  <name>Start Up</name>
Before you go flying, you'll need to learn how to start the engines.

This tutorial will take you through the pre-startup checklist and starting the Cessna 172p.
      <value>Fair weather</value>
    <message>Welcome to Livermore Municipal Airport. In this lesson we'll go through the pre-startup checks and start the aircraft.</message>
    <message>Before we start up, we need to brief what we'll do in case of an engine fire on startup. As
      this isn't our aircraft, and we're fully insured, we'll simply open the door and run away.</message>
    <message>Next, we check our seatbelts, and seat adjustments. Cessnas can get worn seat rails that
      sometimes cause the seat to slip backwards, often just as you take off, so make sure it is secure.</message>
    <message>The fuel selector is set to BOTH, the Mixture control is fully rich, and the carb heat is off.</message>
    <message>Open the throttle slightly. Use your joystick throttle control,
      or PgUp to increase throttle to about 10%.</message>
      <message>Push in the throttle using PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
      <message>Open the throttle a bit more.</message>
      <message>That's a bit too much. Pull it out slightly using your joystick throttle control, or PgDn.</message>
    <message>Now, we'll check no-one is about to walk into our propeller.</message>
    <message>Looks clear.</message>
    <message>We need to switch on the magnetos. Click the middle hotspot three times, so the key is set to BOTH.</message>
      <message>Click the middle hotspot three times, so both magnetos are on and the key
        is set to BOTH.</message>
    <message>Finally, we can start the engine. Hold down s, or the right hotspot until the engine catches.</message>
      <message>Wrong way - set the magnetos back to BOTH.</message>
      <message>You need the magnetos on to start the engine. Set them to BOTH by clicking the middle hotspot or pressing ].</message>
    <message>Great, the engine is running. Adjust the throttle so we're running at between 800 and 1000 RPM.</message>
      <message>You can release the starter motor now - the engine is running</message>
      <message>That's a bit high. Reduce throttle slightly with PgDn, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
      <message>That's too low. Increase throttle slightly with PgUp, or your joystick throttle control.</message>
    <message>Great. We're now ready to taxi to the runway.</message>