## # Pop up a "tip" dialog for a moment, then remove it. The delay in # seconds can be specified as the second argument. The default is 1 # second. Note that the tip dialog is a shared resource. If # someone else comes along and wants to pop a tip up before your delay # is finished, you lose. :) # popupTip = func { delay = if(size(arg) > 1) {arg[1]} else {DELAY}; tmpl = { name : "PopTip", modal : 0, layout : "hbox", y: screenHProp.getValue() - 140, text : { label : arg[0], padding : 6 } }; popdown(); fgcommand("dialog-new", props.Node.new(tmpl)); fgcommand("dialog-show", tipArg); currTimer = currTimer + 1; thisTimer = currTimer; settimer(func { if(currTimer == thisTimer) { popdown() } }, DELAY); } showDialog = func { fgcommand("dialog-show", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : arg[0]})); } ######################################################################## # Private Stuff: ######################################################################## ## # Initialize property nodes via a timer, to insure the props module is # loaded. See notes in view.nas. Simply cache the screen height # property and the argument for the "dialog-show" command. This # probably isn't really needed... # screenHProp = tipArg = nil; INIT = func { screenHProp = props.globals.getNode("/sim/startup/ysize"); tipArg = props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : "PopTip" }); props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/debug", 1).setValues(debug_keys); props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/basic", 1).setValues(basic_keys); props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/common", 1).setValues(common_aircraft_keys); } settimer(INIT, 0); ## # How many seconds do we show the tip? # DELAY = 1.0; ## # Pop down the tip dialog, if it is visible. # popdown = func { fgcommand("dialog-close", tipArg); } # Marker for the "current" timer. This value gets stored in the # closure of the timer function, and is used to check that there # hasn't been a more recent timer set that should override. currTimer = 0; ######################################################################## # Widgets & Layout Management ######################################################################## ## # A "widget" class that wraps a property node. It provides useful # helper methods that are difficult or tedious with the raw property # API. Note especially the slightly tricky addChild() method. # Widget = { set : func { me.node.getNode(arg[0], 1).setValue(arg[1]); }, prop : func { return me.node; }, new : func { return { parents : [Widget], node : props.Node.new() } }, addChild : func { type = arg[0]; idx = size(me.node.getChildren(type)); name = type ~ "[" ~ idx ~ "]"; newnode = me.node.getNode(name, 1); return { parents : [Widget], node : newnode }; }, setColor : func(r, g, b, a = 1) { me.node.setValues({ color : { red:r, green:g, blue:b, alpha:a } }); }, setFont : func(n, s = 13, t = 0) { me.node.setValues({ font : { name:n, "size":s, slant:t } }); }, }; ######################################################################## # GUI theming ######################################################################## nextStyle = func { numStyles = size(props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("gui")); curr = getprop("/sim/current-gui") + 1; if (curr >= numStyles) { curr = 0; } setprop("/sim/current-gui", curr); fgcommand("reinit", props.Node.new({ "subsystem" : "gui"})) } ######################################################################## # Dialog Boxes ######################################################################## dialog = {}; ## # Dynamically generates a weight & fuel configuration dialog specific to # the aircraft. # showWeightDialog = func { name = "WeightAndFuel"; title = "Weight and Fuel Settings"; # # General Dialog Structure # dialog[name] = Widget.new(); dialog[name].set("name", name); dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox"); header = dialog[name].addChild("text"); header.set("label", title); contentArea = dialog[name].addChild("group"); contentArea.set("layout", "hbox"); grossWgt = props.globals.getNode("/yasim/gross-weight-lbs"); if(grossWgt != nil) { gwg = dialog[name].addChild("group"); gwg.set("layout", "hbox"); gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); gwg.addChild("text").set("label", "Gross Weight:"); txt = gwg.addChild("text"); txt.set("label", "0123456789"); txt.set("format", "%.0f lb"); txt.set("property", "/yasim/gross-weight-lbs"); txt.set("live", 1); gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); } buttonBar = dialog[name].addChild("group"); buttonBar.set("layout", "hbox"); buttonBar.set("default-padding", 10); ok = buttonBar.addChild("button"); ok.set("legend", "OK"); ok.