# # FlightGear canvas gui # Namespace: canvas # # Classes: # WindowButton # Window # # see also api.nas var gui = { widgets: {}, focused_window: nil, open_popups: [], region_highlight: nil, menubar: nil, # Window/dialog stacking order STACK_INDEX: { "default": 0, "always-on-top": 1, "tooltip": 2 } }; var gui_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Nasal/canvas/gui/"; var loadGUIFile = func(file) io.load_nasal(gui_dir ~ file, "canvas"); var loadWidget = func(name) loadGUIFile("widgets/" ~ name ~ ".nas"); var loadDialog = func(name) loadGUIFile("dialogs/" ~ name ~ ".nas"); loadGUIFile("Config.nas"); loadGUIFile("Menu.nas"); loadGUIFile("MenuBar.nas"); loadGUIFile("Popup.nas"); loadGUIFile("Style.nas"); loadGUIFile("Widget.nas"); loadGUIFile("styles/DefaultStyle.nas"); # widgets loadWidget("Button"); loadWidget("CheckBox"); loadWidget("Label"); loadWidget("LineEdit"); loadWidget("MenuBar"); loadWidget("PropertyWidgets"); loadWidget("ScrollArea"); loadWidget("Rule"); loadWidget("Slider"); loadWidget("TabWidget"); # standard dialogs loadDialog("InputDialog"); loadDialog("MessageBox"); loadDialog("WidgetsFactoryDialog"); var style = DefaultStyle.new("AmbianceClassic", "Humanity"); var WindowButton = { new: func(parent, name) { var m = { parents: [WindowButton, gui.widgets.Button.new(parent, nil, {"flat": 1})], _name: name }; m._focus_policy = m.NoFocus; m._setView({_root: parent.createChild("image", "WindowButton-" ~ name)}); return m; }, # protected: _onStateChange: func { var file = style._dir_decoration ~ "/" ~ me._name; var window_focus = me._windowFocus(); file ~= window_focus ? "_focused" : "_unfocused"; if( me._down ) file ~= "_pressed"; else if( me._hover ) file ~= "_prelight"; else if( window_focus ) file ~= "_normal"; me._view._root.set("src", file ~ ".png"); } }; var Window = { # Constructor # # @param size ([width, height]) new: func(size, type = nil, id = nil, allowfocus = 1, destroy_on_close = 1) { var ghost = _newWindowGhost(id); var m = { parents: [Window, PropertyElement, ghost], _allowfocus: allowfocus, _destroy_on_close: destroy_on_close, _ghost: ghost, _node: props.wrapNode(ghost._node_ghost), _focused: 0, _widgets: [], _frame_width: 4, _title_bar_height: 25, _title: nil, }; m.setInt("content-size[0]", size[0]); m.setInt("content-size[1]", size[1]); m.setDouble("aspect-ratio", size[0]/size[1]); m.setBool("lock-aspect-ratio", 0); var desktopSize = [props.globals.getValue("/sim/gui/canvas/size[0]"), props.globals.getValue("/sim/gui/canvas/size[1]")]; var pos = [desktopSize[0] / 2 - size[0] / 2 + 10, desktopSize[1] / 2 - size[1] / 2 + 30]; m.move(pos[0], pos[1]); if (destroy_on_close) { m.setFocus(); } else { m._ghost.hide(); } # arg = [child, listener_node, mode, is_child_event] setlistener(m._node, func m._propCallback(arg[0], arg[2]), 0, 2); if( type ) m.set("type", type); return m; }, # Destructor del: func { if (me["_title"] != nil) me._title.del(); me.clearFocus(); if( me["_canvas"] != nil ) { var placements = me._canvas._node.getChildren("placement"); # Do not remove canvas if other placements exist if( size(placements) > 1 ) { foreach(var p; placements) { if( p.getValue("type") == "window" and p.getValue("id") == me.get("id") ) p.remove(); } } else { me._canvas.del(); } me._canvas = nil; } if (me._node != nil) { me._node.remove(); me._node = nil; } }, setTitle: func(title) { return me.set("title", title); }, # Create the canvas to be used for this Window # # @return The new canvas createCanvas: func() { var size = [ me.get("content-size[0]"), me.get("content-size[1]") ]; me._canvas = new({ size: [size[0], size[1]], view: size, placement: { type: "window", id: me.get("id") }, # Standard alpha blending "blend-source-rgb": "src-alpha", "blend-destination-rgb": "one-minus-src-alpha", # Just keep current alpha (TODO allow using rgb textures instead of rgba?) "blend-source-alpha": "zero", "blend-destination-alpha": "one" }); me._canvas._focused_widget = nil; me._canvas.data("focused", me._focused); me._canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", func me.raise()); return me._canvas; }, # Set an existing canvas to be used for this Window setCanvas: func(canvas_) { if( ghosttype(canvas_) != "Canvas" ) return debug.warn("Not a Canvas"); canvas_.addPlacement({type: "window", "id": me.get("id")}); me['_canvas'] = canvas_; canvas_._focused_widget = nil; canvas_.data("focused", me._focused); # prevent resizing if canvas is placed from somewhere else me.onResize = nil; return me; }, # Get the