In conjunction with some FlightGear changes, the delegate can now do
all sequencing decisions, i.e the GPS C++ code does not make any policy
decisions about sequencing.
Update the default Nasal delegate to mimic the old behaviour, and set
the config option, both to allow future developments and to demonstrate
the new API.
Current GUI allows selected mis-matched STAR and approach. Low risk
fix is to detect and deal with this case by just routing direct. Real
fix involves a slicker GUI or inserting a route discontinuity (possible
in FG 3.6 hopefully)
Hyde identified a problem where the departure and destination
runway are identical; the logic would detect a 'landing' on
activation and immediately deactivate the FP again.
Fix bug 940, where GPS remains in active LEG mode when the route is cleared. (there is an associated flight gear code change). With this fix, the work-around in the GUI dialog is no longer required.