<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!-- FlightGear menu: Italian language resource --> <!-- ### ### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource. ### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file. ### ### To translate: ### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation. ### * Keep untranslated items unmodified (leave the "???"). English original is the ### automatic default. ### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations. ### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)', ### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon ### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes). ### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow ### consecutive "-" characters in comments). ### ### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-13 for FlightGear 2.8.0 ### --> <PropertyList> <!-- File menu --> <file>File</file> <!-- English: "File" --> <reset>Reset</reset> <!-- English: "Reset" --> <snap-shot>Screenshot</snap-shot> <!-- English: "Screenshot " --> <snap-shot-dir>Cartella screenshot</snap-shot-dir> <!-- English: "Screenshot Directory" --> <sound-config>Configurazione audio</sound-config> <!-- English: "Sound Configuration" --> <exit>Esci</exit> <!-- English: "Quit " --> <!-- View menu --> <view>Visuale</view> <!-- English: "View" --> <display-options>Opzioni display</display-options> <!-- English: "Display Options" --> <rendering-options>Opzioni rendering</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" --> <view-options>Opzioni visualizzazione</view-options> <!-- English: "View Options" --> <cockpit-view-options>Opzioni visualizzazione cockpit</cockpit-view-options> <!-- English: "Cockpit View Options" --> <adjust-lod>Livello di dettaglio</adjust-lod> <!-- English: "Adjust LOD Ranges" --> <pilot-offset>Posizione pilota</pilot-offset> <!-- English: "Adjust View Position" --> <adjust-hud>Propriet� dell'HUDa</adjust-hud> <!-- English: "Adjust HUD Properties" --> <toggle-glide-slope>Visualizza l'angolo di discesa</toggle-glide-slope> <!-- English: "Toggle Glide Slope Tunnel" --> <replay>Replay istantaneo</replay> <!-- English: "Instant Replay" --> <stereoscopic-options>Opzioni visualizzazione stereoscopica</stereoscopic-options> <!-- English: "Stereoscopic View Options" --> <!-- Location menu --> <location>Posizione</location> <!-- English: "Location" --> <position-on-ground>Posiziona l'aereo al suolo</position-on-ground> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft On Ground" --> <position-in-air>Posiziona l'aereo in volo</position-in-air> <!-- English: "Position Aircraft In Air" --> <goto-airport>Seleziona aeroporto dalla lista</goto-airport> <!-- English: "Select Airport From List" --> <random-attitude>Altitudine casuale</random-attitude> <!-- English: "Random Attitude" --> <tower-position>Posizione della torre</tower-position> <!-- English: "Tower Position" --> <!-- Autopilot menu --> <autopilot>Pilota automatico</autopilot> <!-- English: "Autopilot" --> <autopilot-settings>Settaggio Pilota Automatico</autopilot-settings> <!-- English: "Autopilot Settings" --> <route-manager>Route Manager</route-manager> <!-- English: "Route Manager" --> <previous-waypoint>Waypoint precedente</previous-waypoint> <!-- English: "Previous Waypoint" --> <next-waypoint>Waypoint successivo</next-waypoint> <!-- English: "Next Waypoint" --> <!-- Environment menu --> <environment>Ambiente</environment> <!-- English: "Environment" --> <global-weather>Meteo</global-weather> <!-- English: "Weather" --> <time-settings>Configura orario</time-settings> <!-- English: "Time Settings" --> <wildfire-settings>Configura incendi</wildfire-settings> <!-- English: "Wildfire Settings" --> <terrasync>Download scenari</terrasync> <!-- English: "Scenery Download" --> <!-- Equipment menu --> <equipment>Equipaggiamento</equipment> <!-- English: "Equipment" --> <map>Mappa</map> <!-- English: "Map" --> <stopwatch>Cronometro</stopwatch> <!-- English: "Stopwatch" --> <fuel-and-payload>Carburante e carico</fuel-and-payload> <!-- English: "Fuel and Payload" --> <radio>Configura radio</radio> <!-- English: "Radio Settings" --> <gps>Configura GPS</gps> <!-- English: "GPS Settings" --> <instrument-settings>Configura Strumenti di bordo</instrument-settings> <!