<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Buccaneer model config file -->
<!-- Vivian Meazza 2007/10/1 vivian.meazza@lineone.net -->
<!-- Ver 0.1.0 -->
<!-- Richard Harrison 2020-02-22 - low poly version -->


	<!-- *********** Rudder *************** -->


	<!--  ********** Ailerons ************ -->
	<!-- Port -->

	<!-- Starboard -->

	<!-- ********************* Elevators ***************** -->
	<!-- Tail Plane-->

	<!-- Port -->

	<!-- Stbd -->

	<!--  ************** Flaps ******************** -->
	<!-- Port -->

	<!-- Stbd -->

	<!-- ****************** Undercarriage **************** -->
	<!-- Front U/C -->
	<!-- Extend/Retract -->

	<!-- Open/Close Doors -->
	<!-- Door -->

	<!-- nose wheel castering -->
		<!--		<property>gear/gear[0]/steering-norm</property>-->


	<!-- Compression -->


	<!-- *** Tail Bumper *** -->

	<!-- Compression -->

	<!-- Main U/C Left-->
	<!-- Extend/Retract -->




	<!-- Compression -->


	<!-- hide the undercarriage when retracted -->

	<!-- Main U/C - Right -->
	<!-- Extend/Retract -->




	<!-- Compression -->


	<!-- hide the undercarriage when retracted -->
