Adjust HUD Properties Adjust LOD Ranges AI AI Objects Aircraft Center (Experimental) Centrum lietadiel (Experimentálne) Aircraft Checklists Kontrolné zoznamy lietadla Aircraft Help Pomocník pre lietadlo ALS Filter Effects ATC Services in Range Autopilot Autopilot Autopilot Settings Nastavenia autopilota Autostart Basic Simulator Keys Carrier Controls Cockpit View Options Voľby zobrazenia kabíny Common Aircraft Keys Configure Development Extensions Cycle GUI Style Debug Ladenie Development Keys Display Tutorial Marker Documentation Browser Prehliadač dokumentácie Dump Scene Graph Earthview orbital rendering Environment Prostredie Environment Settings Nastavenia prostredia Equipment Vybavenie View Errors Quit Ukončiť --- Failures --- --- Zlyhania --- FG1000 MFD FG1000 PFD FGCom Settings File Súbor Flight Recorder Control Fuel and Payload Weather Počasie Select Airport Vybrať letisko GPS Settings Nastavenia GPS Help Pomocník Help (opens in browser) Pomocník (otvoriť v prehliadači) Immatriculation Technický stav Mouse Configuration Nastavenie myši Instrument Failures Zlyhania prístrojov Instrument Settings Nastavenia prístrojov User-interface Options Voľby používateľského rozhrania Jetway Settings Joystick Configuration Nastavenie pákového ovládača Joystick Information Informácie o pákovom ovládači Lag Settings Light switches Load Flight Recorder Tape Načítať pásku z čiernej skrinky Local Weather (Test) Miestne počasie (skúšobné) Location Umiestnenie Logging Zaznamenávanie Map Mapa Map (opens in browser) Mapa (otvoriť v prehliadači) Map (Canvas) Mapa (plátno) About O programe MPCarrier Selection Chat Dialog Dialógové okno rozhovoru Chat Menu Ponuka rozhovoru Pilot List Zoznam pilotov Multiplayer Settings Nastavenia viacerých hráčov Multiplayer Viacero hráčov Nasal Console Nasal REPL Interpreter Next Waypoint Nasledovný cestovný bod Monitor System Performance Adjust View Position Upraviť pozíciu zobrazenia Position Aircraft In Air Previous Waypoint Predošlý cestovný bod Print Rendering Statistics Print Visible Scene Info Browse Internal Properties Pushback Radio Settings Nastavenia rádia Random Attitude Náhodná výška Random Failures Náhodné zlyhania Reload Autopilot Reload GUI Reload HUD Reload Input Reload Materials Reload Aircraft Model Reload Network Reload Panel Reload Scenery Znovu načítať scenériu Select Rendering Buffers Hide/Show Rendering Buffers Rendering Options Voľby vykresľovania Instant Replay Reset Obnoviť Route Manager Správca trás Save Flight Recorder Tape Uložiť pásku z čiernej skrinky Traffic and Scenario Settings Select Livery Vybrať zovňajšok Show/hide yokes Screenshot Snímka obrazovky Screenshot Directory Adresár snímok obrazovky Sound Configuration Nastavenie zvuku Cycle On-Screen Statistics Stereoscopic View Options Stopwatch swift Connection System Failures Systémové zlyhania Tanker Controls Scenery Download Prevzatie scenérie Tiller Steering Time Settings Nastavenia času Toggle Fullscreen Prepnúť na celú obrazovku Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel Tower Position Pozícia veže Tutorials Návody View Zobraziť Add Clone View Add Pair View Add Pair Foreground View View Options Voľby zobrazenia Push Pair View Volcanoes Walker Walker animation dialog Select Equipment Select Theme Toggle Walker outside Wildfire Settings Wingman Controls Save Video Configuration Uložiť nastavenie videa Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation. Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed. Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml Specify the exact directory to use for the aircraft (normally not required, but may be useful). Interpreted relatively to the current directory. Causes the <path-cache> from autosave_X_Y.xml, as well as --fg-aircraft and the FG_AIRCRAFT environment variable to be bypassed. Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY) Aircraft Lietadlo Specify starting position relative to an airport Starting altitude Počiatočná nadmorská výška Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio. Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x) Open connection using the Atlas protocol Audio Options Voľby zvuku Avionics Options Voľby palubných prístrojov Specify the bits per pixel Specify path to your web browser assign a unique name to a player Start on downwind abeam the selected carrier (must also specify a carrier) Specify starting position on an AI carrier Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft). Set the COM1 radio frequency Set the COM2 radio frequency Enable CompositeViewer (extra view windows) Load additional properties from path Display console (Windows specific) Debugging Options Voľby ladenia Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem) Disable artificial traffic. Disable anti-aliased HUD Disable auto coordination Clock advances normally Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Disable runway light distance attenuation Disable enhanced runway lighting Disable FGCom built-in Start in a running state Fuel is consumed normally Disable fullscreen mode Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon Disable 3D HUD Disable Heads Up Display (HUD) Disable extra mouse pointer Disable instrument panel Exclude random buildings objects Exclude random scenery objects Exclude random vegetation objects Disable METAR based real weather fetching Disable Rembrandt rendering Don't save preferences upon program exit Disable sound effects Disable specular reflections on textured