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply"); ok.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close"); # Temporary helper function tcell = func { cell = arg[0].addChild(arg[1]); cell.set("row", arg[2]); cell.set("col", arg[3]); return cell; } # # Fill in the content area # fuelArea = contentArea.addChild("group"); fuelArea.set("layout", "vbox"); fuelArea.addChild("text").set("label", "Fuel Tanks"); fuelTable = fuelArea.addChild("group"); fuelTable.set("layout", "table"); fuelArea.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 0).set("label", "Tank"); tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 3).set("label", "Pounds"); tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 4).set("label", "Gallons"); tanks = props.globals.getNode("/consumables/fuel").getChildren("tank"); for(i=0; i [, toggle]]) # # path ... path to help node # toggle ... decides if an already open dialog should be closed # (useful when calling the dialog from a key binding; default: 0) # # help node # ========= # each of , <key>, <line>, <text> is optional; uses # "/sim/description" or "/sim/aircraft" if <title> is omitted; # only the first <text> is displayed # # # <help> # <title>dialog title<title> # <key> # <name>g/G</name> # <desc>gear up/down</desc> # </key> # # <line>one line</line> # <line>another line</line> # # <text>text in # scrollable widget # </text> # </help> # showHelpDialog = func { node = props.globals.getNode(arg[0]); if (arg[0] == "/sim/help" and size(node.getChildren()) < 4) { node = node.getChild("common"); } name = node.getNode("title", 1).getValue(); if (name == nil) { name = getprop("/sim/description"); if (name == nil) { name = getprop("/sim/aircraft"); } } toggle = size(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != nil and arg[1] > 0; if (toggle and contains(dialog, name)) { fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : name })); delete(dialog, name); return; } dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new(); dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox"); dialog[name].set("default-padding", 0); dialog[name].set("name", name); # title bar titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group"); titlebar.set("layout", "hbox"); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", name); titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1); w = titlebar.addChild("button"); w.set("pref-width", 16); w.set("pref-height", 16); w.set("legend", ""); w.set("default", 1); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal"); w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("delete(gui.dialog, \"" ~ name ~ "\")"); w.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close"); w = dialog[name].addChild("hrule"); w.addChild("empty"); # key list keylist = dialog[name].addChild("group"); keylist.set("layout", "table"); keylist.set("default-padding", 2); keydefs = node.getChildren("key"); n = size(keydefs); row = col = 0; foreach (key; keydefs) { if (n >= 60 and row >= n / 3 or n >= 16 and row >= n / 2) { col += 1; row = 0; } w = keylist.addChild("text"); w.set("row", row); w.set("col", 2 * col); w.set("halign", "right"); w.set("label", " " ~ key.getNode("name").getValue()); w = keylist.addChild("text"); w.set("row", row); w.set("col", 2 * col + 1); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("label", "... " ~ key.getNode("desc").getValue() ~ " "); row += 1; } # separate lines lines = node.getChildren("line"); if (size(lines)) { if (size(keydefs)) { dialog[name].addChild("text").set("label", "_________________________"); } g = dialog[name].addChild("group"); g.set("layout", "vbox"); g.set("default-padding", 1); foreach (l; lines) { w = g.addChild("text"); w.set("halign", "left"); w.set("label", " " ~ l.getValue() ~ " "); } } # scrollable text area if (node.getNode("text") != nil) { dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 10); width = [640, 800, 1152][col]; height = screenHProp.getValue() - (100 + (size(keydefs) / (col + 1) + size(lines)) * 28); if (height < 200) { height = 200; } w = dialog[name].addChild("textbox"); w.set("halign", "center"); w.set("slider", 