate airport:376Additional information395Remarks401Summary10Aircraft11Location14Location page disabled due to conflicting user arguments (in Settings)17Environment24Settings25Add-ons27Open saved configuration...146Save configuration as...148Flight-planning151View command line153Select data files location...154Restore default settings...155Quit157Location156Search for an airport or navaid173Enter the name, partial name or ident of a navaid or fix, or an airport name or ICAO identifier. Alternatively, enter a latitude & longitude: for example 53.4,-3.4 or 18.4S, 87.23W203Searching234No results for found search '%1'254Heliport: 96Airport: 97Pad115Runway115Active125On final approach179At196 from the threshold204Airspeed:223Tune navigation radio (NAV1) to runway localizer248Parking275Available285Altitude:26Position: %168Navaid: %1 / %274Airspeed:90Heading:112Offset 129 on bearing 148The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not added, so many standard aircraft will not be available. You can add the hangar now, or hide this message. The offical hangar can always be restored from the 'Add-Ons' page.27Adding hangar37Add default hangar38Hide46Remove97Cancel98Search11Enter additional command-line arguments if any are required. See <a href="">here</a> for documentation on possible arguments. <br><b>Warning:</b> values entered here always override other settings; <a href="#view-command-line">click here</a> to view the final set of arguments that will be used23<b>Warning:</b> specifying <tt>fg-root</tt>, <tt>fg-aircraft</tt>, <tt>fg-scenery</tt> or <tt>fg-home</tt> using this section is not recommended, and may cause problem or prevent the simulator from running. Please use the add-ons page to setup scenery and aircrft directories, and the 'Select data files location' menu item to change the root data directory.47<b>Note:</b> you have entered arguments relating to the startup location below. To prevent problems caused by conflicting settings, the values entered on the location page (for example, airport or altitude) will be ignored.58%1 (default)45Change60Use default74Settings49General76Start paused90Automatically pause the simulator when launching. This is useful when starting in the air.91Enable auto-coordination100When flying with the mouse, or a joystick lacking a rudder axis, it's difficult to manually coordinate aileron and rudder movements during turn. This option automatically commands the rudder to maintain zero slip angle when banking101Show debugging console113Open a console window showing debug output from the application.114Multi-player129Connect to the multi-player network144FlightGear supporters maintain a network of servers to enable global multi-user flight. This requires a moderately fast Internet connection to be usable. Your aircraft will be visible to other users online, and you will see their aircraft.145Callsign161Enter a callsign you will use online. This is visible to all users and is how ATC services and other pilots will refer to you. (Maximum of seven characters permitted)162Server177Select a server close to you for better responsiveness and reduced lag when flying online.179Custom server217Enter a server hostname or IP address, and optionally a port number. (Default port is 5000) For example 'localhost:5001'219Downloads269Download scenery automatically283FlightGear can automatically download scenery as needed, and check for updates to the scenery. If you disable this option, you will need to download & install scenery using an alternative method.284Download location299FlightGear stores downloaded files (scenery and aircraft) in this location. Depending on your settings, it may grow to a considerable size (many gigabytes). If you change the download location, files will need to be downloaded again. When changing this setting, FlightGear will restart to use the new location correctly.300Choose a location to store download files.307View & Window342Start full-screen356Start the simulator in full-screen mode.357Window size365Select the initial size of the window (this has no effect in full-screen mode).366Custom Size368Custom size379Enter a custom window size in the form 'WWWWW x HHHHH', for example '1280 x 900'381Rendering401anti-aliasing414Renderer421Default422Atmospheric Light Scattering423Rembrandt412424The default renderer provides standard visuals with maximum compatibility.430The ALS renderer uses a sophisticated physical atmospheric model and several other effects to give realistic rendering of large distances.431Rembrandt is a configurable multi-pass renderer which supports shadow-maps, cinematic effects and more. However, not all aircraft appear correctly and performance will depend greatly on your system hardware.433Anti-aliasing443Anti-aliasing is disabled when Rembrandt is