<?xml version="1.0"?>


        var syncRadioState = func()
            var cycle = getprop("/sim/mouse/right-button-mode-cycle-enabled");
            setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/input-config/right-mouse-look", !cycle);
            setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/input-config/right-mouse-cycle", cycle);

        var rightMouseMode = func(newMode)
            var doCycle = (newMode == "cycle");
            setprop("/sim/mouse/right-button-mode-cycle-enabled", doCycle);



  <!-- start group 1 -->

      <label>Mouse Input Options</label>




  <!-- start group 2 -->

    <!-- gap to left border -->
      <label> </label>

      <label>Pressing TAB cycles the mouse mode through different behaviours </label>
      <label>normal / flight-controls / view direction</label>

      <label> </label>

      <label>The right-mouse button can be used in two different ways:</label>

  <!-- end group 2 -->

  <!-- start group 3 -->

    <!-- gap to left border -->
      <label>   </label>

      <label> Press and hold right mouse to look around</label>

      <label> Click right mouse to cycle mouse behaviour</label>

    <!-- empty line before next -->
      <label> </label>

  <!-- end group 3 -->

  <!-- start group 4 -->


    <!-- gap to left border -->
        <label>   </label>

      <label> Disable flight-controls via mouse</label>

      <label>Flight controls sensitivity</label>

    <!-- empty line before next -->
      <label> </label>

  <!-- end group 4 -->

  <!-- start group 5 -->


    <!-- gap to left border -->
        <label>   </label>

      <label> Reverse mouse wheel direction</label>

  <!-- end group 5 -->

  <!-- start group 6 -->


    <!-- gap to left border -->
        <label>   </label>

      <label> Mouse rudder also controls elevator</label>

    <!-- empty line before next -->
      <label> </label>

  <!-- end group 6 -->


