Unknown 2002-01-01 $Id: c172p.xml,v 1.27 2011/06/20 14:22:04 jentron Exp $ Cessna C-172 174 35.8 4.9 21.9 15.7 16.5 0 43.2 0 59.4 37 0 48 42.6 0 38.5 948 1346 1967 -0 -0 -0 1500 41 0 36.5 180 36 -14 24 0 36 14 24 0 70 -14 24 0 70 14 24 0 95 0 24 -6.8 0 -19.5 0.8 0.5 0.02 1800 600 10 NONE 0 58.2 -43 -15.5 0.8 0.5 0.02 5400 1600 0.0 LEFT 0 58.2 43 -15.5 0.8 0.5 0.02 5400 1600 0.0 RIGHT 0 188 0 8 0.2 0.2 0.2 20000 1000 0.0 NONE 0 43.2 -214.8 59.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 10000 2000 0.0 NONE 0 43.2 214.8 59.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 10000 2000 0.0 NONE 0 -19.7 0 26.6 0.0 0 0 0 1 -37.7 0 26.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 5 56 -112 59.4 185 100 56 112 59.4 185 100 fcs/elevator-cmd-norm fcs/pitch-trim-cmd-norm -1 1 fcs/pitch-trim-sum 0.01745 -28 23 fcs/elevator-pos-rad fcs/elevator-pos-deg -28 23 -1 1 fcs/elevator-pos-norm fcs/aileron-cmd-norm fcs/roll-trim-cmd-norm -1 1 fcs/roll-trim-sum 0.01745 -20 15 fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad fcs/left-aileron-pos-deg -20 15 -1 1 fcs/left-aileron-pos-norm fcs/roll-trim-sum -0.01745 -20 15 fcs/right-aileron-pos-rad fcs/right-aileron-pos-deg -15 20 1 -1 fcs/right-aileron-pos-norm fcs/rudder-cmd-norm fcs/yaw-trim-cmd-norm -1 1 fcs/yaw-trim-sum 0.01745 -16 16 fcs/rudder-pos-rad fcs/rudder-pos-deg -16 16 -1 1 fcs/rudder-pos-norm fcs/flap-cmd-norm 0 10 20 30 fcs/flap-pos-deg fcs/flap-pos-deg 0 30 0 1 fcs/flap-pos-norm -0.087 0.28 0.09 0.36 Change_in_drag_due_to_ground_effect aero/h_b-mac-ft 0.0000 0.4800 0.1000 0.5150 0.1500 0.6290 0.2000 0.7090 0.3000 0.8150 0.4000 0.8820 0.5000 0.9280 0.6000 0.9620 0.7000 0.9880 0.8000 1.0000 0.9000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.1000 1.0000
Change_in_lift_due_to_ground_effect aero/h_b-mac-ft 0.0000 1.2030 0.1000 1.1270 0.1500 1.0900 0.2000 1.0730 0.3000 1.0460 0.4000 1.0550 0.5000 1.0190 0.6000 1.0130 0.7000 1.0080 0.8000 1.0060 0.9000 1.0030 1.0000 1.0020 1.1000 1.0000
velocity including the propulsion induced velocity. velocities/u-aero-fps propulsion/engine/prop-induced-velocity_fps propulsion/engine/prop-induced-velocity_fps q bar including the propulsion induced velocity. aero/function/velocity-induced-fps aero/function/velocity-induced-fps atmosphere/rho-slugs_ft3 0.5 Drag_at_zero_lift aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft 0.027 Delta_drag_due_to_flap_deflection aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/function/kCDge fcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.0070 20.0000 0.0120 30.0000 0.0180
Drag_due_to_alpha aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/function/kCDge aero/alpha-radfcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 10.0000 20.0000 30.0000 -0.0873 0.0041 0.0000 0.0005 0.0014 -0.0698 0.0013 0.0004 0.0025 0.0041 -0.0524 0.0001 0.0023 0.0059 0.0084 -0.0349 0.0003 0.0057 0.0108 0.0141 -0.0175 0.0020 0.0105 0.0172 0.0212 0.0000 0.0052 0.0168 0.0251 0.0299 0.0175 0.0099 0.0248 0.0346 0.0402 0.0349 0.0162 0.0342 0.0457 0.0521 0.0524 0.0240 0.0452 0.0583 0.0655 0.0698 0.0334 0.0577 0.0724 0.0804 0.0873 0.0442 0.0718 0.0881 0.0968 0.1047 0.0566 0.0874 0.1053 0.1148 0.1222 0.0706 0.1045 0.1240 0.1343 0.1396 0.0860 0.1232 0.1442 0.1554 0.1571 0.0962 0.1353 0.1573 0.1690 0.1745 0.1069 0.1479 0.1708 0.1830 0.1920 0.1180 0.1610 0.1849 0.1975 0.2094 0.1298 0.1746 0.1995 0.2126 0.2269 0.1424 0.1892 0.2151 0.2286 0.2443 0.1565 0.2054 0.2323 0.2464 0.2618 0.1727 0.2240 0.2521 0.2667 0.2793 0.1782 0.2302 0.2587 0.2735 0.2967 0.1716 0.2227 0.2507 0.2653 0.3142 0.1618 0.2115 0.2388 0.2531 0.3316 0.1475 0.1951 0.2214 0.2351 0.3491 0.1097 0.1512 0.1744 0.1866
Drag_due_to_Elevator_Deflection aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft fcs/mag-elevator-pos-rad 0.0000 Drag_due_to_sideslip aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/mag-beta-rad 0.1700
