<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     WS30 terrain overlay effect. There are 2 passes over the terrain. 
       The 1st pass is a normal ALS ultra shaders pass from ws30.eff. 
         This pass should be kept up to date with ws30.eff.
       The 2nd pass uses geometry shaders to add smaller scale volumetric detail with 
         simplified lighting. The fragment shader used for the 2nd pass is the same as WS2 currently.


        <texture n="20">
            <!-- <image>Textures/Terrain/void.png</image> temp. -->
            <image>Textures/Terrain/mixedforest-hires.png</image> <!-- testing -->
		<texture n="21">
            <!-- <image>Textures/Terrain/void.png</image>  temp. -->
            <image>Textures/Terrain/grass_hires.png</image> <!-- testing -->
		<overlay_secondary_density>0.5</overlay_secondary_density> <!-- Testing: should be 0.0 -->
		<overlay_secondary_flag>1</overlay_secondary_flag> <!-- Testing: was 0 -->



  <technique n="4">
            <value type="float">6.0</value>
            <value type="float">6.0</value>
			<value type="float">1.0</value>
            <value type="float">2.0</value>

      <!-- texture unit 0 direct from VPBBuilder.cxx -->






	<value>	<use>lichen_cover_factor</use></value>
      <!-- secondary lights -->
      <!-- filtering -->
      <!-- cloud shadows -->
	<value>	<use>use_searchlight</use></value>
	<value>	<use>use_landing_light</use></value>
	<value>	<use>use_alt_landing_light</use></value>
	<value>	<use>raise_vertex</use></value>
        <value type="int">0</value>
        <value type="int">1</value>
        <value type="int">6</value>
            Testing: hardcoded placeholder to allow noise to be calculated while looking up textures
        <!-- AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE -->
      <!-- BEGIN shadows include -->
        <value type="int">10</value>
      <!-- END shadows include -->
	<pass n="2">



                <geometry-vertices-out type="int">96</geometry-vertices-out>
                <value type="int">7</value>
                <value type="int">8</value>

			<!-- cloud shadows -->
			      <!-- filtering -->
            <!-- BEGIN shadows include -->
              <value type="int">10</value>
            <!-- END shadows include -->
