<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- (c) 2015, wlbragg. http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25157&start=75#p232085
Under the GPL. Used by shadows under ALS -->



    <!-- These filters are used to passthrough a value in non-replay mode.
         In replay mode, the value from the flight recorder is used.
         This filter is needed because JSBSim wins over the flight recorder.
        <name>Ski ATan</name>

        <name>Stall Horn Volume</name>

        <name>Stall Horn Pitch</name>

        <name>Water Rudder Position</name>

        <name>Controls Parking Brake Lever</name>

        <name>Controls Carb Heat Lever</name>

        <name>Controls Primer Lever</name>

        <name>Water Rudder Animation</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Ground and water effects                                           -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Spray and Wakes Effect for Pontoons</name>

        <name>Left Ground Effect for Pontoons</name>

        <name>Right Ground Effect for Pontoons</name>

        <name>Tail Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Left Wing Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Right Wing Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Nose Gear Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Left Gear Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Right Gear Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Nose Off Road Tyre Smoke Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Left Off Road Tyre Smoke Ground Effect</name>

        <name>Right Off Road Tyre Smoke Ground Effect</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Climate effects                                                    -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Aircraft Effect Fog Level</name>

        <name>Aircraft Effect Frost Level</name>

        <name>Aircraft Effect Temperature In Range</name>

        <name>Aircraft Effect Fog Or Frost Increasing</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Securing aircraft                                                  -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Parking Brake And Chock</name>
                <!-- The actual parking brake controlled by the pilot -->


                <!-- When changing the bushkit, hold position so that new
                     initial length of tiedowns can be safely computed.

    <!-- Logic for chocks -->
        <name>Chock Can Have</name>

        <name>Chock Visible</name>

        <name>Chock Addable</name>

    <!-- logic for pitot tube -->
        <name>Pitot Cover Addable</name>

        <name>Pitot Cover Removable</name>

    <!-- logic for cowl plugs -->
        <name>Cowl Plugs Addable</name>

        <name>Cowl Plugs Removable</name>

    <!-- logic for tiedowns -->
        <name>Tiedowns Can Have</name>

        <name>Left Tiedowns Addable</name>

        <name>Right Tiedowns Addable</name>

        <name>Tail Tiedowns Addable</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Lighting  -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Navigation Light Left Damaged</name>

        <name>Navigation Light Right Damaged</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Checking if doors are opened or closed in order to skip or not     -->
    <!-- the handle animation                                               -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Right door opened</name>

        <name>Left door opened</name>

        <name>Baggage door opened</name>

    <!-- ============================================================== -->
    <!-- Converting baggage weight from pounds to kilograms             -->
    <!-- ============================================================== -->

        <name>Baggage: Pounds to Kilograms</name>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Max range for doors and baggage doors  -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

        <name>Effective range for right door</name>

        <name>Effective range for left door</name>

        <name>Effective range for baggage door</name>
