I have done some cleanup where I moved some values out of classes where they
do not belong and such stuff.
Also the fols offsets are now named in the carrier xml file with a more
verbose name (flols-pos/offset-*) than before (only offset-*).
There is a little preparation for definitions of parking positions on the
carrier which should later be used for starting flightgear directly on the
I attach the long-promised improved version of the USS Nimitz.
It includes an improved version of the FLOLS, which requires the attached
diff to be applied to AICarrier.cxx and AICArrier.hxx.
I've made lots of eye-candy in the form or the flightdeck crew.
Unfortunately, it about doubles the size of the tarball. I'll send it to you
later; when I've figured out some way of only loading on request (any advice
would be very welcome).
I could provide a \u2018bare\u2019 version to cut down on the vertex count for
less capable systems however, the count isn\u2019t huge in the first place.
I've cut the textures down as far as I can without losing definition.
The comm radio knobs are screwed. Left half increase, right half decrease.
Fixed that. (I wonder since when this is broken. Does nobody use it?)
To reproduce: $ fgfs --aircraft=c310
I just heard from John Wojnaroski that you and he are going to work on getting
a flightgear demo machine up for the linux expo thursday and Friday. John
indicated that he would very much like to get a CVS version with the new
traffic code up and running before the expo.
I have made the
'Select Airport from List' option in FlightGear work
(I think) properly. I have some concerns about the
solution, which could be broken by changes to plib (if
they re-use the value I have assigned to
PUCLASS_LIST), but for the moment it seems to work OK.
Erik Hofman:
A request has been sent to John Fay to include the puList
code in the puAux subdirectory of plib so expect some
changes for future version of FlightGear.
I hope Roy doesn't mind that I'm submitting his patch again. I only removed the
limits, because they didn't work in several aircraft. This allows you to do
unrealistic things like sticking your head out of a 747 cockpit, or "extreme"
things like leaving the aircraft, but that's no worse than being able to turn
the head several times in a row as in "The Exorcist".
* Roy Vegard Ovesen:
I've attached a patch to mice.xml that lets you move the camera/viewport with
the middle mouse button pressed in mouse view mode. Useful for looking at the
compass head on.
The c310's adf needle (HSI) doesn't work. The hsi.xml instrument does
still use the old property. The fix didn't have negative effects on
other a/c that I had tested.
Although this doesn't work anywhere but on my machine ... OK/Cancel
is completely out of place for this dialog. This has to be Apply/Close
or something.
Changes made 19/12/2004
Panel re-oriented
3d Compass shows through windows.
Wing-tips slightly altered.
Changes made 18/12/2004
Prop spinner shortened and widened
Nose area slightly remodelled to fit silouette
Nose texture altered to place lower intake correctly
Nose wheel reduced in size.
Nose leg Oleo guide added (does not rotate - is this correct with real ac?)
Nose wheel Axle added.
Nose wheel fixed to rotate about it's shaft axis.
Windscreen / panel mesh changed so that panel no longer protrudes thru dash
Panel instruments moved to represent the geometries of the real cockpit.
Pilot / Copilot Yokes moved inboard to represent the geometries of the real cockpit.
Alpha layer added to interior texture to prevent panel showing through seats / yokes.
Interior texture duplicated and mapped to panel only to allow panel to show.
Front seats moved slightly inboard.
Landing light pair added to port wing texture.
Alpah layer added to wing texture to prevent panel showing through.
Texture remapped to Flaps (no shows ribs again).
Wing strut outer joins brought inboard to point of wing taper to match real aircraft geometries.
Wing struts thinned in front profile and thickened in side profile.
VHF aerials moved aft to their usual position.
Maingear legs altered so they now join with the fusealage (previously, 20cm gap)
Rear window altered slightly to match silouette.
Rear (white) Navigation Light made to translate with the rudder.
Not yet done: independant landing and taxi lights on port wing