I've just purchased a Logitech Attack 3 usb joystick and it
works great with Flightgear.
It has 11 button and a throttle control.
I have attatched an xml file for inclusion into Flightgear.
The buttons are as follows:
Trigger Button 0 : Brakes
Button 3 : Elevator trim up
Button 2 : Elevator trim down
button 6 : Elevators up
button 7 : Elevators down
button 8 : Brake left
button 9: Brake right
With buttons 11 - Gear up
Button - 10 Gear down
- Provide generic Nasal code to check if a pilot is abusing their aircraft
by extending their gear/flaps above the maximum allowed speed, exceeding
Vne, or pulling excessive G-forces.
- Implement limits within the C182.
functions when used in $FG_ROOT/Nasal/*.nas, because it
depends on props.nas being available; no restrictions in
aircraft files, where it will proof most useful
gui.nas: replace inefficient FPS display polling loop with listener
- gui.nas: use 4-space indents like the rest of the file; waste slightly less
cycles: checking for the property shouldn't be done in a loop at
all, it only serves as a temporary solution
"tidy up surfaces, cull vertices, provide second carrier for Med, finish
implementing improved features and improve nimitz-demo to demonstrate
mf: made both Nimitz and Eisenhower share the same 3D model, and only
switch textures via startup material animation; created Nimitz island
local changes. People are used to modifying this file, and seem helpless
without it. Further explanations will be added to README.Joystick.html.
The dummy entry is necessary because EasyXML aborts without at least one
entry, and segfaults without <PropertyList> entry.
script. Once the aircraft list for the 0.9.9 release is fixed, I can very
easily make another map-0.9.9.{tex,pdf} only with the selected aircraft.
(I have yet to review the autogenerated list thoroughly. Don't know yet
if some keys weren't dropped.)