<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- mhab improve layout

        if (!defined("_gps_dialog_search_results")) {
            globals._gps_dialog_search_results = [];
		var gps = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/gps/", 1);
		var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/gps", 1);
		var cmd = gps.getNode("command", 1);
		var scratch = gps.getNode("scratch", 1);
    	var scratchValid = dlg.getNode("scratch/valid", 1);
	    var searchIsWaypoints = 0;
	    var anySpec = 'vor,airport,heliport,ils,seaport,fix,ndb,waypoint,tacan,city,town';
        dlg.getNode("search-type", 1).setValue("airport");
	    var updateSearchResults = func(isWpts, index = 0)
	      searchIsWaypoints = isWpts;
	      dlg.getNode("scratch-index", 1).setValue(index);
	      var lastIndex = size(globals._gps_dialog_search_results) - 1;
	      dlg.getNode("scratch-has-next", 1).setValue((index + 1) < lastIndex);
	      if (size(globals._gps_dialog_search_results) < 1) {
    var updateScratch = func
      var index = dlg.getNode("scratch-index").getValue();
      var result = globals._gps_dialog_search_results[index];
      if (result == nil) {
      scratch.getNode("latitude-deg", 1).setValue(result.lat);
      scratch.getNode("longitude-deg", 1).setValue(result.lon);
      scratch.getNode("ident", 1).setValue(result.id);
      var cd = nil;
      if (searchIsWaypoints) {
        scratch.getNode("type", 1).setValue('WPT');
        cd = result.courseAndDistanceFrom(geo.aircraft_position());
      } else {
        var ty = result.type;
        scratch.getNode("type", 1).setValue(ty);
        scratch.getNode("name", 1).setValue(result.name);
        scratch.getNode("altitude-ft", 1).setValue(result.elevation*M2FT);
        if (ty == 'vor') {
          scratch.getNode("frequency-mhz", 1).setValue(result.frequency);
        } elsif (ty == 'ndb') {
          scratch.getNode("frequency-khz", 1).setValue(result.frequency);
        cd = positioned.courseAndDistance(result);
      dlg.getNode("scratch-mag-bearing-deg", 1).setValue(cd[0] - magvar());
      dlg.getNode("scratch-distance-nm", 1).setValue(cd[1]);

    var doSearch = func()
      var ty = dlg.getNode("search-type").getValue();
      if (ty == 'any') ty = anySpec;
      var query = dlg.getNode("search-query").getValue();      
      globals._gps_dialog_search_results = positioned.sortByRange(positioned.findByIdent(query, ty));
    var doSearchNames = func
      var ty = dlg.getNode("search-type").getValue();
      if (ty == 'any') ty = anySpec;
      var query = dlg.getNode("search-query").getValue();      
      globals._gps_dialog_search_results = positioned.sortByRange(positioned.findByName(query, ty));
    var doSearchNearest = func
      var ty = dlg.getNode("search-type").getValue();
      if (ty == 'any') ty = anySpec;
      globals._gps_dialog_search_results = positioned.findWithinRange(200.0, ty);
    var doLoadRouteWaypoint = func
      var fp = flightplan();
      var wps = [];
      for (var i=0; i < fp.getPlanSize(); i+=1) {
        append(wps, fp.getWP(i));
      globals._gps_dialog_search_results = wps;
      updateSearchResults(1, fp.current);
    var doScratchPrevious = func
      var index = dlg.getNode("scratch-index").getValue();
      if (index == 0) return;
      dlg.getNode("scratch-index").setValue(index - 1);
      dlg.getNode("scratch-has-next", 1).setValue(size(globals._gps_dialog_search_results) > 1);
    var doScratchNext = func
      var index = dlg.getNode("scratch-index").getValue();
      var lastIndex = size(globals._gps_dialog_search_results) - 1;
      if (index == lastIndex) return;
      dlg.getNode("scratch-has-next", 1).setValue((index + 1) < lastIndex);
      dlg.getNode("scratch-index").setValue(index + 1);
    # restore state from previous time the dialog was open
    # default to 0 if no prior value
    var curIndex = dlg.getNode("scratch-index", 1).getValue() or 0;
    updateSearchResults(0, curIndex);

    var slaved = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]/slaved-to-gps", 1);



    <!-- show current state -->

        <!-- only to get a gap to left border -->
          <label> </label>

        <!-- only to get a gap between  row 1-3 -->
          <label> </label>

        <!-- only to get a gap between row 3-5 -->
          <label> </label>

            <format>Mode: %s</format>
            <format>Current Route Wp: %03d</format>
            <format>Desired course: %5.1f*</format>
            <format>Xtrack: %5.2fnm</format>
            <format>Longitude: %6.3f</format>
            <format>Latitude: %6.3f</format>
            <format>Altitude: %6.0fft</format>
            <format>Groundspeed: %4.0fkts</format>
            <format>Track: %3.0f*</format>
            <format>VS: %4.0ffpm</format>
            <format>Odometer: %4.1fnm</format>
            <format>RAIM: %3.2f</format>
        <!-- mode dependent properties -->
            <format>Ident: %s</format>
            <format>Name: %s</format>
            <format>Longitude: %6.3f</format>
            <format>Latitude: %6.3f</format>
            <format>Altitude: %6.0fft</format>
        <!-- distance / bearing info -->
            <format>Bearing: %3.0f</format>
            <format>Distance: %5.2fnm</format>
            <format>TTW: %s</format>
            <format>Leg Course: %3.0f</format>
            <format>Leg Distance: %5.1fnm</format>

        <!-- only to get a gap to right border -->
          <label> </label>



    <!--  ident text field, type combo, next/prev paging buttons
		nearest and search buttons
                    <label>     Type:</label>
                    <label>  Search:</label>
                <!-- only to get a gap -->
                  <label> </label>
                <!-- only to get a gap -->
                  <label> </label>
                    <legend>Search Names</legend>
                    <legend>Actv RTE WPT</legend>



                    <format>Ident: %s</format>
                    <format>Name: %s</format>
                    <format>Lon: %6.3f</format>
                    <format>Lat: %6.3f</format>
                    <format>Alt: %6.0fft</format>
                <!-- gap -->
                    <label> </label>
                <!-- distance / bearing info -->
                    <format>Bearing: %3.0f</format>
                    <format>Distance: %5.1fnm</format>
                <!-- navaid info -->
                    <format>Frequency: %5.1fMhz</format>
                    <format>Frequency: %5.1fKhz</format>
                <!-- prev/next buttons -->
            <format>Selected Course: %03d*</format>
            <label>Link NAV1 to GPS</label>