/*global define*/ define( [ 'jquery', 'knockout', './bindingHandler', './utils', 'jquery-ui/spinner' ], function ($, ko, BindingHandler, utils) { 'use strict'; var Spinner = function () { /// <summary>Constructor.</summary> BindingHandler.call(this, 'spinner'); this.widgetEventPrefix = 'spin'; this.options = ['culture', 'disabled', 'icons', 'incremental', 'max', 'min', 'numberFormat', 'page', 'step']; this.events = ['create', 'start', 'spin', 'stop', 'change']; }; Spinner.prototype = utils.createObject(BindingHandler.prototype); Spinner.prototype.constructor = Spinner; Spinner.prototype.init = function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) { /// <summary>Keeps the value binding property in sync with the spinner's /// value.</summary> /// <param name='element' type='DOMNode'></param> /// <param name='valueAccessor' type='Function'></param> /// <param name='allBindingsAccessor' type='Function'></param> var result, widgetName, value; result = BindingHandler.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); widgetName = this.widgetName; value = valueAccessor(); if (value.value) { ko.computed({ read: function () { $(element)[widgetName]('value', ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value.value)); }, disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: element }); } // If 'value' is an observable writeable, then add an event handler so that // when the spinner increments/decrements the 'value' observable can be // mutated. // Which event we listen for depends upon if any of the KO valueUpdate options // have been specified. // 1. When there is no valueUpdate in the binding, 'value' will be mutated in // response to the 'spinchange' event which occurs whenever the input loses // focus. // 2. If any of the KO valueUpdate options ("keyup", "keypress", // "afterkeydown") are specified in the binding, this implies that you // wish to mutate the 'value' observable in real-time. In this case the // 'spin' event is used so that 'value' can be updated everytime there is // an inc/dec, and done so immediately. if (ko.isWriteableObservable(value.value)) { if (allBindingsAccessor().valueUpdate) { /*jslint unparam:true*/ this.on(element, 'spin', function (ev, ui) { value.value(ui.value); }); /*jslint unparam:false*/ } else { this.on(element, 'change', function () { value.value($(element)[widgetName]('value')); }); } } return result; }; utils.register(Spinner); return Spinner; } );