<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1250" ?> <!-- FlightGear options: Polish language resource --> <!-- (c)2003 Peter Michael Jaworski v.1.4PL --> <!-- <pjawor@et.put.poznan.pl> Poznañ, POLAND --> <!-- T³umaczenia opcji i menu dla FlightGeara na jêzyk polski --> <!-- FlightGear menu and options tranlations for Polish --> <!-- GNU GPL Licence --> <!-- Special thanks to Wojciech JóŸwiak, Maciej Obarski and Krzysztof Nowak --> <!-- When there will be some new texts, simply add them at the end of file, I will translate them later. --> <!-- ### ### This file is automatically synchronized with the master (=English language) resource. ### Please do not add comments, change order or restructure the file. ### ### To translate: ### * Replace "???" entries with appropriate translation. ### * Remove enclosing "<!-_ ... _->" tags for completed translations. ### * Keep the original English text unmodified (the '<!-_ English: "..." -_>)', ### so we know which version of the English original the translation is based upon ### (and we can identify translations which need to be updated, when the original changes). ### * Replace "-_" occurences with a double "-" in all translations (XML does not allow ### consecutive "-" characters in comments). ### ### Last synchronized with English master resource on 2012-July-08 for FlightGear 2.8.0 ### --> <PropertyList> <usage>fgfs [ opcje ... ]</usage> <!-- English: "Usage: fgfs [ option ... ]" --> <verbose-help>W celu uzyskania listy opcji uruchom z: --help --verbose</verbose-help> <!-- English: "For a complete list of options use -_help -_verbose" --> <!-- General options --> <general-options>Ustawienia ogólne</general-options> <!-- English: "General Options" --> <help-desc>Poka¿ najczêœciej stosowane opcje startowe</help-desc> <!-- English: "Show the most relevant command line options" --> <verbose-desc>Pokazuje wszystkie opcje linii komend: --help or -h</verbose-desc> <!-- English: "Show all command line options when combined with -_help or -h" --> <!-- <version-desc>???</version-desc> --> <!-- English: "Display the current FlightGear version" --> <fg-root-desc>Œcie¿ka do g³ównego katalogu danych</fg-root-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the root data path" --> <fg-scenery-desc n="0">Œcie¿ka do scenerii;</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the scenery path(s);" --> <fg-scenery-desc n="1">Domyœlna œcie¿ka $FG_ROOT/Scenery</fg-scenery-desc> <!-- English: "Defaults to $FG_ROOT/Scenery" --> <!-- <fg-aircraft-desc>???</fg-aircraft-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify additional aircraft directory path(s)" --> <language-desc>Wybierz jêzyk dla tej sesji</language-desc> <!-- English: "Select the language for this session" --> <disable-game-mode-desc>Wy³¹czony tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Disable full-screen game mode" --> <enable-game-mode-desc>Zezwól na tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-game-mode-desc> <!-- English: "Enable full-screen game mode" --> <disable-splash-screen-desc>Brak ekranu powitalnego</disable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable splash screen" --> <enable-splash-screen-desc>W³¹cz ekran powitalny</enable-splash-screen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable splash screen" --> <!-- <disable-save-on-exit>???</disable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Don't save preferences upon program exit" --> <!-- <enable-save-on-exit>???</enable-save-on-exit> --> <!-- English: "Allow saving preferences at program exit" --> <disable-intro-music-desc>Brak intro muzycznego</disable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Disable introduction music" --> <enable-intro-music-desc>W³¹cz intro muzyczne</enable-intro-music-desc> <!-- English: "Enable introduction music" --> <disable-mouse-pointer-desc>Niedostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</disable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Disable extra mouse pointer" --> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="0">Dostêpny dodatkowy wskaŸnik myszy</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "Enable extra mouse pointer" --> <enable-mouse-pointer-desc n="1">(np. dla trybu pe³noekranowego dla kart bazuj¹cych na Voodoo)</enable-mouse-pointer-desc> <!-- English: "(i.e. for full screen Voodoo based cards)" --> <disable-random-objects-desc>Wy³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</disable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Exclude random scenery objects" --> <enable-random-objects-desc>W³¹czone losowe obiekty terenowe</enable-random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "Include random scenery objects" --> <!-- <disable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</disable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable METAR based real weather fetching" --> <!-- <enable-real-weather-fetch-desc>???</enable-real-weather-fetch-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable METAR based real weather fetching (this requires an open internet connection)" --> <!