# Search the canvas texture created by the GPSmap196 var gps196CanvasInstance = canvas.get({name: "GPSmap196-screen"}); # Create a new Canvas window (calling that the "widget") var dlg = canvas.Window.new([1024, 512], "dialog").set("title", "Garmin GPSmap196"); # A list of all button available in the SVG file of the widget # and associate the button with the property he will trigger var buttons = [ ["gps196.widget.button.in", "button-in"], ["gps196.widget.button.out", "button-out"], ["gps196.widget.button.dto", "button-dto"], ["gps196.widget.button.page", "button-page"], ["gps196.widget.button.quit", "button-quit"], ["gps196.widget.button.nrst", "button-nrst"], ["gps196.widget.button.menu", "button-menu"], ["gps196.widget.button.enter", "button-enter"], ["gps196.widget.button.power", "button-power"], ["gps196.widget.rocker.up", "rocker-up"], ["gps196.widget.rocker.down", "rocker-down"], ["gps196.widget.rocker.left", "rocker-left"], ["gps196.widget.rocker.right", "rocker-right"] ]; # Create the content of the Canvas window with a white background var gps196Widget = dlg.createCanvas().setColorBackground(1,1,1,1); # Create the main (root) group of our canvas var root = gps196Widget.createGroup(); # Load the SVG file of the widget providing all buttons canvas.parsesvg(root, "Aircraft/Instruments-3d/GPSmap196/widget/gpsmap196-widget.svg"); # An helper function who add the event listener for each button var setButtonListener = func(btn, prop) { root.getElementById(btn).addEventListener("mousedown", func(e) { setprop("instrumentation/gps196/inputs/"~prop, 1); }); root.getElementById(btn).addEventListener("mouseup", func(e) { setprop("instrumentation/gps196/inputs/"~prop, 0); }); root.getElementById(btn).set("z-index", 11); } # Run through all our buttons in order to setup the event listener for( var i=0; i<size(buttons); i=i+1){ setButtonListener(buttons[i][0], buttons[i][1]); } # Add a background image to our Canvas window var background = root.createChild("image"); background.setFile("Aircraft/Instruments-3d/GPSmap196/widget/gpsmap196-widget.png").setSize(1024,512).set("z-index",10); # Include the canvas texture in the display of the widget var canvasScreenWidget = root.createChild("image"); canvasScreenWidget.setFile(gps196CanvasInstance.getPath()).setSize(563,359).setTranslation(87,53).set("z-index", 11);