false 1); updateScratch(); } var doScratchNext = func { var index = dlg.getNode("scratch-index").getValue(); var lastIndex = size(globals._gps_dialog_search_results) - 1; if (index == lastIndex) return; dlg.getNode("scratch-has-next", 1).setValue((index + 1) < lastIndex); dlg.getNode("scratch-index").setValue(index + 1); updateScratch(); } # restore state from previous time the dialog was open # default to 0 if no prior value var curIndex = dlg.getNode("scratch-index", 1).getValue() or 0; updateSearchResults(0, curIndex); var slaved = props.globals.getNode("/instrumentation/nav[0]/slaved-to-gps", 1); ]]> gps vbox 3 hbox 1 1 table 0 0 left 0 2 left 0 4 left 0 1 left Mode: %s /instrumentation/gps/mode true /instrumentation/gps/mode leg 0 2 left Current Route Wp: %03d /autopilot/route-manager/current-wp true /instrumentation/gps/mode leg 0 3 left Desired course: %5.1f* /instrumentation/gps/desired-course-deg true 0 5 left Xtrack: %5.2fnm /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/course-error-nm true 1 1 left Longitude: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/indicated-longitude-deg true 1 3 left Latitude: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/indicated-latitude-deg true 1 5 left Altitude: %6.0fft /instrumentation/gps/indicated-altitude-ft true 2 1 left Groundspeed: %4.0fkts /instrumentation/gps/indicated-ground-speed-kt true 2 3 left Track: %3.0f* /instrumentation/gps/indicated-track-magnetic-deg true 2 5 left VS: %4.0ffpm /instrumentation/gps/indicated-vertical-speed true 3 1 left Odometer: %4.1fnm /instrumentation/gps/odometer true 3 3 left RAIM: %3.2f /instrumentation/gps/raim true 4 1 left Ident: %s /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/ID true 4 3 2 left Name: %s /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/name true 5 1 left Longitude: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/longitude-deg true 5 3 left Latitude: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/latitude-deg true 5 5 left Altitude: %6.0fft /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/altitude-ft true 6 1 left Bearing: %3.0f /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/bearing-mag-deg true 6 3 left Distance: %5.2fnm /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/distance-nm true 6 5 left TTW: %s /instrumentation/gps/wp/wp[1]/TTW true /instrumentation/gps/mode leg 7 1 left Leg Course: %3.0f /instrumentation/gps/wp/leg-mag-course-deg true /instrumentation/gps/mode leg 7 3 left Leg Distance: %5.1fnm /instrumentation/gps/wp/leg-distance-nm true /instrumentation/gps/mode obs /instrumentation/gps/to-flag 7 1 left /instrumentation/gps/mode obs /instrumentation/gps/from-flag 7 1 left 0 6 left hbox fill vbox hbox fill left left 100 searchType /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/search-type any airport vor ndb fix wpt city town true dialog-apply hbox fill left search-query fill true 150 true /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/search-query dialog-apply left hbox fill left true /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/scratch/valid vbox /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/scratch/valid table 0 0 left Ident: %s /instrumentation/gps/scratch/ident true 0 1 250 2 left Name: %s /instrumentation/gps/scratch/name true 1 0 left Lon: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/scratch/longitude-deg true 1 1 left Lat: %6.3f /instrumentation/gps/scratch/latitude-deg true 1 2 left Alt: %6.0fft /instrumentation/gps/scratch/altitude-ft true 1 3 left 2 0 left Bearing: %3.0f /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/scratch-mag-bearing-deg true 2 1 left Distance: %5.1fnm /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/scratch-distance-nm true /instrumentation/gps/scratch/type vor 3 0 left Frequency: %5.1fMhz /instrumentation/gps/scratch/frequency-mhz true /instrumentation/gps/scratch/type ndb 3 0 left Frequency: %5.1fKhz /instrumentation/gps/scratch/frequency-khz true /sim/gui/dialogs/gps/scratch/valid hbox hbox fill 6 /instrumentation/gps/mode obs Selected Course: %03d* /instrumentation/gps/selected-course-deg true /instrumentation/gps/mode obs 30 30 true 0 359 true /instrumentation/gps/selected-course-deg dialog-apply true left /instrumentation/nav[0]/slaved-to-gps dialog-apply