displayed canvas getCanvas: func(create = 0) { if( me['_canvas'] == nil and create ) me.createCanvas(); return me['_canvas']; }, getCanvasDecoration: func() { return wrapCanvas(me._getCanvasDecoration()); }, setLayout: func(l) { if( me['_canvas'] == nil ) me.createCanvas(); me._canvas.update(); # Ensure placement is applied me._ghost.setLayout(l); return me; }, # setFocus: func { if( me._focused ) return me; if( gui.focused_window != nil ) gui.focused_window.clearFocus(); if (!me._allowfocus) return me; # Make the window not take focus, so focus returns to FGFS me._focused = 1; # me.onFocusIn(); me._onStateChange(); gui.focused_window = me; setInputFocus(me); return me; }, # clearFocus: func { if( !me._focused ) return me; me._focused = 0; # me.onFocusOut(); me._onStateChange(); gui.focused_window = nil; setInputFocus(nil); return me; }, setPosition: func { if( size(arg) == 1 ) var arg = arg[0]; var (x, y) = arg; me.setInt("tf/t[0]", x); me.setInt("tf/t[1]", y); return me; }, setSize: func { if( size(arg) == 1 ) var arg = arg[0]; var (w, h) = arg; me.set("content-size[0]", w); me.set("content-size[1]", h); if( me.onResize != nil ) me.onResize(); return me; }, getSize: func { var w = me.get("content-size[0]"); var h = me.get("content-size[1]"); return [w,h]; }, move: func { if( size(arg) == 1 ) var arg = arg[0]; var (x, y) = arg; me.setInt("tf/t[0]", me.get("tf/t[0]", 10) + x); me.setInt("tf/t[1]", me.get("tf/t[1]", 30) + y); return me; }, # Raise to top of window stack raise: func() { # on writing the z-index the window always is moved to the top of all other # windows with the same z-index. me.setInt("z-index", me.get("z-index", gui.STACK_INDEX["default"])); me.setFocus(); foreach(var p; gui.open_popups) { p.hide(); } }, hide: func() { me.clearFocus(); me._ghost.hide(); }, show: func() { me._ghost.show(); me.raise(); me._canvas.update(); }, # Hide / show the window based on whether it's currently visible toggle: func() { if (me.isVisible()) { me.hide(); } else { me.show(); me.raise(); } }, # function to be executed when the close button is pressed onClose: func() { if (me._destroy_on_close) { me.del(); } else { me.hide(); } }, onResize: func() { if( me['_canvas'] == nil ) return; for(var i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) { var size = me.get("content-size[" ~ i ~ "]"); me._canvas.set("size[" ~ i ~ "]", size); me._canvas.set("view[" ~ i ~ "]", size); } }, lockAspectRatio: func (lock=1) { me.setBool("lock-aspect-ratio", lock); }, # protected: _onStateChange: func { var event = canvas.CustomEvent.new("wm.focus-" ~ (me._focused ? "in" : "out")); if( me._getCanvasDecoration() != nil ) { # Stronger shadow for focused windows me.getCanvasDecoration() .set("image[1]/fill", me._focused ? "#000000" : "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)"); var suffix = me._focused ? "" : "-unfocused"; me._title_bar_bg.set("fill", style.getColor("title" ~ suffix)); me._frame.setStroke(style.getColor("title" ~ suffix)); me._title.setColor(style.getColor("title-text" ~ suffix)); me._top_line.setStroke(style.getColor("title-highlight" ~ suffix)); me.getCanvasDecoration() .data("focused", me._focused) .dispatchEvent(event); } if( me.getCanvas() != nil ) me.getCanvas() .data("focused", me._focused) .dispatchEvent(event); }, # private: #mode 0 = value changed, +-1 add/remove node _propCallback: func(child, mode) { if( !me._node.equals(child.getParent()) ) return; var name = child.getName(); # support for CSS like position: absolute; with right and/or bottom margin if( name == "right" ) me._handlePositionAbsolute(child, mode, name, 0); elsif( name == "bottom" ) me._handlePositionAbsolute(child, mode, name, 1); if (mode == 0) { if (name == "type") me._updateDecoration(); elsif (name.starts_with("resize-")) me._handleResize(child, name); elsif (name == "size") me._resizeDecoration(); } }, _handlePositionAbsolute: func(child, mode, name, index) { # mode # -1 child removed # 0 value changed # 1 child added if( mode == 0 ) me._updatePos(index, name); else if( mode == 1 ) me["_listener_" ~ name] = [ setlistener ( "/sim/gui/canvas/size[" ~ index ~ "]", func me._updatePos(index, name) ), setlistener ( me._node.getNode("content-size[" ~ index ~ "]"), func me._updatePos(index, name) ) ]; else if( mode == -1 ) for(var i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) removelistener(me["_listener_" ~ name][i]); }, _updatePos: func(index, name) { me.setInt ( "tf/t[" ~ index ~ "]", getprop("/sim/gui/canvas/size[" ~ index ~ "]") - me.get(name) - me.get("content-size[" ~ index ~ "]") ); }, _handleResize: func(child, name) { var is_status = name == "resize-status"; if( !is_status and !me["_resize"] ) return; var min_size = [75, 100]; var x = me.get("tf/t[0]"); var y = me.get("tf/t[1]"); var old_size = [me.get("size[0]"), me.get("size[1]")]; if (me.get("lock-aspect-ratio")) { var old_csize = [me.get("content-size[0]"), me.get("content-size[1]")]; var dx = old_size[0] - old_csize[0]; var dy = old_size[1] - old_csize[1]; var ar = me.get("aspect-ratio"); if (name == "resize-right") me.set("resize-bottom", (me.get("resize-right") - dx) / ar + dy); if (name == "resize-bottom") me.set("resize-right", (me.get("resize-bottom") - dy)* ar + dx); if (name == "resize-left") me.set("resize-top", (me.get("resize-left"))/ ar ); if (name == "resize-top") me.set("resize-left", (me.get("resize-top"))* ar ); } var l = x + math.min(me.get("resize-left"), old_size[0] - min_size[0]); var t = y + math.min(me.get("resize-top"), old_size[1] - min_size[1]); var r = x + math.max(me.get("resize-right"), min_size[0]); var b = y + math.max(me.get("resize-bottom"), min_size[1]); if( is_status ) { me._resize = child.getValue(); if( me._resize and gui.region_highlight == nil ) gui.region_highlight = getDesktop().createChild("path", "highlight") .set("stroke", "#ffa500") .set("stroke-width", 2) .set("fill", "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.15)") .set("z-index", 100); else if( !me._resize and gui.region_highlight != nil ) { gui.region_highlight.hide(); me.setPosition(l, t); me.setSize ( me.get("content-size[0]") + (r - l) - old_size[0], me.get("content-size[1]") + (b - t) - old_size[1], ); if( me.onResize != nil ) me.onResize(); return; } } else if( !me["_resize"] ) return; gui.region_highlight.reset() .moveTo(l, t) .horizTo(r) .vertTo(b) .horizTo(l) .close() .update() .show(); }, _updateDecoration: func() { var border_radius = 9; me.set("decoration-border", "25 1 1"); me.set("shadow-inset", int((1 - math.cos(45 * D2R)) * border_radius + 0.5)); me.set("shadow-radius", 5); me.setBool("update", 1); var canvas_deco = me.getCanvasDecoration(); canvas_deco.addEventListener("mousedown", func me.raise()); canvas_deco.set("blend-source-rgb", "src-alpha"); canvas_deco.set("blend-destination-rgb", "one-minus-src-alpha"); canvas_deco.set("blend-source-alpha", "one"); canvas_deco.set("blend-destination-alpha", "one"); var group_deco = canvas_deco.getGroup("decoration"); var title_bar = group_deco.createChild("group", "title_bar"); me._title_bar_bg = title_bar.createChild("path"); me._top_line = title_bar.createChild("path", "top-line"); me._frame = title_bar.createChild("path"); me._frame.set("fill", "none"); me._frame.set("stroke-width", me._frame_width); # close icon var x = 10; var y = 3; var w = 19; var h = 19; var button_close = WindowButton.new(title_bar, "close") .move(x, y); button_close.listen("clicked", func me.onClose()); # title var title = me.get("title", "Canvas Dialog"); me._title = title_bar.createChild("text", "title") .setText(title) .setAlignment("left-center") .set("character-size", 14) .setFont("LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf") .setTranslation(int(x + 1.5 * w + 0.5), int(y + 0.5 * h + 0.5)); me._node.getNode("title", 1).alias(me._title._node.getPath() ~ "/text"); title_bar.addEventListener("drag", func(e) me.move(e.deltaX, e.deltaY)); me._resizeDecoration(); me._onStateChange(); }, _resizeDecoration: func() { if( me["_title_bar_bg"] == nil ) return; var border_radius = 9; me._title_bar_bg .reset() .rect( 0, 0, me.get("size[0]"), me._title_bar_height, {"border-top-radius": border_radius} ); me._frame .reset() .rect( 0, 0, me.get("size[0]"), me.get("size[1]"), {"border-top-radius": border_radius} ); me._top_line .reset() .moveTo(border_radius - 2, 2) .lineTo(me.get("size[0]") - border_radius + 2, 2); } }; #Window # Clear focus on click outside any window getDesktop().addEventListener("mousedown", func { if (gui.focused_window != nil) { gui.focused_window.clearFocus(); } foreach (var p; gui.open_popups) { p.hide(); } }); # disabled until this is hooked up to the PUICompat code #gui.menubar = gui.MenuBar.new(); # Provide old 'Dialog' for backwards compatiblity (should be removed for 3.0) var Dialog = { new: func(size, type = nil, id = nil) { debug.warn("'canvas.Dialog' is deprectated! (use canvas.Window instead)"); return Window.new(size, type, id); } }; var unloadGUI = func() { if (gui.menubar) { gui.menubar.del(); gui.menubar = nil; } }