- properly referencing the canvas namespace, so that the ND module can be separately included via io.include()
- moving the initialization of aircraft specific SVG elements into the navdisplay.styles file, and the corresponding Boeing/Airbus entries there (see initialize_elements())
I created a substantial quantity of new work in the New Regional
Textures project and I would like to ask if anyone could review and
perhaps commit them into FGDATA. The modifications are:
- New textures and material definitions for California
- New textures and material definitions for Mexico
- New material definitions for Central America
- New textures and material definitions for Southern Europe
(Mediterranean region: Portugal, Spain, south of Italy, Greece, coast of
- New airport grass texture (global)
- New airport grass texture for Latin America
- New American town texture (global)
- Small improvement to grass blade textures (to better fit the airport
grass texture)
If this will be committed, we must add a note thanking the United States
Geological Survey (USGS) for the satellite images of California (
http://www.usgs.gov/ ) to the Thanks file.
Fix the main bugs, add features and convert most of the layers.
Move/refactor some things as well. Add a canvas map dialog next to the
built-in one -- it's not 100% functional but it's quite close actually.
As before, the excitement has been taking place at our team clone.
(topics/canvas-map-dialog branch this time, current HEAD in above URL.)
Implement traffic in MapStructure and use it. Various other hacks and/or
cleanup. Feedback required on whether this is a lot better than before.
Also partially revert 9c018d94c4d88dad7476ec250fa3b52024526f4b to add
feature to geo.PositionedSearch: it me._equals is overridden then the
old mechanism is used instead of the new C++ function, so that the
custom equality can be used. (In particular for the Fixes with the
TrafficModel class).
Make fdm listener single-fire, don't listen to /sim/signals/reinit. This
allows the Canvas to stay with the same placement through reinit, after
both the 777 and 747 were having problems. I don't see any reason for
having to recreate it all, and the cleanup function is still there (e.g.
for independent windows, to have their .del() call the ND's .del()).
renamed handle_reinit() -> del()
This also makes sure the /canvas/by-index/canvas[3/4]/ nodes are removed
and then recrated, as well as making sure the MapStructure del() path is
followed and working. Unfortunately the NDs are still blank after reinit.