- Multiplayer is too long for a menu entry that is greyed out most of
the time for many people
- I don't like having the word "player" in front of me all the time
(FlightGear Is Not A Game[TM] :-)
Should we shorten it further to just "Net"?
These are then skipped with view.stepView(n), unless the second, optional
argument is set to 1: view.stepView(n, 1);
Whether a view is enabled or not, is saved in $FG_ROOT/.fgfs/autosave.xml
(system views) or $FG_ROOT/.fgfs/aircraft-data/<aircraft>.xml
- allow turning on/off extra widgets for developers (HUD dialog: colors,
rendering dialog: visualization of shadow edges), and to turn on/off new
- property key handler ('/'-key)
Both features are off by default, and their state is saved to autosave.xml.
/sim/current-view/dynamic-view. There are additionally <dynamic-view>
settings per view, but those only enable it for that view if it's
globally turned on.
gui/menubar.xml: Tim Moore:
These patches implement a command to dump the entire OSG scene graph as
a .osg text file. While large, this allows debuggers to really see
what's happening in the scene graph.
$FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/tutorial.xml. It combines the former selection
and description dialogs, which makes browsing much more pleasant.
No more switching back and forth between the two old dialogs. Also,
the <list> box can handle a bigger number of tutorials than the
<combo> box could.
- remove comments from the top of tutorial.nas. The documentation is
now $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.tutorials
preferences.xml gui/menubar.xml gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
Added Files:
Nasal/multiplayer.nas gui/dialogs/chat.xml
the data part of Stuarts multiplayer/chat patch
but as this is an integral part of FlightGear, I don't want to push for it.
Try out and comment. It's available under "Debug/Property Browser". Note,
that this isn't the slow pure-Nasal implementation, but a regular dialog
using a c++ based widget. Only the handling is done in Nasal, so there should
really be not performance degradation compared with the old dialog.
Easter Eggs: some entries work differently when the Control-key is pressed:
"." -> toggle output of SGPropertyNode flags
".." -> go to root (not just one dir level)
bool entry -> toggle bool entry value
leave edit field!, press <Return> to execute; as an example try
screen.log.write("hello world"), or f16.canopy.open() in the F16,
or bo105.doors[3].move(0.3) in the Bo105 etc.
This is another update for the cloud code, a lot of lines but this time I have started to add the doxygen doc.
- corrected a bug when RTT is not available, the current rendering context was
- if RTT is not available then 3d clouds are not drawn at all
- impostors lighting is now recomputed when the sun changes position
- distant objects are no more seen in front of clouds
- blending of distant clouds is a bit better now
- litle optimization of code (uses a less cpu time)
- use layer wind speed and direction (no more hardcoded wind)
- fov is no more hardcoded
- clouds (cu only) are dissipating/reforming (experimental)
- compute a turbulence factor that depends on surrounding clouds and type of
clouds (experimental)
- clouds shapes are defined in cloudlayers.xml
- type of clouds present in a layer is also defined in cloudlayers.xml
- cloud layers are generated from metar and other misc. data (in progress)
- added a rain effect around the viewer (enabled in the rendering dialog and
when the metar property says so)
- added a lightning effect (enabled in the rendering dialog) : cb clouds spawn
new lightnings
- added a dialog to select from different weather source : metar/property,
a 'fair weather' environment and a 'thunderstorm' environment.