# Canvas backward support for using 3.0 API with FlightGear 2.8 (func { # 2.8 uses multiple properties for representing a color. Also different names # are used for the colors and no CSS syntax like #rrggbb are supported. var color_components = ["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"]; var setColorNodes = func(obj, name, color) { if( size(color) == 1 ) color = color[0]; if( typeof(color) != "vector" ) debug.warn("Wrong type for color"); else if( size(color) < 3 or size(color) > 4 ) debug.warn("Color needs 3 or 4 values (RGB or RGBA)"); else { var node = obj._node.getNode(name, 1); for(var i = 0; i < size(color_components); i += 1) node.getNode(color_components[i], 1) .setDoubleValue( i < size(color) ? color[i] : 1 ); # default alpha is 1 } return obj; }; Element.setColor = func setColorNodes(me, "color", arg); Element.setColorFill = func { setColorNodes(me, "color-fill", arg); me.setBool("fill", 1); }; Path.setColor = Element.setColor; Path.setColorFill = Element.setColorFill; Text.setColor = Element.setColor; Text.setColorFill = Element.setColorFill; # Canvas.setColorBackground = func() { me._node = me.texture; setColorNodes(me, "color-background", arg); }; # 2.8 uses multiple properties instead of a single string property Canvas.setStrokeDashArray = func(pattern) { me._node.removeChildren('stroke-dasharray'); if( typeof(pattern) == 'vector' ) me._node.setValues({'stroke-dasharray': pattern}); else debug.warn("setStrokeDashArray: vector expected!"); return me; }; # Internal helper for creating a canvas. # # @note In 2.9+ this function is replaced by a C++ function. This # implementation is just used as fallback for 2.8 and for usage # in other programs. canvas._newCanvasGhost = func() { return { parents: [Canvas], texture: Canvas.property_root.addChild("texture", 0, 0) }; }; print("Canvas API: FlightGear 2.8 backward support loaded."); })();