ConfigStore for storing and retrieving config settings (needs XML import/export)
Header display with 4 different header fields (all configurable)
Publisher for ADC and FMS.
SVG files from Michat on the forum:
Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:36 pm
Me, Michat. I donate the so called garmin1000B.svg file created by me using GPL Inkscape software to FlightGear, the Free Flight Simulator as a present to the Since now I derived all legal rights to FlightGear via two active developers representatives on this forum topic: Stuart and hooray. They will proceed to upload the file to the FG repository, choosing the best license in order to protect FlightGear from any scammer simulation software, if is possible. Having account the nature of the Flightgear project as public well.
The 13TH of January 2018 in Madrid Spain.
- Add new Emesary notification type for NAV/COM data
- Create Update/Publish interfaces using Emesary from properties
- Use interfaces to drive updates to EIS and NAV/COM frequencies
- Change the PageGroupController to a "proper" MFD page
- DTO MapStructure layer to provide a DTO line to a lat/lon
- Support for scrolling lists in the PFD/GroupElement
- Support MAP (NavigationMap) and ENGINE (EIS) soft-keys from other pages.
The instruments can now be enabled easily for testing purposes:
simply toggle their "serviceable" properties:
/instrumentation/mk-viii/serviceable or
Emesary is a simple and efficient class based interobject communcation system to allow decoupled disparate parts of a system to function together without knowing about each. It allows decoupling and removal of dependencies by using notifications to cause actions or to query values.
Emesary is all about decoupling and removing dependecies, and improving the structure of code. Using Emesary you can more easily define the what rather than the how. By using what is essential an event driven system it is easy to add or remove modules, and also for extra modules to be inserted that the rest of the aircraft knows nothing about (e.g. FGCamera or the Walker).
The AN/SPN-46 is an ACLS implementation using Emesary. ACLS is the Navy's version of ILS.
From release/2016.1
commit 3f33b88bb015a8ee685ab3178932d16d6e072410
A big Thank-You to the c172p-detailed team for their ongoing work.