enabled.445Anti-aliasing improves the appearance of high-contrast edges and lines. This is especially noticeable on sloping or diagonal edges. Higher settings can reduce performance.446Off450Additional Settings474Fly!73The selected aircraft is not installed or has updates pending76Licenced under the GNU Public License (GPL) - click for more info89Aircraft:145No aircraft selected154State:230Default state232Location:272Settings:295%1 aircraft have updates available - download and install them now?18Update all25Setup required data files17TextLabel46FlightGear version 3.4.563Use built-in data files70Download 77Replace me90Choose folder...103To use the files included with this copy of FlightGear, click this button113To download a compressed archive of the files, click the 'Download' button. Once the download is complete, extract the files to a suitable location and choose the folder using the button above.123To browse to a downloaded copy of the files on your computer, click this button133Choose aircraft folder54No aircraft found in the folder '%1' - add anyway?78Choose scenery folder93The folder '%1' doesn't appear to contain scenery - add anyway?112Added scenery should contain at least one of the following folders: Objects, Terrain, Buildings, Roads, Pylons, NavData.115Missing description for: %1308365373Invalid package checksum671Download failed673Package could not be extracted675A local file-system error occurred677Package file missing from download server679Unknown reason682(%1 of %2 aircraft)83(%1 aircraft)86The catalog data was not found on the server at the expected location (URL)111The catalog is not comaptible with the version of FlightGear114The catalog server is blocking access from some reason (forbidden)117disabled due to an internal error120%1 - %2123scenery archive name is not correct.82file does not appear to be a scenery archive.93unarchiving failed142Next189Extracting196Okay209Choose scenery to install247Problems occured extracting the archive '%1': %2281Extracting %1293<p>Options passed on the command line:</p>
128<p>Options set in the launcher:</p>
141 (will be skipped due to being specified as an additional argument)158<p>Options set as additional arguments:</p>
164Create download folder?325The selected location for downloads does not exist. (%1) Create it?326Aircraft installation failed711An error occurred installing the aircraft %1: %2712Restore all settings to defaults?731Restoring settings to their defaults may affect available add-ons such as scenery or aircraft.732Restore and restart now733Currently the built-in data files are being used758Currently using location: %1761Change the data files used by FlightGear?765FlightGear requires additional files to operate. (Also called the base package, or fg-data) You can restart FlightGear and choose a different data files location, or restore the default setting. %1766Restart FlightGear now770Choose a saved configuration791Save the current configuration801File43Open saved configuration...44Save configuration as...48Tools52Restore defaults...53Select data files location...57View command-line61Problems occurred loading the user interface. This is often due to missing modules on your system. Please report this error to the FlightGear developer list or forum, and take care to mention your system distribution, etc. Please also include the information provided below.
119at position %1882No location selected885942on %1-mile final to active runway901on active runway903on %2-mile final to %1909on %1911at parking position %1914%2 (%1): %3917at919%1nm %2 of921%2 waypoint %1933%4 %1 %2 (%3)939No servers available49Custom server57%1 - %267On approach142Ready for Take-off143Parked, cold & dark145Automatic147Cruise149Ready to taxi151Select state based on startup position.187FlightGear version %166Choose FlightGear data folder176This copy of FlightGear does not include the base data files. Please select a suitable folder containing a previously download set of files.224The requested location '%1' does not appear to be a valid set of data files for FlightGear229Detected incompatible version of the data files: version %1 found, but this is FlightGear %2. (At location: '%3') Please install or select a matching set of data files.235Please select or download a copy of the FlightGear data files.242The choosen location (%1) does not appear to contain FlightGear data files. Please try another location.246The choosen location (%1) contains files for version %2, but this is FlightGear %3. Please update or try another location252Initialising navigation data, this may take several minutes84Reading airport data107Loading airports111Loading waypoint data115Loading navigation data119Loading point-of-interest data124Previous Leg19Next Leg31Copy to clipboard20Load a flight-plan480Save flight-plan490