<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright (c) 2015 onox This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --> <PropertyList> <params> <doors> <left>/sim/multiplay/generic/float[1]</left> <right>/sim/multiplay/generic/float[0]</right> </doors> <windows> <left>/sim/multiplay/generic/float[3]</left> <right>/sim/multiplay/generic/float[4]</right> </windows> </params> <!-- Return a factor (>= 1.0) to boost the volume when one or both doors are open. --> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Doors Factor</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <condition> <property>/sim/current-view/internal</property> </condition> <expression> <sum> <product> <div> <log> <sum> <min> <sum> <!-- Left door fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/doors/left"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> <!-- Left window fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/windows/left"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> </sum> <value>1.0</value> </min> <min> <sum> <!-- Right door fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/doors/right"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> <!-- Right window fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/windows/right"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> </sum> <value>1.0</value> </min> <!-- Prevents math domain error because log2 requires value >= 1.0. --> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </log> <log> <!-- log(x)/log(2) = log2(x) --> <value>2.0</value> </log> </div> <!-- 20 % extra volume if one door is open, 32 % if both --> <value>0.2</value> </product> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </expression> </input> <input> <!-- 40 % extra volume if outside the aircraft --> <value>1.4</value> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors</property> </output> </filter> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Doors plus thunder1</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <expression> <product> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors</property> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/lightning/dist1</property> <value>0.7142857142857143</value> </product> </expression> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors-thunder1</property> </output> </filter> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Doors plus thunder2</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <expression> <product> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors</property> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/lightning/dist2</property> <value>0.7142857142857143</value> </product> </expression> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors-thunder2</property> </output> </filter> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Doors plus thunder3</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <expression> <product> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors</property> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/lightning/dist3</property> <value>0.7142857142857143</value> </product> </expression> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-doors-thunder3</property> </output> </filter> <!-- Return a factor (>= 1.0) to boost the volume when left door is open --> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Left Door Factor</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <condition> <property>/sim/current-view/internal</property> </condition> <expression> <sum> <product> <div> <log> <sum> <min> <sum> <!-- Left door fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/doors/left"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> <!-- Left window fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/windows/left"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> </sum> <value>1.0</value> </min> <!-- Prevents math domain error because log2 requires value >= 1.0. --> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </log> <log> <!-- log(x)/log(2) = log2(x) --> <value>2.0</value> </log> </div> <!-- 20 % extra volume if door is open --> <value>0.2</value> </product> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </expression> </input> <input> <!-- 40 % extra volume if outside the aircraft --> <value>1.4</value> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-left-door</property> </output> </filter> <!-- Return a factor (>= 1.0) to boost the volume when right door is open --> <filter> <name>Volume Boost Right Door Factor</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <condition> <property>/sim/current-view/internal</property> </condition> <expression> <sum> <product> <div> <log> <sum> <min> <sum> <!-- Right door fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/doors/right"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> <!-- Right window fully open is 1.0. Fully closed is 0.0 --> <table> <property alias="/params/windows/right"/> <entry><ind>0.5</ind><dep>0.0</dep></entry> <entry><ind>0.65</ind><dep>0.7</dep></entry> <entry><ind>1.0</ind><dep>1.0</dep></entry> </table> </sum> <value>1.0</value> </min> <!-- Prevents math domain error because log2 requires value >= 1.0. --> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </log> <log> <!-- log(x)/log(2) = log2(x) --> <value>2.0</value> </log> </div> <!-- 20 % extra volume if door is open --> <value>0.2</value> </product> <value>1.0</value> </sum> </expression> </input> <input> <!-- 40 % extra volume if outside the aircraft --> <value>1.4</value> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-boost-right-door</property> </output> </filter> <filter> <name>Spray Wake Speed</name> <type>noise-spike</type> <input> <property>/fdm/jsbsim/hydro/spray-wake-speed-kt-actual</property> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/spray-wake-speed</property> </output> <!-- High rate of change to give a quick, but not abrupt cut off of the pontoon wake sounds when the aircraft starts climbing during a takeoff from the water. --> <max-rate-of-change>20.0</max-rate-of-change> </filter> <filter> <name>Volume ramp for engine start</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <expression> <min> <max> <product> <property>/engines/active-engine/rpm</property> <value>0.001</value> </product> <value>0.0</value> </max> <value>1.0</value> </min> </expression> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-ramp-engine-start</property> </output> </filter> <filter> <name>Volume fader for idle engine sound</name> <type>gain</type> <input> <expression> <min> <max> <sum> <product> <property>/engines/active-engine/rpm</property> <value>-0.000769231</value> </product> <value>1.923076923</value> </sum> <value>0.0</value> </max> <value>1.0</value> </min> </expression> </input> <output> <property>/sim/model/c172p/sound/volume-fader-engine-idle</property> </output> </filter> </PropertyList>