<?xml version="1.0"?>



    This tutorial covers moving the aircraft around on the ground, from the parking position to the run-up area.

For more information on taxiing, see Section 2-9 of the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook available at http://www.faa.gov/library/manuals/aircraft/airplane_handbook/.


            <!-- forward to taxiway
            <!-- continue along yellow line
            <!-- stop


            <value>332</value> <!-- PAHOA NDB -->
            <value>Fair weather</value>
                setprop("/controls/engines/current-engine/mixture", 1.0);
                setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 1);

        <message>In this lesson we'll taxi the aircraft from its parking position
       via the taxiway Charlie to the holding pont of runway 21</message>
                var listeners = std.Vector.new();

                listeners.append(setlistener("/engines/active-engine/running", func (node) {
                    if (node.getBoolValue()) {
                        setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 0);
                        foreach (var listener; listeners.vector) {
                }, 1, 0));

        <message>Damage has been turned off. You may turn it on now for more realism.</message>

        <message>I've already started the engine. Press Shift-B to release the parking brake. Throttle up to about
      20% to move forward slightly, then hold b to check that the normal brakes work.</message>

            <message>The parking brake is still on. Release it by pressing Shift-B.</message>
            <message>Throttle up to about 20% to move forward slightly.</message>
            <message>Apply the brakes by pressing b.</message>


        <message>Keep applying the brakes. You can steer the aircraft on the ground by either using 0/Enter on the
      numeric keypad, or using the mouse in yoke mode (+) with the left mouse button held down. If you need to slow
      down, just press b to apply the brakes.</message>

            <message>Keep the brakes on until I tell you to start taxiing.</message>

        <message>Release the brakes and taxi forwards.  You may need to apply a little throttle to get going.</message>

            <message>You're driving curves. To meet the taxiway you have to taxi straight!</message>

            <message>Apply a little throttle to get going, but then reduce it once you're moving.</message>


        <message>Turn left and continue along the centreline.</message>

            <message>You're driving curves. To meet the taxiway you have to taxi straight!</message>
            <message>Apply a little throttle to get going, but then reduce it once you're moving.</message>


        <message>Continue along Charlie and cross the inactive runway.</message>

            <message>You're going too fast. Reduce your throttle slightly and apply your brakes.</message>


        <message>Keep going along the taxiway.</message>

            <message>You're going too fast. Reduce your throttle slightly and apply your brakes.</message>


        <message>Set the throttle to idle and apply the parking brake</message>

            <message>We now have to execute the run-up checks and therefore you need to stop. Set the parking brake!</message>

            <message>Set the throttle to idle!</message>


        <message>We've reached the run-up area. Well done.</message>