-- <metar-desc>???</metar-desc> --> <!-- English: "Pass a METAR to set up static weather" --> <random-objects-desc>(budynki, itp.)</random-objects-desc> <!-- English: "(buildings, etc.)" --> <!-- <disable-ai-models-desc>???</disable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Deprecated option (disable internal AI subsystem)" --> <!-- <enable-ai-models-desc>???</enable-ai-models-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable AI subsystem (required for multi-player, AI traffic and many other animations)" --> <!-- <disable-ai-traffic-desc>???</disable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable artificial traffic." --> <!-- <enable-ai-traffic-desc>???</enable-ai-traffic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable artificial traffic." --> <!-- <disable-ai-scenarios>???</disable-ai-scenarios> --> <!-- English: "Disable all AI scenarios." --> <!-- <ai-scenario>???</ai-scenario> --> <!-- English: "Add and enable a new scenario. Multiple options are allowed." --> <disable-freeze-desc>Start w stanie uruchomionym</disable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a running state" --> <enable-freeze-desc>Uruchom w trybie wstrzynanym</enable-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Start in a frozen state" --> <disable-fuel-freeze-desc>Paliwo jest normalnie wykorzystywane</disable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel is consumed normally" --> <enable-fuel-freeze-desc>Nie ubywa paliwa w zbiorniku</enable-fuel-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Fuel tank quantity forced to remain constant" --> <disable-clock-freeze-desc>Zegar zlicza normalnie</disable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Clock advances normally" --> <enable-clock-freeze-desc>Unieruchom zegar</enable-clock-freeze-desc> <!-- English: "Do not advance clock" --> <control-desc>G³ówny tryb sterowania (d¿ojstik, klawiatura, mysz)</control-desc> <!-- English: "Primary control mode (joystick, keyboard, mouse)" --> <enable-auto-coordination-desc>Dostêpna autokoordynacja</enable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Enable auto coordination" --> <disable-auto-coordination-desc>Niedostêpna autokoordynacja</disable-auto-coordination-desc> <!-- English: "Disable auto coordination" --> <browser-app-desc>Œcie¿ka do twojej przegl¹darki internetowej</browser-app-desc> <!-- English: "Specify path to your web browser" --> <prop-desc>Ustaw w³aœciwoœæ <name> na <value></prop-desc> <!-- English: "Set property <name> to <value>. <type> can be one of string, double, float, long, int, or bool." --> <config-desc>Za³aduj dodatkowe w³aœciwoœci z ...</config-desc> <!-- English: "Load additional properties from path" --> <units-feet-desc>U¿yj miary w stopach dla odleg³oœci</units-feet-desc> <!-- English: "Use feet for distances" --> <units-meters-desc>U¿yj miary w metrach dla odleg³oœci</units-meters-desc> <!-- English: "Use meters for distances" --> <!-- Features options --> <!-- <environment-options>???</environment-options> --> <!-- English: "Environment Options" --> <features-options>Dodatki</features-options> <!-- English: "Features" --> <disable-hud-desc>Niedostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny </disable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable Heads Up Display (HUD)" --> <enable-hud-desc>Dostêpny wyœwietlacz przezierny (HUD)</enable-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable Heads Up Display (HUD)" --> <disable-panel-desc>Niedostêpny kokpit</disable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Disable instrument panel" --> <enable-panel-desc>Dostêpny kokpit</enable-panel-desc> <!-- English: "Enable instrument panel" --> <disable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Niedostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</disable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Disable anti-aliased HUD" --> <enable-anti-alias-hud-desc>Dostêpny antyaliasing HUDa</enable-anti-alias-hud-desc> <!-- English: "Enable anti-aliased HUD" --> <!-- <disable-hud-3d-desc>???</disable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable 3D HUD" --> <!-- <enable-hud-3d-desc>???</enable-hud-3d-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable 3D HUD" --> <!-- Aircraft options --> <aircraft-options>Samolot</aircraft-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft" --> <aircraft-desc>Wybierz profil samolotu podany przez: górny poziom <name>-set.xml</aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Select an aircraft profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" --> <show-aircraft-desc>Drukuj listê dostêpnych samolotów</show-aircraft-desc> <!-- English: "Print a list of the currently available aircraft types" --> <!-- <min-aircraft-status>???</min-aircraft-status> --> <!-- English: "Allows you to define a minimum status level (=development status) for all listed aircraft" --> <!-- <vehicle-desc>???</vehicle-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select an vehicle profile as defined by a top level <name>-set.xml" --> <!