Before Starting Engine Preflight Inspection COMPLETE Use the walker view to inspect the aircraft externally Check fuel and oil levels Passenger Briefing COMPLETE Inform them about security procedures Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses ADJUST and LOCK Brakes TEST and SET (shift-B) -0.3092 -0.1992 -0.3284 3.4667 /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 property-assign /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 Avionics Power Switch OFF -0.3600 -0.3230 -0.2660 1.7000 /controls/switches/master-avionics false property-assign /controls/switches/master-avionics false Circuit Breakers CHECK IN -0.3600 -0.2600 -0.2400 3.0000 Electrical Equipment, Autopilot OFF -0.3525 0.0525 -0.0108 4.7167 Battery Master Switch ON -0.3500 -0.3967 -0.2283 2.0413 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat true Fuel Quantity CHECK -0.3608 -0.3970 -0.0147 2.6333 Fuel Selector Valve BOTH -0.2383 -0.0017 -0.6467 7.4667 /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 property-assign /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 property-assign /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 Starting Engine Flashing Beacon ON -0.3608 -0.1550 -0.2633 1.7167 /controls/lighting/beacon property-assign /controls/lighting/beacon true Prime As Required - 2-6 strokes -0.3500 -0.4400 -0.2700 1.8000 /controls/engines/engine[0]/primer 2 nasal Carburetor Heat COLD -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 property-assign /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 Throttle OPEN 1/8 INCH -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0.1 /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0.4 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0.25 0.2 Mixture RICH -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1.0 0.5 Propellor Area CLEAR Magnetos BOTH (press } three times) -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 3 property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 3 Ignition Switch ON (press s and hold until the engine starts) -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 Oil Pressure CHECK (if not GREEN before 30s, secure airplane) -0.3700 -0.3850 -0.0600 1.4000 Alternator Master Switch ON -0.3616 -0.4167 -0.2358 1.9587 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt true Avionics Power Switch ON -0.3600 -0.3230 -0.2660 1.7000 /controls/switches/master-avionics true property-assign /controls/switches/master-avionics true Navigation Lights, Flashing Beacon ON as required -0.3608 -0.1650 -0.2633 2.7167 /controls/lighting/nav-lights 1 /controls/lighting/beacon 1 property-assign /controls/lighting/nav-lights 1 property-assign /controls/lighting/beacon 1 Radios ON -0.3525 0.0525 -0.0108 4.7167 /instrumentation/comm[0]/volume 0.0 /instrumentation/comm[1]/volume 0.0 property-interpolate /instrumentation/comm[0]/volume 1.0 0.5 property-interpolate /instrumentation/comm[1]/volume 1.0 0.5 Before Takeoff Parking Brake SET (shift-B) -0.3092 -0.1992 -0.3284 3.4667 /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 property-assign /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses CHECK SECURE Cabin Doors CLOSED and LOCKED /sim/model/door-positions/leftDoor/position-norm 0 /sim/model/door-positions/rightDoor/position-norm 0 /sim/model/door-positions/baggageDoor/position-norm 0 nasal nasal nasal Flight Controls FREE and CORRECT Flight Instruments CHECK and SET Fuel Quantity CHECK -0.3608 -0.3970 -0.0147 2.6333 Mixture RICH -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1.0 0.5 Fuel Selector Valve RECHECK BOTH -0.2383 -0.0017 -0.6467 7.4667 /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 property-assign /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 property-assign /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 Elevator Trim SET for takeoff -0.3467 -0.0475 -0.4608 4.7167 /controls/flight/elevator-trim -0.25 /controls/flight/elevator-trim 0.0 property-interpolate /controls/flight/elevator-trim -0.1 0.1 Throttle 1700 RPM -0.3575 -0.3083 -0.1367 3.9167 /engines/engine/rpm 1600 /engines/engine/rpm 1800 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0.69 Magnetos -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 CHECK RPM DROP (125 rpm max) Carburetor Heat CHECK for RPM drop -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 Suction Gauge CHECK -0.3608 -0.4283 0.0258 1.6333 Engine Instruments and Ammeter CHECK -0.3608 -0.4092 -0.1650 2.2667 Throttle 1000RPM or LESS -0.3575 -0.3083 -0.1367 3.9167 /engines/engine/rpm 1050 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0.1 Throttle Friction Lock ADJUST Landing Light ON -0.3608 -0.1285 -0.2150 2.2667 /controls/lighting/landing-lights property-assign /controls/lighting/landing-lights true Strobe Lights ON -0.3608 -0.1285 -0.2650 2.2667 /controls/lighting/strobe 1 property-assign /controls/lighting/strobe true Radios and Avionics SET Transponder SET code (As requested from ATC or 1200 in USA, 7000 rest of the world) -0.3300 0.1100 -0.1700 3.0000 Transponder Mode ON OR ALT -0.3300 0.0480 -0.1650 1.6000 /instrumentation/transponder/inputs/knob-mode 4 /instrumentation/transponder/inputs/knob-mode 5 Autopilot OFF Wing Flaps SET for takeoff -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.5 Brakes RELEASE (shift-b) -0.3711 -0.2322 -0.3240 3.5950 /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 Normal Takeoff Wing Flaps 0 - 10 degrees -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.5 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 0 Carburetor Heat COLD -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 