objects Disable splash screen Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates Disable textures Zakázať textúry Disable wireframe drawing mode Slave the DME to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency. Base directory to use for aircraft and scenery downloads (the TerraSync scenery directory may be specifically set with --terrasync-dir) Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations) Enable artificial traffic. Povoliť umelú premávku. Enable anti-aliased HUD Enable auto coordination Do not advance clock Zastaviť čas Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers Enable runway light distance attenuation Enable enhanced runway lighting Enable FGCom built-in Start in a frozen state Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant Vynútiť stále množstvo paliva v nádržiach Enable fullscreen mode Povoliť režim na celú obrazovku Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon Enable 3D HUD Enable Heads Up Display (HUD) Enable extra mouse pointer (i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards) Enable instrument panel Povoliť prístrojovú dosku Include random buildings objects Include random scenery objects Zahrnúť náhodné objekty scenérie Include random vegetation objects Zahrnúť náhodné objekty vegetácie Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection) Enable Rembrandt rendering Povoliť vykresľovanie Rembrandt Allow saving preferences at program exit Umožniť ukladanie predvolieb pri ukončení programu Enable sound effects Povoliť zvukové efekty Enable specular reflections on textured objects Enable splash screen Povoliť úvodnú obrazovku Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates Povoliť automatické preberanie/aktualizovanie scenérie Enable textures Povoliť textúry Enable wireframe drawing mode Povoliť režim vykresľovania drôtového modelu Environment Options Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures). Select the core flight dynamics model Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null Flight Model Features Funkcie Specify additional aircraft directory path(s) (alternatively, you can use --aircraft-dir to target a specific aircraft in a given directory) Specify the root data path Specify the scenery path(s); Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator; Specify starting position relative to a fix Open connection using the Flarm protocol, which includes NMEA/GPS and traffic reporting messages Read all waypoints from a file Disable fog/haze Enable fastest fog/haze Enable nicest fog/haze Specify field of view angle Abort on encountering a floating point exception; Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol General Options Všeobecné voľby Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol Specify window geometry (640x480, etc) Specify flight path angle (can be positive) Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi) Show the most relevant command line options Enable http server on the specified address. Specify the port or address:port to bind to. Hud displays percentage of triangles culled Hud Options Hud displays number of triangles rendered Start in air (implied when using --altitude) IO Options Open connection to an Agwagon joystick Enable screen shot http server on the specified port (replaced by --httpd) Open connection to a remote joystick Print a report in JSON format on the standard output, giving information such as the FlightGear version, $FG_ROOT, $FG_HOME, aircraft and scenery paths, etc. Select the language for this session Starting latitude (south = -) Use GUI launcher Select aircraft livery Load recording of earlier flightgear session. For <name>, if <name> ends with .fgdata it is treated as the local path of the recording file; otherwise we form the local path by prepending <name> with the tape directory and appending ".fgtape". For <url> (starting with http:// or https://) we download the remote recording (which must be a Continuous recording) in the background to a url-dependent filename while replaying it; if the url-dependent filename already exists it is assumed to be a truncated download and we only download any remaining data. Specify which logging class(es) to use Log to directory DIR. The special value 'desktop' causes logging to the desktop (OS-dependent location). This option may be given several times, using a different value each time. Inside the specified directory, the written log file is named FlightGear_YYYY-MM-DD_<num>.log, where <num> takes the values 0, 1, 2, etc. Specify which logging level to use Starting longitude (west = -) Specify initial mach number Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: Materials/regions/materials.xml) Maximum frame rate in Hz. Pass a METAR string to set up static weather (this implies --disable-real-weather-fetch) Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second) Specify multipilot communication settings MultiPlayer Options Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol Open connection using the FG Native protocol Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial. Specify starting position relative to an NDB Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with --ndb=ID Network Options Open connection using the NMEA protocol Do NOT attempt to trim the model (only with fdm=jsbsim) Specify heading to reference point Specify distance to reference point (statute miles) Start at ground level (default) Open connection using the OpenGC