# Copyright 2018 Stuart Buchanan # This file is part of FlightGear. # # FlightGear is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # FlightGear is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with FlightGear. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # FG1000 Base clearStyles print("\n############"); print("# FG1000 #"); print("############\n"); io.include("Constants.nas"); io.include("Commands.nas"); var nasal_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/"; io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/ConfigStore.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/MFDPage.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/MFDPageController.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/PFD.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/MFD.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/GUI.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/NavMap.nas', "fg1000"); var FG1000 = { _instance : nil, # Factory method getOrCreateInstance : func(EIS_Class = nil, EIS_SVG = nil) { if (FG1000._instance == nil) { FG1000._instance = FG1000.new(EIS_Class, EIS_SVG); } return FG1000._instance; }, new : func(EIS_Class = nil, EIS_SVG = nil) { var obj = { parents : [FG1000], displays : {} }; if (EIS_Class == nil) { # Load the default EIS class. var nasal_dir = getprop("/sim/fg-root") ~ "/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/Nasal/"; io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/EIS/EIS-C182T.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/EIS/EISController.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/EIS/EISStyles.nas', "fg1000"); io.load_nasal(nasal_dir ~ '/EIS/EISOptions.nas', "fg1000"); obj.EIS_Class = fg1000.EIS; } else { obj.EIS_Class = EIS_Class; } if (EIS_SVG == nil) { obj.EIS_SVG = "/Aircraft/Instruments-3d/FG1000/MFDPages/EIS-C182T.svg"; } else { obj.EIS_SVG = EIS_SVG; } obj.ConfigStore = fg1000.ConfigStore.new(); return obj; }, setEIS : func(EIS_Class, EIS_SVG) { me.EIS_Class = EIS_Class; me.EIS_SVG = EIS.SVG; }, getDisplay : func(index) { return me.displays[index]; }, # Add an MFD, optionally setting the index. Returns the index of the MFD. addMFD : func(index=nil, targetcanvas=nil) { if (index == nil) { index = size(keys(me.displays)); } else if (me.displays[index] != nil) { print("FG1000 Index " ~ index ~ " already exists!"); return index; } if (targetcanvas == nil) { targetcanvas = canvas.new({ "name" : "MFD Canvas", "size" : [1024, 768], "view" : [1024, 768], "mipmapping": 0, }); } targetcanvas.set("visible", 0); var mfd = fg1000.MFDDisplay.new(me, me.EIS_Class, me.EIS_SVG, targetcanvas, index); me.displays[index] = mfd; return index; }, # Add a PFD, optionally setting the index. Returns the index of the PFD. addPFD : func(index=nil, targetcanvas=nil) { if (index == nil) { index = size(keys(me.displays)); } else if (me.displays[index] != nil) { print("FG1000 Index " ~ index ~ " already exists!"); return index; } if (targetcanvas == nil) { targetcanvas = canvas.new({ "name" : "PFD Canvas", "size" : [1024, 768], "view" : [1024, 768], "mipmapping": 0, }); } targetcanvas.set("visible", 0); var pfd = fg1000.PFDDisplay.new(me, me.EIS_Class, me.EIS_SVG, targetcanvas, index); me.displays[index] = pfd; return index; }, # Display the PFD/MFD on a particular target_object (defaults to "Screen{index}") display : func(index, target_object=nil) { if (me.displays[index] == nil) { print("displayMFD: unknown display index " ~ index); return; } if (target_object == nil) target_object = "Screen" ~ index; var targetcanvas = me.displays[index].getCanvas(); targetcanvas.addPlacement({"node": target_object}); }, displayGUI : func(index, scale=1.0) { if (me.displays[index] == nil) { print("displayMFD: unknown display index " ~ index); return; } var mfd_canvas = me.displays[index].getCanvas(); mfd_canvas.set("visible", 1); var gui = fg1000.GUI.new(me.displays[index], mfd_canvas, index, scale); }, getConfigStore : func() { return me.ConfigStore; }, setVisible : func(index = nil, visible = 1) { if (index == nil) { foreach(var display; values(me.displays)) { display.getCanvas().set("visible", visible); } } else { if (me.displays[index] == nil) { print("displayMFD: unknown display index " ~ index); } else { me.displays[index].getCanvas().set("visible", visible); } } }, show : func(index = nil) { me.setVisible(index, 1); }, hide : func(index = nil) { me.setVisible(index, 0); }, };