-- English: "Instrument Settings" --> <failure-submenu> --- Guasti ---</failure-submenu> <!-- English: " -_- Failures -_-" --> <random-failures>Guasti casuali</random-failures> <!-- English: "Random Failures" --> <system-failures>Guasti di sistema</system-failures> <!-- English: "System Failures" --> <instrument-failures>Guasti degli strumenti di bordo</instrument-failures> <!-- English: "Instrument Failures" --> <!-- AI menu --> <ai>IA</ai> <!-- English: "AI" --> <scenario>Configurazione Traffico e Scenario</scenario> <!-- English: "Traffic and Scenario Settings" --> <atc-in-range>Servizi ATC nelle vicinanze</atc-in-range> <!-- English: "ATC Services in Range" --> <wingman>Controlli volo in formazione</wingman> <!-- English: "Wingman Controls" --> <tanker>Controlli rifornimento in volo</tanker> <!-- English: "Tanker Controls" --> <carrier>Controlli Portaerei</carrier> <!-- English: "Carrier Controls" --> <jetway>Configurazione Finger</jetway> <!-- English: "Jetway Settings" --> <!-- Multiplayer menu --> <multiplayer>Multiplayer</multiplayer> <!-- English: "Multiplayer" --> <mp-settings>Configurazione multiplayer</mp-settings> <!-- English: "Multiplayer Settings" --> <mp-chat>Chat</mp-chat> <!-- English: "Chat Dialog" --> <mp-chat-menu>Menu chat</mp-chat-menu> <!-- English: "Chat Menu" --> <mp-list>Lista piloti</mp-list> <!-- English: "Pilot List" --> <mp-carrier>Seleziona portaerei multiplayer</mp-carrier> <!-- English: "MPCarrier Selection" --> <!-- Debug menu --> <!-- <debug>???</debug> --> <!-- English: "Debug" --> <!-- Note: Debug menu items may not need to be translated since these options are not useful to end users anyway. --> <!-- <reload-gui>???</reload-gui> --> <!-- English: "Reload GUI" --> <!-- <reload-input>???</reload-input> --> <!-- English: "Reload Input" --> <!-- <reload-hud>???</reload-hud> --> <!-- English: "Reload HUD" --> <!-- <reload-panel>???</reload-panel> --> <!-- English: "Reload Panel" --> <!-- <reload-autopilot>???</reload-autopilot> --> <!-- English: "Reload Autopilot" --> <!-- <reload-network>???</reload-network> --> <!-- English: "Reload Network" --> <!-- <reload-model>???</reload-model> --> <!-- English: "Reload Aircraft Model" --> <!-- <nasal-console>???</nasal-console> --> <!-- English: "Nasal Console" --> <!-- <development-keys>???</development-keys> --> <!-- English: "Development Keys" --> <!-- <configure-dev-extension>???</configure-dev-extension> --> <!-- English: "Configure Development Extensions" --> <!-- <display-marker>???</display-marker> --> <!-- English: "Display Tutorial Marker" --> <!-- <dump-scene-graph>???</dump-scene-graph> --> <!-- English: "Dump Scene Graph" --> <!-- <print-rendering-statistics>???</print-rendering-statistics> --> <!-- English: "Print Rendering Statistics" --> <!-- <statistics-display>???</statistics-display> --> <!-- English: "Cycle On-Screen Statistics" --> <!-- <performance-monitor>???</performance-monitor> --> <!-- English: "Monitor System Performance" --> <!-- <property-browser>???</property-browser> --> <!-- English: "Browse Internal Properties" --> <!-- <logging>???</logging> --> <!-- English: "Logging" --> <!-- <local_weather>???</local_weather> --> <!-- English: "Local Weather (Test)" --> <!-- <print-scene-info>???</print-scene-info> --> <!-- English: "Print Visible Scene Info" --> <!-- <rendering-buffers>???</rendering-buffers> --> <!-- English: "Hide/Show Rendering Buffers" --> <!-- <rembrandt-buffers-choice>???</rembrandt-buffers-choice> --> <!-- English: "Select Rendering Buffers" --> <!-- Help menu --> <help>Aiuto</help> <!-- English: "Help" --> <help-browser>Aiuto (Apri nel browser)</help-browser> <!-- English: "Help (opens in browser)" --> <aircraft-keys>Aiuto aereo</aircraft-keys> <!-- English: "Aircraft Help" --> <common-keys>Tasti comuni per tutti gli aerei</common-keys> <!-- English: "Common Aircraft Keys" --> <basic-keys>Tasti fondamentali del simulatore</basic-keys> <!-- English: "Basic Simulator Keys" --> <joystick-info>Informazioni sul joystick</joystick-info> <!-- English: "Joystick Information" --> <tutorial-start>Tutorial</tutorial-start> <!-- English: "Tutorials" --> <menu-about>Informazioni Su FlightGear</menu-about> <!-- English: "About" --> </PropertyList>