protocol Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport) Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier) Specify pitch angle (Theta) Initial Position and Orientation Počiatočná pozícia a orientácia Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool. Open connection using the interactive property manager Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option. Open connection using the PVE protocol (buildings, etc.) (budovy, atď.) Set up random wind direction and speed Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol Rendering Options Voľby vykresľovania Reset all user settings to their defaults (rendering options etc) Specify initial climb rate (can be negative) Specify roll angle (Phi) Route/Way Point Options Open connection using the RUL protocol Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport) Specify the startup season Enable flat shading Enable smooth shading Print a list of the currently available aircraft types Show a list of available audio device Situation Options Voľby situácie Explicitly specify the audio device to use Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time Specify a starting date/time with respect to Enable telnet server on the specified port Set target directory for scenery downloads Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16 Synchronize time with local real-world time Synchronize time with real-world time Add this time offset Time Options Voľby času Specify a time of day Trace the reads for a property; Trace the writes for a property; Trim the model (only with fdm=jsbsim) Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe) Specify velocity along the body X axis Use feet for distances Use meters for distances Usage: fgfs [ option ... ] Specify velocity along the body Y axis Specify velocity along a vertical axis Specify velocity along a West-East axis Specify velocity along a South-North axis Specify initial airspeed Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml Show all command line options when combined with --help or -h For a complete list of options use --help --verbose Display the current FlightGear version Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees Specify initial visibility Specify initial visibility in miles Specify starting position relative to a VOR Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with --vor=ID Specify velocity along the body Z axis Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots) Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot; binding subsystems Spájanie podsystémov creating subsystems Vytváranie podsystémov downloading scenery Preberanie scenérie Error loading 3D model Errors occured loading aircraft systems (fuel, electrical, hydrualics) Audio FX description contains errors Errors loading terrain (BTG) The add-on '%VALUE%' contains errors. Please report this to the add-on developers. This aircraft (%VALUE%) contains errors. This may include visual issues, or the aircraft might not fly at all. Check for an updated version of the aircraft from its developers. The selected aircraft (%VALUE%) contains errors. This may cause visual issues, or the aircraft might not fly at all. Please report the information below to the aircraft hangar's maintainers. The custom scenery at '%VALUE%' contains errors. Parts may be missing, or the scenery may not load at all. Check for an updated version of the scenery. Errors were found loading the core simulator files (FGData). This usually indicates a problem with the installation, or your local disk. The joystick (input device) '%VALUE%' couldn't be loaded correctly. This usually means its configuration file is incorrect. Loading a model for another pilot (via multi-player) failed. The other pilot will appear as a default model. (You can disable these errors from the multiplayer settings dialog) Allocating memory failed. Some resources will not be loaded. Adjust your settings to reduce view distance or number of objects loaded. The scenario '%VALUE%' contains errors, and may not work correctly. Problems occurred loading visual effects (shaders). This can cause objects to be invisible or appear incorrect. It can sometimes be fixed by changing rendering settings inside FlightGear, or occasionally, by updating the drivers for your graphics card. Scenery downloaded via TerraSync is not loading correctly. The usually indicates a problem with your network connection or local disk. Problems occured loading simulated aircaft traffic: some traffic may not appear. Errors occurred in an unknown part of FlightGear. Please report this bug to the FlightGear development team. Errors loading user-interface Errors loading input device configuration Texture failed to load Shader / Effect problems This dialog is work-in-progress. The information included above may not be fully correct, so please check the detailed information below and give feedback if something seems wrong. Please include all the information below, as well as the message above. Errors loading scenery Errors downloading scenery from TerraSync File or resource is invalid or corrupted File or resource header is incorrect Unable to read/write files correctly (check permissions and disk space) The resource contains a configuration problem Network connection failure The file or resource was not found Unable to allocate sufficient memory Unknown error Scripted loading of XML failed Errors loading model XML finalizing position Dokončovanie pozície finalizing subsystems Dokončovanie podsystémov