Side_force_due_to_beta aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/beta-radfcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 30.0000 -0.3490 0.1370 0.1060 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3490 -0.1370 -0.1060
Side_force_due_to_aileron aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad 0.0000 Side_force_due_to_rudder aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft fcs/rudder-pos-rad 0.1870 Side_force_due_to_roll_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/bi2vel velocities/p-aero-rad_sec aero/alpha-radfcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 30.0000 0.0000 -0.0750 -0.1610 0.0940 -0.1450 -0.2310
Side_force_due_to_yaw_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/bi2vel velocities/r-aero-rad_sec aero/alpha-radfcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 30.0000 0.0000 0.2140 0.1620 0.0940 0.2670 0.2150
Lift_due_to_alpha aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/function/kCLge aero/alpha-radaero/stall-hyst-norm 0.0000 1.0000 -0.0900 -0.2200 -0.2200 0.0000 0.2500 0.2500 0.0900 0.7300 0.7300 0.1000 0.8300 0.7800 0.1200 0.9200 0.7900 0.1400 1.0200 0.8100 0.1600 1.0800 0.8200 0.1700 1.1300 0.8300 0.1900 1.1900 0.8500 0.2100 1.2500 0.8600 0.2400 1.3500 0.8800 0.2600 1.4400 0.9000 0.2800 1.4700 0.9200 0.3000 1.4300 0.9500 0.3200 1.3800 0.9900 0.3400 1.3000 1.0500 0.3600 1.1500 1.1500
Delta_lift_due_to_flap_deflection aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/function/kCLge fcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 0.2000 20.0000 0.3000 30.0000 0.3500
Lift_due_to_Elevator_Deflection aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft fcs/elevator-pos-rad 0.4300 Lift_due_to_alpha_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft aero/alphadot-rad_sec aero/ci2vel 1.7000 Lift_due_to_pitch_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft velocities/q-aero-rad_sec aero/ci2vel 3.9000
Roll_moment_due_to_beta aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/beta-rad -0.3490 0.0322 0.0000 0.0000 0.3490 -0.0322
Roll_moment_due_to_roll_rate_(roll_damping) aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/bi2vel velocities/p-aero-rad_sec -0.4840 Roll_moment_due_to_yaw_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/bi2vel velocities/r-aero-rad_sec aero/alpha-radfcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 30.0000 0.0000 0.0798 0.1246 0.0940 0.1869 0.2317
Roll_moment_due_to_aileron aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad 0.2290 Roll_moment_due_to_rudder aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft fcs/rudder-pos-rad 0.0147
Pitching_moment_at_zero_alpha aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft 0.1000 Pitch_moment_due_to_alpha aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft aero/alpha-rad -1.8000 Pitch_moment_due_to_pitch_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft aero/ci2vel velocities/q-aero-rad_sec -12.4000 Pitch_moment_due_to_alpha_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft aero/ci2vel aero/alphadot-rad_sec -7.2700 Pitch_moment_due_to_elevator_deflection aero/function/qbar-induced-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft fcs/elevator-pos-rad -1.1220 Delta_pitching_moment_due_to_flap_deflection aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/cbarw-ft fcs/flap-pos-deg 0.0000 0.0000 10.0000 -0.0654 20.0000 -0.0981 30.0000 -0.1140
Yaw_moment_due_to_beta aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/beta-rad -0.3490 -0.0205 0.0000 0.0000 0.3490 0.0205
Yaw_moment_due_to_roll_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/bi2vel velocities/p-aero-rad_sec -0.0278 Yaw_moment_due_to_yaw_rate aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft aero/bi2vel velocities/r-aero-rad_sec -0.0937 Yaw_moment_due_to_aileron aero/qbar-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft fcs/left-aileron-pos-rad -0.0053 Yaw_moment_due_to_rudder aero/function/qbar-induced-psf metrics/Sw-sqft metrics/bw-ft fcs/rudder-pos-rad -0.0430