#version 330 core uniform sampler2D aerial_perspective_tex; const float AP_SLICE_COUNT = 32.0; const float AP_MAX_DEPTH = 128000.0; const float AP_SLICE_WIDTH_PIXELS = 32.0; const float AP_SLICE_SIZE = 1.0 / AP_SLICE_COUNT; const float AP_TEXEL_WIDTH = 1.0 / (AP_SLICE_COUNT * AP_SLICE_WIDTH_PIXELS); vec4 sample_aerial_perspective_slice(sampler2D lut, vec2 coord, float slice) { // Sample at the pixel center float offset = slice * AP_SLICE_SIZE + AP_TEXEL_WIDTH * 0.5; float x = coord.x * (AP_SLICE_SIZE - AP_TEXEL_WIDTH) + offset; return texture(lut, vec2(x, coord.y)); } vec4 sample_aerial_perspective(sampler2D lut, vec2 coord, float depth) { vec4 color; float w = sqrt(clamp(depth / AP_MAX_DEPTH, 0.0, 1.0)); float x = w * AP_SLICE_COUNT; if (x <= 1.0) { // Handle special case of fragments behind the first slice color = mix(vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), sample_aerial_perspective_slice(lut, coord, 0), x); } else { // Manually interpolate between slices x -= 1.0; color = mix(sample_aerial_perspective_slice(lut, coord, floor(x)), sample_aerial_perspective_slice(lut, coord, ceil(x)), fract(x)); } return color; } vec4 get_aerial_perspective(vec2 coord, float depth) { return sample_aerial_perspective(aerial_perspective_tex, coord, depth); } vec3 mix_aerial_perspective(vec3 color, vec4 ap) { return color * ap.a + ap.rgb; } vec3 add_aerial_perspective(vec3 color, vec2 coord, float depth) { return mix_aerial_perspective(color, get_aerial_perspective(coord, depth)); }