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1671 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
d1711aefe5 Add a new splash screen. 2004-12-28 12:36:14 +00:00
417d884151 Melchior FRANZ:
Although this doesn't work anywhere but on my machine ... OK/Cancel
is completely out of place for this dialog. This has to be Apply/Close
or something.
2004-12-27 13:37:06 +00:00
1571689ab2 Remove carrier specific keyboard bindings, they are now located in Input/Keyboard/carrier-bindings.xml 2004-12-27 13:16:35 +00:00
2bdb704c2a Turn the ATC back on - after asking Curt first\! 2004-12-27 00:24:28 +00:00
73a9cb2849 Dave Martin:
Changes made 19/12/2004

Panel re-oriented
3d Compass shows through windows.
Wing-tips slightly altered.

Changes made 18/12/2004

Prop spinner shortened and widened
Nose area slightly remodelled to fit silouette
Nose texture altered to place lower intake correctly

Nose wheel reduced in size.
Nose leg Oleo guide added (does not rotate - is this correct with real ac?)
Nose wheel Axle added.
Nose wheel fixed to rotate about it's shaft axis.

Windscreen / panel mesh changed so that panel no longer protrudes thru dash
Panel instruments moved to represent the geometries of the real cockpit.
Pilot / Copilot Yokes moved inboard to represent the geometries of the real cockpit.
Alpha layer added to interior texture to prevent panel showing through seats / yokes.
Interior texture duplicated and mapped to panel only to allow panel to show.
Front seats moved slightly inboard.

Landing light pair added to port wing texture.
Alpah layer added to wing texture to prevent panel showing through.
Texture remapped to Flaps (no shows ribs again).
Wing strut outer joins brought inboard to point of wing taper to match real aircraft geometries.
Wing struts thinned in front profile and thickened in side profile.
VHF aerials moved aft to their usual position.
Maingear legs altered so they now join with the fusealage (previously, 20cm gap)
Rear window altered slightly to match silouette.

Rear (white) Navigation Light made to translate with the rudder.

Not yet done: independant landing and taxi lights on port wing
2004-12-25 16:47:14 +00:00
9d77ae2691 Replace basic.dat.gz and runways.dat.gz with a single apt.dat.gz which is
in the native X-Plane format.
2004-12-22 23:55:44 +00:00
e03ad7574e Fix a typo for the DME frequency property. 2004-12-21 22:53:05 +00:00
40924f3219 Start with the DME turned on. 2004-12-21 22:52:42 +00:00
d609e52e70 Disable the runway outline in the hud for now until a few more issues get
resolved.  (It's a nifty feature though.)
2004-12-21 00:21:44 +00:00
4ac890821a Updates in preparation for the 0.9.8 release. 2004-12-21 00:21:11 +00:00
f71f1bf1c6 Updates in preparation for 0.9.8 release. 2004-12-21 00:16:53 +00:00
bf8a0efaa5 Some final changes to the carrier keyboard configuration. 2004-12-20 13:53:21 +00:00
296dbf5e79 Add a keyboard bindings configurtion file for carrier capable aircraft 2004-12-20 12:52:18 +00:00
8503b293ee Decrease aileron/elevator/rudder sensitivity near the centre, again. 2004-12-17 16:29:49 +00:00
9a30a2afb1 Wrap runway textures in the symetrical v direction, except for the threshold panel which has a white line at the bottom but not the top. This is an effective workaround for a problem which results in black lines across the runway for users with ATI and some other non-NVidia cards 2004-12-16 18:05:17 +00:00
e6080691d8 Set sound volume to a sane value. 2004-12-16 13:16:01 +00:00
d7b54a6440 Documentation for the new "contra" attribute on propeller tags. 2004-12-13 23:49:03 +00:00
a4fbbe04b8 Roy Vegard Ovesen:
There are two <dme> entries in preferences.xml, resulting in two dme branches
under /instrumentation/ (dme[0] and dme[1]). The serviceable property is only
set for the second entry (dme[1]), and that one is not connected to the dme
module. Solution: Remove the first <dme> entry, and set the index explicitly
to 0 for the remaining <dme> entry.
2004-12-13 09:56:42 +00:00
67f1fb0c8a Nav instruments now check power on /systems/electrical/outputs/nav[0/1].
Need to update most electrical system configs to reflect this property name
2004-12-04 21:15:43 +00:00
a355aa410d More /radios -> /instrumentation property name changes. However, we are still
missing something because the nav1 and nav2 are still inop.
2004-12-04 20:37:04 +00:00
69956c445c Missed some instrumentation overall changes. 2004-12-04 20:08:37 +00:00
3b44bef269 Fix the default radio frequencies. 2004-12-03 22:24:41 +00:00
789560ea22 Roy Vegard Ovesen:
I've finished the emigration of the radiostack, and I've also removed it
completely. It turned out that the comm radio is completely implemented in
the ATC subsystem. I've changed the affected ATC files to point
to /instrumentation/com, but I guess that the maintainer of the ATC code
should decide wether to make it configureable, and how.

