<?xml version="1.0"?>


    <name>Engine Failure</name>

    <description>Engine failure is very rare in flight simulators, but a risk in real life.

The tutorial starts with you cruising at 3000 ft near Hilo. A total engine failure will occur, with no possibility of restart - black smoke, chunks of metal pushed out of the cowling.

Glide the aircraft to the nearest airport and make a successful emergency landing. You must manage your altitude and fly a normal pattern from "abeam the numbers". Don't deploy flaps until you have the runway "made".

The Cessna 172 glides at a ratio of 9:1 at a best glide speed of 65 kts IAS. The glide ratio assumes no flaps and a "windmilling" propeller. If you fly any faster or slower, or have flaps deployed, the glide rate will be worse.

PHTO (Hilo) is within glide distance. Try to land at PHTO.
            c172p.click("engine-repair", 6.0);
            setprop("/engines/active-engine/oil-level", sim/model/c172p/engine_flag_0 ? 7 : 8);
            setprop("/engines/active-engine/carb_ice", 0.0);
            setprop("/fdm/jsbsim/engine/damage-level", 0.0);


            <value>Fair weather</value>
                setprop("/controls/engines/current-engine/mixture", 1.0);
                setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 1);

                var listeners = std.Vector.new();

                listeners.append(setlistener("/engines/active-engine/running", func (node) {
                    if (node.getBoolValue()) {
                        setprop("/controls/switches/starter", 0);
                        foreach (var listener; listeners.vector) {
                }, 1, 0));
        <message>We're happily cruising along, enjoying an evenings flight.</message>

        <message>Engine failure! Engine failure! Trim for a best glide speed of 65 knots.</message>

        <message>Now look around and choose an airport, or emergency landing site. Stay at 65 knots.</message>

            <message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
        Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>

        <message>Start maneuvering towards your chosen emergency landing spot,
      keeping your speed at 65 knots IAS.</message>

            <message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
        Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>

        <message>At this point we would radio an emergency/mayday.
      Remember - Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - in that order.</message>

            <message>You are too slow. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>You are too fast. You need to fly at 65 knots IAS for maximum glide.</message>
            <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
        Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>

        <message>Continue flying towards your emergency landing spot.
      If we had the spare capacity, we might attempt to restart the engine at this point.</message>

            <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
        Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>

        <message>Stay a 65 knots for maximum glide. Only use flaps once the runway is "made".</message>

            <message>Engine failure is currently simulated by switching off the magnetos.
        Please switch them off again to continue the tutorial.</message>


        <message>Assuming the aircraft is upright and you landed on a runway,
      you walked away from a total engine failure - well done!</message>