-- <livery-desc>???</livery-desc> --> <!-- English: "Select aircraft livery" --> <!-- Flight Dynamics Model options --> <fdm-options>Model dynamiki lotu (FDM)</fdm-options> <!-- English: "Flight Model" --> <fdm-desc n="0">Wybierz g³ówny model dynamiki lotu</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Select the core flight dynamics model" --> <fdm-desc n="1">Dostêpne: jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, lub null</fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Can be one of jsb, larcsim, yasim, magic, balloon, ada, external, or null" --> <aero-desc>Wybierz model areodynamiki do wczytania:</aero-desc> <!-- English: "Select aircraft aerodynamics model to load" --> <model-hz-desc>Uruchom FDM z wspó³czynnikiem..(krok na sekundê)</model-hz-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM this rate (iterations per second)" --> <speed-desc>Uruchamiaj FDM 'n' razy szybciej ni¿ w rzeczywistoœci</speed-desc> <!-- English: "Run the FDM 'n' times faster than real time" --> <notrim-desc n="0">NIE próbuj zrównowa¿yæ model</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "Do NOT attempt to trim the model" --> <notrim-desc n="1">(tylko z dynamik¹ lotu fdm=jsbsim)</notrim-desc> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" --> <!-- <trim-desc n="0">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Trim the model" --> <!-- <trim-desc n="1">???</trim-desc> --> <!-- English: "(only with fdm=jsbsim)" --> <on-ground-desc>Start z ziemi(domyœlnie)</on-ground-desc> <!-- English: "Start at ground level (default)" --> <in-air-desc>Rozpocznij w powietrzu(gdy wywo³anie z parametrem --altitude)</in-air-desc> <!-- English: "Start in air (implied when using -_altitude)" --> <wind-desc>Parametry wiatru: z kierunku [stopnie] z prêdkoœci¹ [knots]</wind-desc> <!-- English: "Specify wind coming from DIR (degrees) at SPEED (knots)" --> <!-- <random-wind-desc>???</random-wind-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set up random wind direction and speed" --> <!-- <turbulence-desc>???</turbulence-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify turbulence from 0.0 (calm) to 1.0 (severe)" --> <!-- <ceiling-desc>???</ceiling-desc> --> <!-- English: "Create an overcast ceiling, optionally with a specific thickness (defaults to 2000 ft)." --> <aircraft-dir-desc>Katalog z samolotami (œcie¿ka wzglêdem pliku startowego programu)</aircraft-dir-desc> <!-- English: "Aircraft directory relative to the path of the executable" --> <aircraft-model-options>Katalog z samolotami (tylko dla UIUC FDM)</aircraft-model-options> <!-- English: "Aircraft model directory (UIUC FDM ONLY)" --> <!-- Position and Orientation options --> <position-options>Pocz¹tkowa pozycja i orientacja</position-options> <!-- English: "Initial Position and Orientation" --> <!-- <airport-desc>???</airport-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an airport" --> <!-- <parking-id-desc>???</parking-id-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify parking position at an airport (must also specify an airport)" --> <!-- <carrier-desc>???</carrier-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position on an AI carrier" --> <!-- <parkpos-desc>???</parkpos-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which starting position on an AI carrier (must also specify a carrier)" --> <!-- <vor-desc>???</vor-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a VOR" --> <!-- <vor-freq-desc>???</vor-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the VOR. Use with -_vor=ID" --> <!-- <ndb-desc>???</ndb-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to an NDB" --> <!-- <ndb-freq-desc>???</ndb-freq-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the frequency of the NDB. Use with -_ndb=ID" --> <!-- <fix-desc>???</fix-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify starting position relative to a fix" --> <runway-no-desc>Wybierz pas do startu (musisz podaæ równie¿ lotnisko)</runway-no-desc> <!-- English: "Specify starting runway (must also specify an airport)" --> <offset-distance-desc>Dystans do progu drogi startowej</offset-distance-desc> <!-- English: "Specify distance to reference point (statute miles)" --> <offset-azimuth-desc>Kierunek do progu drogi startowej</offset-azimuth-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading to reference point" --> <lon-desc>D³ugoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (zachód = -)</lon-desc> <!-- English: "Starting longitude (west = -)" --> <lat-desc>Szerokoœæ geograficzna pozycji startu (po³udnie = -)</lat-desc> <!-- English: "Starting latitude (south = -)" --> <altitude-desc>Wysokoœæ pocz¹tkowa</altitude-desc> <!-- English: "Starting altitude" --> <heading-desc>Podaj kierunek odchylenia: k¹t Psi</heading-desc> <!-- English: "Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)" --> <roll-desc>Podaj k¹t przechy³u (Phi)</roll-desc> <!-- English: "Specify roll angle (Phi)" --> <pitch-desc>Podaj k¹t pochylenia (Theta)</pitch-desc> <!