- allow turning on/off extra widgets for developers (HUD dialog: colors,
rendering dialog: visualization of shadow edges), and to turn on/off new
- property key handler ('/'-key)
Both features are off by default, and their state is saved to autosave.xml.
/sim/current-view/dynamic-view. There are additionally <dynamic-view>
settings per view, but those only enable it for that view if it's
globally turned on.
gui/menubar.xml: Tim Moore:
These patches implement a command to dump the entire OSG scene graph as
a .osg text file. While large, this allows debuggers to really see
what's happening in the scene graph.
$FG_ROOT/gui/dialogs/tutorial.xml. It combines the former selection
and description dialogs, which makes browsing much more pleasant.
No more switching back and forth between the two old dialogs. Also,
the <list> box can handle a bigger number of tutorials than the
<combo> box could.
- remove comments from the top of tutorial.nas. The documentation is
now $FG_ROOT/Docs/README.tutorials
preferences.xml gui/menubar.xml gui/dialogs/rendering.xml
Added Files:
Nasal/multiplayer.nas gui/dialogs/chat.xml
the data part of Stuarts multiplayer/chat patch
but as this is an integral part of FlightGear, I don't want to push for it.
Try out and comment. It's available under "Debug/Property Browser". Note,
that this isn't the slow pure-Nasal implementation, but a regular dialog
using a c++ based widget. Only the handling is done in Nasal, so there should
really be not performance degradation compared with the old dialog.
Easter Eggs: some entries work differently when the Control-key is pressed:
"." -> toggle output of SGPropertyNode flags
".." -> go to root (not just one dir level)
bool entry -> toggle bool entry value
leave edit field!, press <Return> to execute; as an example try
screen.log.write("hello world"), or f16.canopy.open() in the F16,
or bo105.doors[3].move(0.3) in the Bo105 etc.
This is another update for the cloud code, a lot of lines but this time I have started to add the doxygen doc.
- corrected a bug when RTT is not available, the current rendering context was
- if RTT is not available then 3d clouds are not drawn at all
- impostors lighting is now recomputed when the sun changes position
- distant objects are no more seen in front of clouds
- blending of distant clouds is a bit better now
- litle optimization of code (uses a less cpu time)
- use layer wind speed and direction (no more hardcoded wind)
- fov is no more hardcoded
- clouds (cu only) are dissipating/reforming (experimental)
- compute a turbulence factor that depends on surrounding clouds and type of
clouds (experimental)
- clouds shapes are defined in cloudlayers.xml
- type of clouds present in a layer is also defined in cloudlayers.xml
- cloud layers are generated from metar and other misc. data (in progress)
- added a rain effect around the viewer (enabled in the rendering dialog and
when the metar property says so)
- added a lightning effect (enabled in the rendering dialog) : cb clouds spawn
new lightnings
- added a dialog to select from different weather source : metar/property,
a 'fair weather' environment and a 'thunderstorm' environment.
Implement simple help system with global and aircraft specific dialogs:
The gui.nas changes have been discussed with Andy. All ac have a help dialog,
but some are empty. (This wouldn't have been necessary, as the system falls
back to the "Common Aircraft Keys" if an aircraft has no help defined, but an
empty dialog is less confusing and encourages to be filled with interesting
information. :-) I scanned all aircraft files for interesting performance
data and added some to the dialogs (stall speed, etc.) The Concorde and the
p51d have (over?)complete dialogs and can serve as examples. The format is
documented in $FG_ROOT/Nasa/gui.nas.
There is also a couple of other, minor fixes.
The following files have ugly MSDOS line endings:
The Concorde-jsbsim.nas file is a useless copy of the real */nas file, which is
in Nasal/. I'was debugging the Concorde and wondered why changes to this file
had no effect ...
(Fixed Concorde in the help-ac.diff patch: don't use "interpol" keyword as
Make a new set location (on ground) dialog box which knows how to set up
the /sim/presets/ properties correctly for a new ground position.
For now leave the previous all-in-one dialog box for in-air resets. However
this really needs some more work to make sure the /sim/presets properties get
set correctly.