I also had to change some files in Network and Main. The changes in network
should be obvious, but the changes in Main were a bit suspect. The files
included radiostack.hxx, but they weren't directly depending on
radiostack-hxx. They were depending on other files that were included by
radiostack.hxx. I got it to compile, but I'm not sure if I included the
correct directly depending file.

For the data directory I changed every occurrence of /radios/
with /instrumentation/ with this simple one-liner that I found on the net:

find -name '*.xml' -type f | xargs perl -pi -e

Instead of me sending all the files that got changed by this I suggest that
you execute the one-liner yourself. Of course I can not guarantee that this
will work perfectly, but I considered hand editing to be not an option (I'm
lazy). I don't want to test every aircraft to see if everything still works,
I think it's better to wait and see if anyone complaints about broken nav
2004-12-03 21:25:48 +00:00
f3a020f20f New generic splash screen by Erik Hofman. 2004-12-03 20:24:30 +00:00
a11030fc14 Comment out the nimitz for now. 2004-11-30 14:29:24 +00:00
2140a89d8c Vivian Meazza:
These files add a functioning Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System (FLOLS).
The orange/red 'source' lights are illuminated according to the position of
the pilot's eye above/below the 3.5 deg glide slope. The apparent position
of the source light relative to the fixed green datum lights allow the pilot
to 'fly the meatball'. The green 'cut' lights flash when the pilot's eye is
below the coverage of the lowest (red) source light.

TODO - add rules for the operation of the wave-off lights.
2004-11-30 12:28:06 +00:00
df9376a314 Fix a typo 2004-11-30 09:09:04 +00:00
655c7246f7 Latest upodates from Melchior et all. 2004-11-29 09:45:34 +00:00
297200aeca Mathias Fröhlich:
Attached is a patch against the data directory which establishes the
keybindings I use for the carrier operations.
The map.pdf must be regenerated.
2004-11-26 10:26:18 +00:00
71bfe3a4db Move the kr-87 adf from /radios to /instrumentation 2004-11-19 23:56:47 +00:00
c93544468d Changes to match Roy Ovesen's instrumentation code and property name changes. 2004-11-19 23:05:07 +00:00
565e8aafba Make the comments match reality. 2004-11-19 23:04:32 +00:00
ff8418c286 Add new runway outline instrument configuration. This can be removed from
the data/Huds/Default/default.xml file if we don't want to draw the runway
in the default HUD (but then we should take a close look at all the elements
in the default HUD if we go down that road.)
2004-11-19 18:26:38 +00:00
e0f0a78b09 Initial revision, added a light weight interface on top of the raw hardware
to make bridge the gap with what FlightGear expects.
2004-11-18 04:59:32 +00:00
fa045bf0bf Mathias Frohlich:
I have now the FDM side of an aircraft carrier set up.