-- English: "Specify pitch angle (Theta)" --> <uBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi X</uBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body X axis" --> <vBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Y</vBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Y axis" --> <wBody-desc>Podaj prêdkoœæ wzd³u¿ osi Z</wBody-desc> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along the body Z axis" --> <!-- <vNorth-desc>???</vNorth-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a South-North axis" --> <!-- <vEast-desc>???</vEast-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a West-East axis" --> <!-- <vDown-desc>???</vDown-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify velocity along a vertical axis" --> <vc-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ prêdkoœæ</vc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial airspeed" --> <mach-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ liczbê Mach</mach-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial mach number" --> <glideslope-desc>Specify flight path angle (mo¿e byæ dodatni)</glideslope-desc> <!-- English: "Specify flight path angle (can be positive)" --> <roc-desc>Pocz¹tkowy wspó³czynnik wznoszenia (mo¿e byæ ujemny)</roc-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial climb rate (can be negative)" --> <!-- sound options --> <!-- <audio-options>???</audio-options> --> <!-- English: "Audio Options" --> <disable-sound-desc>Niedostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</disable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sound effects" --> <enable-sound-desc>Dostêpne efekty dŸwiêkowe</enable-sound-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sound effects" --> <!-- <show-sound-devices-desc>???</show-sound-devices-desc> --> <!-- English: "Show a list of available audio device" --> <!-- <sound-device-desc>???</sound-device-desc> --> <!-- English: "Explicitly specify the audio device to use" --> <!-- Rendering options --> <rendering-options>Opcje renderowania</rendering-options> <!-- English: "Rendering Options" --> <bpp-desc>Liczba bitów na piksel</bpp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the bits per pixel" --> <fog-disable-desc>Niedostêpna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-disable-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fog/haze" --> <fog-fastest-desc>Mo¿liwa silna mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-fastest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fastest fog/haze" --> <fog-nicest-desc>Mo¿liwa lekka mg³a/mgie³ka</fog-nicest-desc> <!-- English: "Enable nicest fog/haze" --> <!-- <disable-horizon-effect>???</disable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Disable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" --> <!-- <enable-horizon-effect>???</enable-horizon-effect> --> <!-- English: "Enable celestial body growth illusion near the horizon" --> <!-- <disable-enhanced-lighting>???</disable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Disable enhanced runway lighting" --> <!-- <enable-enhanced-lighting>???</enable-enhanced-lighting> --> <!-- English: "Enable enhanced runway lighting" --> <!-- <disable-distance-attenuation>???</disable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Disable runway light distance attenuation" --> <!-- <enable-distance-attenuation>???</enable-distance-attenuation> --> <!-- English: "Enable runway light distance attenuation" --> <!-- <disable-specular-highlight>???</disable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Disable specular reflections on textured objects" --> <!-- <enable-specular-highlight>???</enable-specular-highlight> --> <!-- English: "Enable specular reflections on textured objects" --> <enable-clouds-desc>Dostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 2D (flat) cloud layers" --> <disable-clouds-desc>Niedostêpne 2D (p³askie) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 2D (flat) cloud layers" --> <enable-clouds3d-desc>Dostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</enable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Enable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" --> <disable-clouds3d-desc>Niedostêpne 3D (przestrzenne) warstwy chmur</disable-clouds3d-desc> <!-- English: "Disable 3D (volumetric) cloud layers" --> <fov-desc>Obszar k¹ta widzenia</fov-desc> <!-- English: "Specify field of view angle" --> <!-- <arm-desc>???</arm-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a multiplier for the aspect ratio." --> <disable-fullscreen-desc>Niedostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</disable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Disable fullscreen mode" --> <enable-fullscreen-desc>Dostêpny tryb pe³noekranowy</enable-fullscreen-desc> <!-- English: "Enable fullscreen mode" --> <shading-flat-desc>Zezwól na p³askie cieniowanie</shading-flat-desc> <!-- English: "Enable flat shading" --> <shading-smooth-desc>Zezwól na g³adkie cieniowanie</shading-smooth-desc> <!