property-assign /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 Mixture RICH (above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM) -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1.0 Throttle FULL OPEN -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0.95 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 1.0 Elevator Control LIFT NOSE WHEEL (at 55 KIAS) /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 55.0 Short Field Takeoff Wing Flaps 10 degrees -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.2 /controls/flight/flaps 0.5 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 0.333333 Carburetor Heat COLD -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 property-assign /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 Brakes APPLY /controls/gear/brake-left 0.9 /controls/gear/brake-right 0.9 Throttle FULL OPEN -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0.95 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 1.0 Mixture RICH (above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM) -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1.0 Brakes RELEASE /controls/gear/brake-left 0.1 /controls/gear/brake-right 0.1 Elevator Control SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW Climb Speed 56 KIAS -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 Enroute Climb Airspeed 70-85 KIAS -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 70.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 85.0 Throttle FULL OPEN -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0.95 Mixture RICH (above 3000ft, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM) -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 Cruise Altimeter SET STD/QNH -0.359 -0.16045 0.03863 1.0 Power 2100-2700 RPM (no more than 75% recommended) -0.3575 -0.3083 -0.1367 3.9167 /engines/engine/rpm 2100 /engines/engine/rpm 2700 Elevator Trim ADJUST -0.3467 -0.0475 -0.4608 4.7167 Mixture LEAN -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 Fuel Quantity CHECK -0.3608 -0.3970 -0.0147 2.6333 Lights AS REQUIRED -0.3608 -0.1470 -0.2350 4.0167 Descent ATIS NOTED Altimeter SET QNH -0.359 -0.16045 0.03863 1.0 Landing Light ON -0.3608 -0.1285 -0.2150 2.2667 /controls/lighting/landing-lights property-assign /controls/lighting/landing-lights true Fuel Quantity CHECK -0.3608 -0.3970 -0.0147 2.6333 Fuel Selector Valve BOTH -0.2383 -0.0017 -0.6467 7.4667 /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 Power AS DESIRED -0.3236 -0.0070 -0.2241 3.5725 Mixture -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 ADJUST for smooth operation (full rich for idle power) Carburetor Heat FULL HEAT AS REQUIRED (to prevent carburetor icing) -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 1 Before Landing Seats, Seat Belt, Shoulder Harnesses SECURE Fuel Selector Valve BOTH -0.2383 -0.0017 -0.6467 7.4667 /consumables/fuel/tank/selected 1 /consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected 1 Mixture RICH -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.9 Carburetor Heat FULL HEAT (apply full heat before reducing power) -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 1 Autopilot OFF Landing Light ON -0.3608 -0.1285 -0.2150 2.2667 /controls/lighting/landing-lights property-assign /controls/lighting/landing-lights true Normal Landing Airspeed 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP) -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 65.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 75.0 Wing Flaps AS DESIRED 0 - 10 degrees below 110KIAS 10 - 30 degrees below 85KIAS -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.2 Airspeed 60-70 KIAS (flaps DOWN) -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 60.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 70.0 Touchdown MAIN WHEELS FIRST Landing Roll LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY Braking MINIMUM REQUIRED Short Field Landing Airspeed 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP) -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 65.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 75.0 Wing Flaps FULL DOWN (30 degrees) -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.9 Airspeed 61 KIAS (until flare) -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 59.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 63.0 Power REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle -0.2608 -0.0033 -0.2242 1.9971 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0.05 Touchdown MAIN WHEELS FIRST Braking APPLY HEAVILY /controls/gear/brake-left 0.9 /controls/gear/brake-right 0.9 Wing Flaps RETRACT -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.2 Aborted Landing Throttle FULL OPEN -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0.95 Carburetor Heat COLD -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 Wing Flaps 20 degrees (immediately) -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.6 /controls/flight/flaps 0.7 Climb Speed 55 KIAS -0.3608 -0.3083 0.0675 3.6500 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 53.0 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 58.0 Wing Flaps 10 degrees (until obstacles are cleared) RETRACT (after reaching safe altitude and 60 KIAS) -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.4 After Landing Carburetor Heat COLD -0.3225 -0.0850 -0.2117 2.0500 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat 0 Wing Flaps UP -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0.2 Transponder Mode SBY -0.3300 0.0480 -0.1650 1.6000 /instrumentation/transponder/inputs/knob-mode 