The implementation uses a local cache of the scene graph to do intersection
tests. This can then be done per gear/hook/lauchbar.
Also the required aircraft carrier hardware will show up in this cache and can
provide the required information.
The cache itself is ATM integrated into the FGInterface class.
New are functions to query a ground contact point below a given location in
the earth. Together with that contact point the surface normal and the
velocity of that contact surface are returned. The locations, normals and
velovities are cartesian vectors given in the wgs84 coordinate system (origin
in the earths center, x axis towards lat=lon=0, y axis towards lat=0, lon=90,
z axis towards the north pole).
A function to test catching a wire. The test is done by intersection of the
quad where the hook moved during the past timestep with the lines
representing the wires. When this test was sucessfull, we can query for the
locations/velocities of the wires mount points. When the wire is no longer
needed it should be released.
Catapults are also stored as special lines in the scenegraph. There is a
function which returns the nearest catapult line and its current
To build up the cache you need to call a function to let the cache know where
and how big the cache must be.

I have also a preliminary implementation to make use of that stuff from within
JSBSim together with an aircraft which I have used for development.

To play with that, you have to install the patches/new files described above.
The hook can be extended with the H key, retracted with h. Start flightgear
fgfs --lat=37.688 --lon=-122.683 --heading=180 --altitude=71
and you will be placed on the carriers deck rolling backwards wrt the carrier.
Then apply the breaks and wait until the aircraft settled down past being not
trimmed. Now taxi on the deck to one of the catapults. When the nose wheel is
above the first few meters of the catapult (please taxi exactly there). Apply
the breaks and leave them applied. lower the flaps to half and give full
throttle. Pull a little at your stick and release the breaks. As the breaks
are released the aircraft is launched.
Then you can cruise a bit, and again try to land on the nimitz. When you land,
do not forget to extend the hook with 'H'.
If you like it, you can then taxi to the catapult ...  :)

The physical model is not yet ready, but the api between the FDM and
flightgear has prooven to be sufficient for that task.
2004-11-16 10:02:01 +00:00
f06b96f7ff Melchior FRANZ:
This file is in a rather bad state. Hence:

- remove doubled "rudder" settings
- fix & nasalify brake properties (/controls/gear/wheel[?]/brake, yet again)
- remove redundant index setting
- nasalify throttle (to allow more than 8 engines)
- nasalify flaps (to make flaps with more than 4 positions work)
- nasalify elevator trim (just for fun  :-)
- fix syntax
- remove lots of trailing spaces

File tested by Jon-Eirik Pettersen
2004-11-16 09:45:57 +00:00
0e223e22f3 Vivan Meazza:
I attach the latest version  of Nimitz. The textures have been improved. A glide-path has been added, it is on by default, but can be switched off by means of the properties browser: /ai/models/ship/controls/glide-path. The origin has been adjusted to the turning pivot and approximate roll center.

Modified AiShip files are also attached. These allow the radius of the turning circle of a ship to be input. The turning circle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle. Roll has been corrected so that a ship leans out of a turn, not inwards like an aircraft. The roll angle is adjusted for speed and rudder angle (yes, application of more rudder reduces roll angle - rudders act as stabilizers).


Add a relative wind calculation so that a carrier can be turned to the appropriate launch and recovery courses.

Add a 'flight plan' so that the carrier can carry out a racetrack for flight ops.

Add a projector landing sight.

Add auto-land facilities.
2004-11-13 14:47:49 +00:00
e332ad1568 Oliver C.:
i modified the joystick settings for the Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick.
Now all buttons and axis react the same way in unix and windows except for
the view elevation binding which is on axis 5 in unix and 7 in windows.
Here the windows axis is inverse, the unix version is not.
This means if you move the hat down in unix you will look down
if you move the hat down in windows you will look up.
To fix this we would need some sort of property to inverse the axis independly
for windows and unix. If you know a way to do this feel free to fix this.

I also added some more button bindings.
With button 1 you can now switch between the views,
The brakes where moved from button 1 to button 0 because this button was
unused and users who want to switch from MS Flight Simulator to FlightGear
will like that too because the buttons are now used the same way on both
sims. With the unused button 8 (shift button), you can now retract the gears.