initializing Inicializácia initializing graphics engine Inicializácia grafického výkonného programu initializing scenery Inicializácia scenérie initializing subsystems Inicializácia podsystémov loading aircraft Načítavanie lietadla loading aircraft list Načítavanie zoznamu lietadiel loading navigation data Načítavanie navigačných údajov loading scenery Načítavanie scenérie loading fixes Načítavanie opráv [VALUE]% complete loading airport data Načítavanie údajov letiska loading navigation aid data Načítavanie údajov navigačnej pomoci loading points of interest Načítavanie bodov záujmu reading airport data Čítanie údajov letiska extracting [VALUE] Saved settings were migrated from a previous version of FlightGear. If you encounter any problems when using the system, try restoring the default settings, before reporting a problem. Saved settings can affect the appearance, performance and features of the simulator. Settings migrated Unstable nightly build - some features may be under active development Drag while holding the right mouse button to look around Ťahaním spolu so stlačeným pravým tlačidlom myši sa obzriete okolo seba Hold [Shift] while looking around to move the view up, down, left or right Podržaním klávesu Shift počas obzerania sa, presuniete zobrazenie nahor, nadol, doľava alebo doprava Press a/A to adjust the simulation speed Stlačením klávesov a/A upravíte rýchlosť simulácie Press x/X to zoom in and out Stlačením klávesov x/X priblížite alebo oddialite pohľad Find frequencies of nearby ATC services from the Radios dialog Press v to change your viewpoint, Ctrl-V to return to the cockpit Stlačením klávesu v zmeníte pohľad, pomocou Ctrl-V sa vrátite späť do kabíny Press F3 to take a screenshot Stlačením klávesu F3 zachytíte snímku obrazovky Join the FlightGear community at Pridajte sa ku komunite simulátora FlightGear na adrese Press h to bring up a Heads Up Display Show or hide the menu bar by pressing F10 Stlačením klávesu F10 zobrazíte alebo skryjete lištu s ponukou Frame-rate too low? - try disabling AI traffic Select Environment → Weather to fly in different weather Pomocou ponuky Prostredie → Počasie môžete vybrať počasie, v akom budete letieť Press F12 to change the radio frequencies easily Stlačením klávesu F12 jednoducho zmeníte rádiové frekvencie Look around by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse Select Multiplayer → Multiplayer Settings to join the shared flight environment Can't get the engine started? - see Help → Aircraft Checklists Máte problém s naštartovaním motora? - prezrite si ponuku Pomocník → Kontrolné zoznamy lietadla Drag while holding the middle and right mouse buttons to move the viewpoint Ťahaním spolu so stlačeným stredným a pravým tlačidlom myši presuniete pohľad Press / to explore the internals of the simulator Stlačením klávesu / preskúmate vnútro simulátora Press Tab to move the viewpoint with your mouse and use the scroll wheel to zoom Stlačením Tabulátora a pohybom myši presuniete pohľad, kolieskom myši zmeníte priblíženie The border of a high pressure region, in which the airmass becomes unstable and various convective and stratiform clouds may appear. Border of a high pressure region The border of a low pressure region, in which the airmass is unstable and convective clouds start to form layers and merge into stratiform clouds. Border of a low pressure region If you just got your IFR rating, this is what you are allowed to do. But can you? CAT I minimum This is expert level. You will barely see the taxiway from the cockpit, even if you are on ground. Fog and light drizzle, freezing level at 1000ft. CAT IIIb minimum With just a 1/4 mile visibility and clouds at 100ft, you don't see much of the runway until seconds before touchdown. Trust your instruments to stay alive. CAT II minimum The center of a high pressure region, characterized by descending air and hence only weak cloud development with high visibility. Core high pressure region The core of a low pressure region, characterized by overcast clouds, bad visibility on the ground and significant rainfall. Core low pressure region Fog developed this autumn's morning. Expect good visibility above the layer. However - getting through it can be a challenge. Stay alive for a 500' climb and you'll see the sun! Early morning fog A lovely day for trip to your favorite 100$ hamburger airfield Fair weather A high pressure region, characterized by moderate to strong Cumulus development in the afternoon and fairly good visibility conditions. High pressure region Fetch live weather data for your nearest airport from You need a working internet connection. Weather is generated automatically, once a valid METAR is received. Live data A low pressure region, characterized by rising air, widespread formation of stratiform clouds and beginning rain. Low pressure region Enter your favorite METAR weather. A valid METAR syntax is required. Manual input After the storm - limited visibility and some showers. Go or No-Go? Marginal VFR You're out for an adventure? Gusty winds blowing from the west and isolated thunderstorms should be avoided. Fasten your seatbelt! Stormy Monday A hot and damp summer day with thunderstorms developing in the afternoon. Be prepared for reduction of visibility in showers and strong gusts near thunderstorms Thunderstorm A warm sector, characterized by high moisture in the air and haze extending up to high altitudes, but otherwise largely convective cloud development. Warm sector