This document describes the syntax for text objects in the scene graph. Text nodes are configured using XML and may appear within a model description file, like other models or the particlesystem. For the anxious reader, here is a complete example of a text node: My first Text 0 0 0 0 0 0 xy-plane literal Hello, world! text-value some/property %s number-value position/latitude-deg 1.0 0.0 %5.2lf false left-to-right true false false led.txf 0.01 1.0 0.012 0.040 32 32 default center-center The node may appear within or nodes. If you place your text directly within your model file, use nodes. You can also put your configuration into a separate file using the well known include directive: Your model.xml file: Your HelloWorld.xml: Hello World Helvetica.txf literal Hello, world! Animation can be applied to text nodes like any other object. To give your text some color, use the material animation, or translate, rotate, scale or spin your text as you like.