-- English: "Enable smooth shading" --> <disable-skyblend-desc>Niedostêpna przeŸroczystoœæ nieba</disable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Disable sky blending" --> <enable-skyblend-desc>Dostêpna przezroczystoœæ nieba</enable-skyblend-desc> <!-- English: "Enable sky blending" --> <disable-textures-desc>Tekstury niedostêpne</disable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Disable textures" --> <enable-textures-desc>Tekstury dostêpne</enable-textures-desc> <!-- English: "Enable textures" --> <!-- <materials-file-desc>???</materials-file-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the materials file used to render the scenery (default: materials.xml)" --> <!-- <texture-filtering-desc>???</texture-filtering-desc> --> <!-- English: "Anisotropic Texture Filtering: values should be 1 (default),2,4,8 or 16" --> <disable-wireframe-desc>Niedostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</disable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Disable wireframe drawing mode" --> <enable-wireframe-desc>Dostêpny tryb rysowania konturowego</enable-wireframe-desc> <!-- English: "Enable wireframe drawing mode" --> <geometry-desc>Podaj wymiary okna(640x480, itp.)</geometry-desc> <!-- English: "Specify window geometry (640x480, etc)" --> <view-offset-desc>Domyœlny widok do przodu jako odchylenie od kierunku na wprost. Dopuszczalne wartoœci: LEFT [lewo], RIGHT [prawo], CENTER [wyœrodkuj], lub podaj w stopniach</view-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Specify the default forward view direction as an offset from straight ahead. Allowable values are LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER, or a specific number in degrees" --> <visibility-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ</visibility-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility" --> <visibility-miles-desc>Podaj pocz¹tkow¹ widzialnoœæ w milach</visibility-miles-desc> <!-- English: "Specify initial visibility in miles" --> <!-- <max-fps-desc>???</max-fps-desc> --> <!-- English: "Maximum frame rate in Hz." --> <!-- Hud options --> <hud-options>Wyœwietlacza przezierny</hud-options> <!-- English: "Hud Options" --> <hud-tris-desc>HUD pokazuje liczbê renderowanych trójk¹tów</hud-tris-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays number of triangles rendered" --> <hud-culled-desc>HUD pokazuje procent 'culled' trójk¹tów</hud-culled-desc> <!-- English: "Hud displays percentage of triangles culled" --> <!-- Time options --> <time-options>Opcje czasu</time-options> <!-- English: "Time Options" --> <!-- <timeofday-desc>???</timeofday-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify a time of day" --> <!-- <season-desc>???</season-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify the startup season" --> <time-offset-desc>Dodaj to przesuniêcie czasu</time-offset-desc> <!-- English: "Add this time offset" --> <time-match-real-desc>Synchronizuj czas z rzeczywistym (GMT)</time-match-real-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with real-world time" --> <time-match-local-desc>Synchronizuj czas z lokalnym czasem rzeczywistym</time-match-local-desc> <!-- English: "Synchronize time with local real-world time" --> <start-date-desc>Podaj datê/czas startu ze wzg. na </start-date-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a starting date/time with respect to" --> <!-- Network options --> <network-options>Opcje sieciowe</network-options> <!-- English: "Network Options" --> <httpd-desc>Otwórz serwer HTTP na porcie...</httpd-desc> <!-- English: "Enable http server on the specified port" --> <!-- <proxy-desc>???</proxy-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which proxy server (and port) to use. The username and password are optional and should be MD5 encoded already. This option is only useful when used in conjunction with the real-weather-fetch option." --> <!-- <telnet-desc>???</telnet-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable telnet server on the specified port" --> <!-- <jpg-httpd-desc>???</jpg-httpd-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable screen shot http server on the specified port" --> <!-- <disable-terrasync-desc>???</disable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Disable automatic scenery downloads/updates" --> <!-- <enable-terrasync-desc>???</enable-terrasync-desc> --> <!-- English: "Enable automatic scenery downloads/updates" --> <!-- <terrasync-dir-desc>???</terrasync-dir-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set target directory for scenery downloads" --> <!-- MultiPlayer options --> <!-- <multiplayer-options>???</multiplayer-options> --> <!-- English: "MultiPlayer Options" --> <!-- <multiplay-desc>???</multiplay-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify multipilot communication settings" --> <!-- <callsign-desc>???</callsign-desc> --> <!-- English: "assign a unique name to a player" --> <!-- Route/Way Point Options --> <route-options>Opcje trasy/punktów przelotowych</route-options> <!-- English: "Route/Way Point Options" --> <wp-desc>Podaj punkty przelotowe autopilotowi GC;</wp-desc> <!