<?xml version="1.0"?> <PropertyList> <scenario> <name>Thunderstorm (San Francisco)</name> <description> This scenario puts a thunderstorm with lightning and turbulence over San Francisco at 5000 feet MSL. The "bottom" of the thunderstorm is at 5000 feet, with parts extending above and rain below it. The storm is moving on a true heading of 100 degrees, at a ground speed of 25 knots. The AI thunderstorm contains a cylindrical zone of turbulence, with a diameter set by <diameter-ft>, a top set by <height-msl>, a bottom equal to <altitude> minus 1000 feet, and a strength set by <strength-norm>. It does not interact with terrain. Dave Culp, davidculp2 at comcast.net </description> <entry> <type>thunderstorm</type> <model>Models/Weather/bigstorm.xml</model> <latitude>37.7</latitude> <longitude>-122.5</longitude> <speed>25.0</speed> <altitude>5000.0</altitude> <heading>100.0</heading> <diameter-ft>21048.0</diameter-ft> <height-msl>38000.0</height-msl> <strength-norm>1.0</strength-norm> </entry> </scenario> </PropertyList>