Expressions (or SGExpressions) are a feature of the SimGear library
and provide a nice way of implementing complex math formulas using XML
syntax. They are supported in many systems within the FlightGear code.

Caution: Expressions do not check if your math creates floating point
exceptions (like division by zero conditions, taking the square root
of a negative number, etc.). This can cause undefined behavior and may
result in NaNs or even Cascading NaNs.  Usage

Expressions are supported in

* Autopilot configuration files
* Particle system configuration files
* Animations (translate, rotate, scale, range, blend)
* The shader technique

Sample Expressions

This is a sample expression for the euation c = sqrt(a*a + b^2). 

Children/arguments are parsed in the order they appear in in the file
(or the order in which they are set via property methods).


Supported elements

NOTE: #c in the table below is the number of child nodes required.

| Function          | #c | Notes                                            |
| <abs> <fabs>      | 1  |                                                  |
| <acos>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <asin>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <atan2>           | 2  |                                                  |
| <atan>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <ceil>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <clip>            | 3  | clipMin, clipMax, expression                     |
| <cos>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <cosh>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <deg2rad>         | 1  |                                                  |
| <difference> <dif>| 1+ |                                                  |
| <div>             | 2  |                                                  |
| <exp>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <floor>           | 1  |                                                  |
| <log10>           | 1  |                                                  |
| <log>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <max>             | 1+ |                                                  |
| <min>             | 1+ |                                                  |
| <mod>             | 2  |                                                  |
| <pow>             | 2  |                                                  |
| <product> <prod>  | 1+ |                                                  |
| <property>        | 0  | Property name e.g.<property>node/value</property>|
| <rad2deg>         | 1  |                                                  |
| <sin>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <sinh>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <sqr>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <sqrt>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <sum>             | 1+ |                                                  |
| <table>           | 2+ | <entry><ind> 0.0 </ind><dep> 10 </dep></entry>   |
| <tan>             | 1  |                                                  |
| <tanh>            | 1  |                                                  |
| <value>           | 0  | Constant Value e.g. <value>0</value>             |

Hints and tips

1. There is no function for rounding, hwoever "Round half up" can be
   achieved as follows


2. Interpolation tables can be useful when a formula cannot be found,
   In the example below <ind> is the indepdendant variable and
   <dep> is the dependant variable. What this table does is as follows
   - values below 0.2 will be 10
   - values above 0.2 and between 1.0 will be interpolated between 10
     and 0
   - values above 1.0 will be 0

      <entry><ind> 0.0 </ind><dep> 10 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 0.2 </ind><dep> 10 </dep></entry>
      <entry><ind> 1.0 </ind><dep>  0 </dep></entry>