########################################################################### # simulation of a faraway orbital target (needs handover to spacecraft-specific # code for close range) # Thorsten Renk 2016-2019 ########################################################################### var orbitalTarget = { new: func(altitude, inclination, node_longitude, anomaly) { var t = { parents: [orbitalTarget] }; t.altitude = altitude; t.radius = 20908323.0 * 0.3048 + t.altitude; t.GM = 398759391386476.0; #t.GM = 398600441800000.0; t.period = 2.0 * math.pi * math.sqrt(math.pow(t.radius, 3.0)/ t.GM); t.inclination = inclination; t.inc_rad = t.inclination * math.pi/180.0; t.l_vec = [math.sin(t.inc_rad), 0.0, math.cos(t.inc_rad)]; t.node_longitude = node_longitude; t.nl_rad = t.node_longitude * math.pi/180.0; t.initial_nl_rad = t.nl_rad; var l_tmp = t.l_vec[0]; t.l_vec[0] = math.sin(t.nl_rad) * l_tmp; t.l_vec[1] = -math.cos(t.nl_rad) * l_tmp; t.anomaly = anomaly; t.anomaly_rad = t.anomaly * math.pi/180.0; t.initial_anomaly_rad = t.anomaly_rad; t.delta_lon = 0.0; t.update_time = 0.1; t.running_flag = 0; t.elapsed_time = 0.0; t.delta_time = 0.0; t.label = ""; # Coefficients for the J3 altitude variation var inc_var = t.inclination/60.0; #print ("inc_var:", inc_var); t.coeff1 = (10268. - 0.99579 * (t.altitude / 1000.0)) * inc_var; t.coeff2 = 0.212 * 2.0 * math.pi; #t.node_drift = -4361.26 * 1./math.pow(t.radius/1000.0 ,2.0) * math.cos(t.inc_rad); t.node_drift = -2.16732e+9 /math.pow(t.radius/1000.0, 3.48908) * math.cos(t.inc_rad); print ("Drift rate: ", t.node_drift); return t; }, set_anomaly: func (anomaly) { t.anomaly = anomaly; t.anomaly_rad = t.anomaly * math.pi/180.0; }, set_delta_lon: func (dl) { t.delta_lon = dl; }, list: func { print("Radius: ", me.radius, " period: ", me.period); print("L_vector: ", me.l_vec[0], " ", me.l_vec[1], " ", me.l_vec[2]); print("L_norm: ", math.sqrt(me.l_vec[0] * me.l_vec[0] + me.l_vec[1] * me.l_vec[1] + me.l_vec[2] * me.l_vec[2])); var pos = me.get_inertial_pos(); print("Inertial: ", pos[0], " ", pos[1], " ", pos[2]); print("Rad: ", math.sqrt(pos[0] * pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1] + pos[2] * pos[2])); var lla = me.get_latlonalt(); print("Lat: ", lla[0], " lon: ", lla[1], " alt: ", lla[2]); }, evolve: func { var dt = getprop("/sim/time/delta-sec"); #var speedup = getprop("/sim/speed-up"); #dt = dt * speedup; me.anomaly_rad = me.anomaly_rad + dt/me.period * 2.0 * math.pi; if (me.anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { me.anomaly_rad = me.anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } me.anomaly = me.anomaly_rad * 180.0/math.pi; me.delta_lon = me.delta_lon + dt * 0.00418333333333327; me.node_longitude = me.node_longitude + me.node_drift * dt; me.nl_rad = me.node_longitude * math.pi/180.0; me.l_vec = [math.sin(me.inc_rad), 0.0, math.cos(me.inc_rad)]; var l_tmp = me.l_vec[0]; me.l_vec[0] = math.sin(me.nl_rad) * l_tmp; me.l_vec[1] = -math.cos(me.nl_rad) * l_tmp; }, get_inertial_pos: func { return me.compute_inertial_pos(me.anomaly_rad, me.nl_rad); }, get_inertial_pos_at_time: func (time) { var anomaly_rad = me.initial_anomaly_rad + (time - me.delta_time)/me.period * 2.0 * math.pi; while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } var nl_rad = me.initial_nl_rad + me.node_drift * (time - me.delta_time) * math.pi/180.0; return me.compute_inertial_pos(anomaly_rad, nl_rad); }, get_inertial_speed: func () { # obtain via numerical discretization from two points var anomaly_rad = me.anomaly_rad; while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } var pos1 = me.compute_inertial_pos(anomaly_rad, me.nl_rad); anomaly_rad = me.anomaly_rad + 0.1/me.period * 2.0 * math.pi; while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } var pos2 = me.compute_inertial_pos(anomaly_rad, me.nl_rad); var vx = (pos2[0] - pos1[0])/0.1; var vy = (pos2[1] - pos1[1])/0.1; var vz = (pos2[2] - pos1[2])/0.1; return [vx, vy, vz]; }, get_inertial_speed_at_time: func (time) { # obtain via numerical discretization from two points var anomaly_rad = me.initial_anomaly_rad + (time- me.delta_time)/me.period * 2.0 * math.pi; while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } var nl_rad = me.initial_nl_rad + me.node_drift * (time - me.delta_time) * math.pi/180.0; var pos1 = me.compute_inertial_pos(anomaly_rad, nl_rad); anomaly_rad = me.initial_anomaly_rad + ((time - me.delta_time) + 0.1)/me.period * 2.0 * math.pi; while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } nl_rad = me.initial_nl_rad + me.node_drift * ((time - me.delta_time) +0.1) * math.pi/180.0; var pos2 = me.compute_inertial_pos(anomaly_rad, nl_rad); var vx = (pos2[0] - pos1[0])/0.1; var vy = (pos2[1] - pos1[1])/0.1; var vz = (pos2[2] - pos1[2])/0.1; return [vx, vy, vz]; }, compute_inertial_pos: func (anomaly_rad, nl_rad) { # J3 variation around radius while (anomaly_rad > 2.0 * math.pi) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad - 2.0 * math.pi; } while (anomaly_rad < 0.0) { anomaly_rad = anomaly_rad + 2.0 * math.pi; } var r_corr = me.coeff1 * math.exp(- math.pow(((anomaly_rad - math.pi)/ me.coeff2),2.0)); #print (r_corr); # movement around equatorial orbit var x = (me.radius + r_corr) * math.cos(anomaly_rad); var y = (me.radius + r_corr) * math.sin(anomaly_rad); var z = 0; # tilt with inclination z = y * math.sin(me.inc_rad); y = y * math.cos(me.inc_rad); # rotate with node longitude var xp = x * math.cos(nl_rad) - y * math.sin(nl_rad); var yp = x * math.sin(nl_rad) + y * math.cos(nl_rad); # this is a good bit of trickery to capture leading J3 dynamics var corr_200 = -2.6e-5 * me.inclination + 1.00321; var corr = corr_200 * (1.0 + (me.altitude/1000.0-200.0) * 6e-7); corr = 1.0 + (0.64 * (corr -1.0)); #print ("Corr200 is now:", corr_200); #print ("Corr is now:", corr); #print ("Altitude: ", me.altitude); z /= corr; return [xp, yp, z]; }, get_latlonalt: func { var coordinates = geo.Coord.new(); var inertial_pos = me.get_inertial_pos(); coordinates.set_xyz(inertial_pos[0], inertial_pos[1], inertial_pos[2]); coordinates.set_lon(coordinates.lon() - me.delta_lon); return [coordinates.lat(), coordinates.lon(), coordinates.alt()]; }, start: func { if (me.running_flag == 1) {return;} me.running_flag = 1; me.run(); }, stop: func { me.running_flag = 0; }, run: func { me.evolve (me.update_time); if (me.running_flag == 1) {settimer(func me.run(), 0);} }, };