1 property-assign /instrumentation/transponder/inputs/knob-mode 1 Landing Light AS REQUIRED -0.3608 -0.1285 -0.2150 2.2667 Taxi Light ON -0.3608 -0.1485 -0.2150 2.2667 /controls/lighting/taxi-light property-assign /controls/lighting/taxi-light true Securing Airplane Parking Brake SET -0.3092 -0.1992 -0.3284 3.4667 /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 Power SET 1000 RPM -0.3575 -0.3083 -0.1367 3.9167 /engines/engine/rpm 1000 Avionics, Power, Electrical, Autopilot ALL OFF Avionics Power Switch OFF -0.3600 -0.3230 -0.2660 1.7000 /controls/switches/master-avionics property-assign /controls/switches/master-avionics false Mixture PULLED FULL OUT -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0.05 Magnetos OFF -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 Flashing Beacon OFF -0.3608 -0.1550 -0.2633 1.7167 /controls/lighting/beacon property-assign /controls/lighting/beacon false Alternator Master Switch OFF -0.3616 -0.4167 -0.2358 1.9587 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-alt false Battery Master Switch OFF -0.3500 -0.3967 -0.2283 2.0413 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat false Parking Brake SET -0.3092 -0.1992 -0.3284 3.4667 /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 property-assign /controls/gear/brake-parking 1 Control Lock INSTALL EMERGENCY: Eng. Fail (Takeoff Roll) Throttle IDLE -0.3342 -0.0027 -0.2289 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine/throttle 0 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle 0 Wheel brakes APPLY /controls/gear/brake-left 1 /controls/gear/brake-right 1 Flaps RETRACT -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 0 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 0 Mixture CUT OFF -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 Magnetos/Ignition OFF -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 Battery Master Switch OFF -0.3500 -0.3967 -0.2283 2.0413 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat false EMERGENCY: Eng. Fail (Takeoff) Airspeed 60-65 KIAS -0.3744 -0.3091 0.0645 3.6446 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 57 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 68 Mixture CUT OFF -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 Fuel Selector Valve OFF -0.2645 -0.0091 -0.6620 7.5620 consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected false property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected false Magnetos/Ignition OFF -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/magnetos 0 Flaps FULL -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 1 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 1 Battery Master Switch OFF -0.3500 -0.3967 -0.2283 2.0413 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat false EMERGENCY: Eng. Fail (Flight) Airspeed 65 KIAS -0.3744 -0.3091 0.0645 3.6446 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 62 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 68 Carburetor Heat ON -0.3025 -0.0860 -0.2198 2.6529 /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat property-assign /controls/anti-ice/engine[0]/carb-heat true Fuel Selector Valve BOTH -0.2645 -0.0091 -0.6620 7.5620 consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected true property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected true Mixture RICH -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 1 Magnetos/Ignition BOTH (or START if prop is stopped) -0.3500 -0.3600 -0.2700 2.0000 /controls/engines/engine/magnetos 3 /controls/switches/starter 1 Primer A few strokes, then IN while holding starter -0.3500 -0.4400 -0.2700 1.0000 /controls/engines/engine/primer-lever 0 /controls/engines/engine[0]/primer 2 nasal property-assign controls/engines/engine/primer-lever 0 EMERGENCY: Eng. Fail (Landing) Airspeed 60-65 KIAS -0.3744 -0.3091 0.0645 3.6446 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 57 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 68 Mixture CUT OFF -0.3067 0.0767 -0.2108 3.1156 /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 property-interpolate /controls/engines/engine[0]/mixture 0 Fuel Selector Valve OFF -0.2645 -0.0091 -0.6620 7.5620 consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[0]/selected false property-assign consumables/fuel/tank[1]/selected false Flaps FULL -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 1 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 1 Battery Master Switch OFF -0.3500 -0.3967 -0.2283 2.0413 /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat property-assign /controls/engines/engine[0]/master-bat false Touchdown SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW Wheel brakes APPLY HEAVILY /controls/gear/brake-left 1 /controls/gear/brake-right 1 EMERGENCY: Ditching Radio MAYDAY on 121.5 MHz GIVE LOCATION -0.3702 0.0645 0.0595 3.7769 /instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz 121.5 /instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt 121.50 property-assign /instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz 121.5 property-assign /instrumentation/comm/frequencies/selected-mhz-fmt 121.5 Squak 7700 -0.3603 0.1264 -0.1727 4.4876 /instrumentation/transponder/id-code 7700 property-assign /instrumentation/transponder/id-code 7700 Flaps FULL -0.3608 0.1725 -0.2325 4.2667 /controls/flight/flaps 1 property-assign /controls/flight/flaps 1 Airspeed 60-65 KIAS -0.3744 -0.3091 0.0645 3.6446 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 57 /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/indicated-speed-kt 68 After touchdown LEAVE AIRPLANE IMMEDIATELY