- use the namespace __addon[ADDON_ID]__ when loading an add-on's
main.nas file (previously, the namespace used was __addon[i]__ where
i is 0 for the first registered add-on, 1 for the second one, etc.);
- use logprint() instead of printlog(), because the former writes a
more helpful source file and line number for the log call in
fgfs.log (i.e., not always src/Scripting/NasalSys.cxx...);
- remove the listener once it has been fired;
- add documentation in Docs/README.add-ons.
simgear::ResourceProxy has been renamed to
simgear::EmbeddedResourceProxy in SimGear commit
2200fad30ebfd68cefd461d5443b8612621b4643[1]. Adapt
Docs/README.embedded-resources accordingly.
[1] This was done in order to avoid confusion with the unrelated classes
simgear::ResourceProvider and simgear::ResourceManager.
This document (Docs/README.embedded-resources) explains how to use the
embedded resources system and presents SimGear's CharArrayStream and
ZlibStream families of classes, as well as the ResourceProxy class.
<message> tags can now contain sprintf() format
strings (%d, %.2f etc), with
used as the substitute value. Could be extended
in the future with perhaps Nasal evaluation?
Forum thread:
The documentation compiler will iterate over all Aircraft and generate
LaTeX files for each aircraft. It will then compile them to a pdf. Please
refer to the forum thread for an example of such a pdf file.
It will also generate a separate pdf file just for the checklists.
Currently, the compiler uses the checklist files and additional files in a
Docs/ subdirectory of the aircraft.
To use this script, you need python > 2.7 and a recent version of pdflatex
with hyperref support installed.
This is a sample for the new httpd and it's JSON capability.
Need to run fgfs with --httpd=<YourHttpPort> and point your browser
at http://localhost:<YourHttpPort>/gui/radio.html
This is a document Hooray and I have been working on for a while. Its
focused on the internals, and very likely in a messy state and very
weird, but hopefully some others will want to contribute. There's some
empty sections, random "test" code snippets, and lots of \todos in
there. Also, lines aren't wrapped at all, but it does generate a nice
PDF that contains, I hope, something that will be useful.
The PDF was rendered by
All tree texture sheets now contain 4 different texture sets for
different conditions. See Docs/README.materials for details.
Also retire the -summer and -winter variants of tree textures, which
are now redundant.
Checklists may now be split into individual sections made up
of <pages> containing the <item> tags. Each page is displayed
individually with Previous/Next buttons to allow navigation.
Checklists items also support <marker> tags. These display
a marker when a ? button is pressed next to the checklist item.
The format is identical to that of the tutorial system.