I also fixed the arrangement for the 4 buttons called A, B, C and D left to
the stick.
With button B you can now turn the flaps up and with button A down.
With button C you can use the left brake and with button D the right brake.
Before those changes the windows and unix bindings were different and somehow
unordered (crossed).

I tested this new Joystick settings in Windows Millenium and
Linux Slackware 10 with Flightgear 0.9.6 for windows and the newest cvs
version from today for Linux.
2004-11-08 17:35:17 +00:00
0970aead32 David Culp:
Here are files to get automated contrails working.  I've set up contrails for
the 737, using my simple, untextured contrail model.  Vivian has made another
contrail model, but I'm still trying to get his to work.  I'm hoping others
will try to make contrail models also.

Here's some code that defines a top to thermals.  When the top of a thermal is
reached the strength is phased-out linearly over the next 100 feet of
altitude.  At first I tried just capping the thermal at the top, but the
change in thermal strength was too fast for the FDM to handle well.

Included is a new version of the thermal scenario that includes a top
(height-msl) to the thermal.  The default value is 5000 feet.
2004-11-07 14:50:01 +00:00
93433d7c56 Roy Vegard Ovesen:
The KAP140 Autopilot is now fairly complete. I've added altitude arm, moved
the FPM number display and cleaned up the code a bit.
2004-11-01 09:34:16 +00:00
73054589dc Dave Perry:
I use both Linux and Win XP with my CH yoke and pedals and noted that I have two different versions of the yoke xml with the mixture and prop axis reversed.  Here is an edit that works for me with both Win XP and Linux.
2004-10-31 15:02:29 +00:00
a942ce005a Add some status levels 2004-10-28 11:44:46 +00:00
18b18a7947 Boris Koenig:
After applying the attached patches (based on latest CVS) you should
have a new option available within your version that should also
show up using fgfs --help, the syntax is:

    fgfs --min-status={level} --show-aircraft

whereas "level" can be anything between

    "alpha","beta","early-production" and "production"

Of course running something like

    fgfs --min-status=alpha --show-aircraft

should not return any aircraft right now, as none of the
current aircraft definition files in your base-package is using the


tag - but you can easily give it a try by adding something like


The tag should be placed as a sub-tag within <sim> - so directly behind
the <description> tag would be just fine and straight-forward.
2004-10-28 09:37:49 +00:00
bae4dda4d1 Move the submodels from the /systems proprty subtree into /ai instead. 2004-10-28 08:44:40 +00:00
4605d18a09 David Culp:
Here's code to support a new AICarrier class, which I think will be
sufficiently different from a basic AIShip that it should have its own class.
2004-10-28 08:34:50 +00:00
661617a94e Roy Vegard Ovesen:
I've made an encoder and a transponder. The transponder gets C-Mode altitude
information from the encoder. These two might not be very usefull right now,
but I think they might come in handy when the ATC network gets going.
2004-10-26 12:06:13 +00:00
5ca1be2ca1 Add loadxml/savexml commands and textbox gui dialog. 2004-10-24 09:26:21 +00:00
7c89540541 Boris Koenig:
This will modify menubar.cxx/hxx so that it exports the
entire menubar (from menubar.xml) to the property tree, so that it can
now be changed dynamically  using Nasal's setprop() instruction and
afterwards running a newly added fgcommand to update the menubar
based on those changes using the appropriate menubar path within
the property tree.

By default the menubar from menubar.xml will be stored within:



I have moved the loading of menubar.xml into preferences.xml and
made sure that the menubar is destroyed every time a new menubar
is created.
2004-10-22 09:26:50 +00:00
04f06fdea5 Latteral and longitudal accelerations (in G's) don't have an offset of 1.0G 2004-10-20 14:19:39 +00:00
e4bf4b84b1 Directly updating the right properties doesn't work when not uing --fdm=null, create a separate branch instead. 2004-10-20 09:20:35 +00:00