<?xml version="1.0"?>


    <name type="string">auto</name>


        The aircraft will conform to the Location tab selections.
        Use Runway, Runway - On approach or Parking in Location tab below.

        Additional parameters required
            Use Runway, Runway - On approach or Parking
            Or supply
                --lon=degrees                Starting longitude (west = -)
                --lat=degrees                Starting latitude (south = -)
                --altitude=value             Starting altitude (in feet unless --units-meters specified)
                --heading=degrees            Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)
                --vc=knots                   Specify initial airspeed


                <speed-set type="string">knots</speed-set>
                <airspeed-kt type="int">100</airspeed-kt>
                <pitch-deg type="double">0</pitch-deg>
                <roll-deg type="double">0</roll-deg>
                <uBody-fps type="double">163</uBody-fps>
                <vBody-fps type="double">0</vBody-fps>
                <wBody-fps type="double">0</wBody-fps>
                <glideslope-deg type="double">0</glideslope-deg>
                <trim type="bool">true</trim>
                <onground type="bool">false</onground>
