<?xml version="1.0"?>

    Diameter: 76 in (1.93 m)
    Calculated blade angle: at 75% of the radius
    Data from NACA Report 640 : http://naca.central.cranfield.ac.uk/reports/1938/naca-report-640.pdf

<propeller name="15 -25 deg NACA 640 (5868-9) 76-inch Two-Blade Propeller">

    <ixx> 1.67 </ixx>
    <diameter unit="IN"> 76.0 </diameter>
    <numblades> 2 </numblades>
    <minpitch> 15 </minpitch>
    <maxpitch> 25 </maxpitch>

    <table name="C_THRUST" type="internal">
                     15	         20	         25
            0	   0.0990      0.1040	   0.1125
            0.1	   0.0950      0.1040	   0.1100
            0.2	   0.0880      0.1030	   0.1075
            0.3	   0.0780      0.1010	   0.1060
            0.4	   0.0645      0.0930	   0.1055
            0.5	   0.0495      0.0820	   0.1045
            0.6	   0.0340      0.0700	   0.0970
            0.7	   0.0185      0.0550	   0.0870
            0.8	   0.0040      0.0390	   0.0750
            0.9	   -0.0160     0.0240	   0.0600
            1	   -0.0300     0.0060	   0.0450
            1.1	   -0.0400     -0.0140	   0.0300
            1.2	   -0.0500     -0.0330	   0.0150
            1.3	   -0.0550     -0.0450	   -0.0010
            1.5	   -0.0650     -0.0600	   -0.0250
            2	   -0.0750     -0.0720	   -0.0750
            3	   -0.0800     -0.0800	   -0.0900

    <table name="C_POWER" type="internal">
                     15	         20	         25
            0	   0.0400	   0.0660	   0.1080
            0.1	   0.0406	   0.0650	   0.1060
            0.2	   0.0406	   0.0640	   0.1020
            0.3	   0.0400	   0.0625	   0.0975
            0.4	   0.0366	   0.0600	   0.0910
            0.5	   0.0318	   0.0580	   0.0860
            0.6	   0.0250	   0.0540	   0.0825
            0.7	   0.0160	   0.0475	   0.0790
            0.8	   0.0050	   0.0370	   0.0730
            0.9	   -0.0067	   0.0260	   0.0640
            1	   -0.0150	   0.0100	   0.0520
            1.1	   -0.0200	   0.0000	   0.0375
            1.2	   -0.0250	   -0.0100	   0.0220
            1.3	   -0.0270	   -0.0200	   0.0040
            1.5	   -0.0300	   -0.0350	   -0.0450
            2	   -0.0330	   -0.0500	   -0.0750