-- English: "Specify a waypoint for the GC autopilot;" --> <flight-plan-desc>Wczytaj punkty przelotu z pliku</flight-plan-desc> <!-- English: "Read all waypoints from a file" --> <!-- IO Options --> <io-options>Opcje we./wy.</io-options> <!-- English: "IO Options" --> <!-- <AV400-desc>???</AV400-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the Garmin AV400 protocol required to drive a Garmin 196/296 series GPS" --> <!-- <AV400Sim-desc>???</AV400Sim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Emit the set of AV400 strings required to drive a Garmin 400-series GPS from FlightGear" --> <!-- <atlas-desc>???</atlas-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Atlas protocol" --> <!-- <atcsim-desc>???</atcsim-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the ATC sim protocol (atc610x)" --> <garmin-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Garmin GPS</garmin-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Garmin GPS protocol" --> <joyclient-desc>Pod³¹cz do Agwagon d¿ojstik</joyclient-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection to an Agwagon joystick" --> <!-- <jsclient-desc>???</jsclient-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection to a remote joystick" --> <native-ctrls-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native Controls</native-ctrls-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native Controls protocol" --> <native-fdm-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native FDM </native-fdm-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native FDM protocol" --> <!-- <native-gui-desc>???</native-gui-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native GUI protocol" --> <native-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u FG Native</native-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the FG Native protocol" --> <nmea-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u NMEA</nmea-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the NMEA protocol" --> <!-- <generic-desc>???</generic-desc> --> <!-- English: "Open connection using a predefined communication interface and a preselected communication protocol" --> <opengc-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u OpenGC</opengc-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the OpenGC protocol" --> <props-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c interaktywnego menad¿era w³aœciwoœci</props-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the interactive property manager" --> <pve-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u PVE</pve-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the PVE protocol" --> <ray-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u Ray Woodworth motion chair</ray-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the Ray Woodworth motion chair protocol" --> <rul-desc>Po³¹cz u¿ywaj¹c protoko³u RUL</rul-desc> <!-- English: "Open connection using the RUL protocol" --> <!-- Avionics Options --> <!-- <avionics-options>???</avionics-options> --> <!-- English: "Avionics Options" --> <!-- <com1-desc>???</com1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM1 radio frequency" --> <!-- <com2-desc>???</com2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the COM2 radio frequency" --> <!-- <nav1-desc>???</nav1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." --> <!-- <nav2-desc>???</nav2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the NAV2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a radial." --> <!-- <adf1-desc>???</adf1-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF1 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." --> <!-- <adf2-desc>???</adf2-desc> --> <!-- English: "Set the ADF2 radio frequency, optionally preceded by a card rotation." --> <!-- <dme-desc>???</dme-desc> --> <!-- English: "Slave the ADF to one of the NAV radios, or set its internal frequency." --> <!-- <situation-options>???</situation-options> --> <!-- English: "Situation Options" --> <!-- <failure-desc>???</failure-desc> --> <!-- English: "Fail the pitot, static, vacuum, or electrical system (repeat the option for multiple system failures)." --> <!-- Debugging Options --> <debugging-options>Opcje debugera</debugging-options> <!-- English: "Debugging Options" --> <!-- <fpe-desc>???</fpe-desc> --> <!-- English: "Abort on encountering a floating point exception;" --> <!-- <fgviewer-desc>???</fgviewer-desc> --> <!-- English: "Use a model viewer rather than load the entire simulator;" --> <trace-read-desc>Œledziæ odczyty pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-read-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the reads for a property;" --> <trace-write-desc>Œledziæ zapisy pod wzg. w³aœciwoœci;</trace-write-desc> <!-- English: "Trace the writes for a property;" --> <!-- <log-level-desc>???</log-level-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging level to use" --> <!-- <log-class-desc>???</log-class-desc> --> <!-- English: "Specify which logging class(es) to use" --> </PropertyList>