20); w.set("pref-width", width); w.set("pref-height", height); w.set("editable", 0); w.set("property", node.getPath() ~ "/text"); } else { dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 8); } fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop()); showDialog(name); } debug_keys = { title : "Development Keys", key : [ #{ name : "Ctrl-U", desc : "add 1000 ft of emergency altitude" }, { name : "F2", desc : "force tile cache reload" }, { name : "F4", desc : "force lighting update" }, { name : "F8", desc : "cycle fog type" }, { name : "F9", desc : "toggle textures" }, { name : "Shift-F3", desc : "load panel" }, { name : "Shift-F4", desc : "reload global preferences" }, { name : "Shift-F9", desc : "toggle FDM data logging" }, ], }; basic_keys = { title : "Basic Keys", key : [ { name : "?", desc : "show/hide aircraft help dialog" }, #{ name : "Tab", desc : "show/hide aircraft config dialog" }, { name : "Esc", desc : "quit FlightGear" }, { name : "Shift-Esc", desc : "reset FlightGear" }, { name : "a/A", desc : "increase/decrease speed-up" }, { name : "c", desc : "toggle 3D/2D cockpit" }, { name : "Ctrl-C", desc : "toggle clickable panel hotspots" }, { name : "p", desc : "pause/continue sim" }, { name : "r", desc : "activate instant replay system" }, { name : "Ctrl-R", desc : "show radio setting dialog" }, { name : "t/T", desc : "increase/decrease warp delta" }, { name : "v/V", desc : "cycle views (forward/backward)" }, { name : "Ctrl-V", desc : "select cockpit view" }, { name : "w/W", desc : "increase/decrease warp" }, { name : "x/X", desc : "zoom in/out" }, { name : "Ctrl-X", desc : "reset zoom to default" }, { name : "z/Z", desc : "increase/decrease visibility" }, { name : "'", desc : "display ATC setting dialog" }, { name : "F1", desc : "load flight" }, { name : "F3", desc : "capture screen" }, { name : "F10", desc : "toggle menubar" }, { name : "Shift-F2", desc : "save flight" }, { name : "Shift-F10", desc : "cycle through GUI styles" }, ], }; common_aircraft_keys = { title : "Common Aircraft Keys", key : [ { name : "Enter", desc : "move rudder right" }, { name : "0/Insert", desc : "move rudder left" }, { name : "1/End", desc : "decrease elevator trim" }, { name : "2/Up", desc : "increase elevator or AP altitude" }, { name : "3/PgDn", desc : "decr. throttle or AP autothrottle" }, { name : "4/Left", desc : "move aileron left or adj. AP hdg." }, { name : "5/KP5", desc : "center aileron, elev., and rudder" }, { name : "6/Right", desc : "move aileron right or adj. AP hdg." }, { name : "7/Home", desc : "increase elevator trim" }, { name : "8/Down", desc : "decrease elevator or AP altitude" }, { name : "9/PgUp", desc : "incr. throttle or AP autothrottle" }, { name : "Space", desc : "fire starter on selected eng." }, { name : "!/@/#/$", desc : "select engine 1/2/3/4" }, { name : "b", desc : "apply all brakes" }, { name : "B", desc : "toggle parking brake" }, #{ name : "Ctrl-B", desc : "toggle speed brake" }, { name : "g/G", desc : "gear up/down" }, { name : "h", desc : "cycle HUD (head up display)" }, { name : "H", desc : "cycle HUD brightness" }, { name : "i/Shift-i", desc : "normal/minimal HUD" }, #{ name : "j", desc : "decrease spoilers" }, #{ name : "k", desc : "increase spoilers" }, { name : "l", desc : "toggle tail-wheel lock" }, { name : "m/M", desc : "mixture richer/leaner" }, { name : "P", desc : "toggle 2D panel" }, { name : "s", desc : "swap panels" }, { name : ", .", desc : "left/right brake (comma, period)" }, { name : "~", desc : "select all engines (tilde)" }, { name : "[ ]", desc : "flaps up/down" }, { name : "{ }", desc : "decr/incr magneto on sel. eng." }, { name : "Ctrl-A", desc : "AP: toggle altitude lock" }, { name : "Ctrl-G", desc : "AP: toggle glide slope lock" }, { name : "Ctrl-H", desc : "AP: toggle heading lock" }, { name : "Ctrl-N", desc : "AP: toggle NAV1 lock" }, { name : "Ctrl-P", desc : "AP: toggle pitch hold" }, { name : "Ctrl-S", desc : "AP: toggle auto-throttle" }, { name : "Ctrl-T", desc : "AP: toggle terrain lock" }, { name : "Ctrl-W", desc : "AP: toggle wing leveler" }, { name : "F6", desc : "AP: toggle heading mode" }, { name : "F11", desc : "pop up autopilot (AP) dialog" }, { name : "Shift-F5", desc : "scroll 2D panel down" }, { name : "Shift-F6", desc : "scroll 2D panel up" }, { name : "Shift-F7", desc : "scroll 2D panel left" }, { name : "Shift-F8", desc : "scroll 2D panel right" }, ], };