Merge branch 'master' of
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 626 additions and 10 deletions
@ -116,6 +116,47 @@
<!-- put techniques at a "high" index to allow derived effects to
<!-- put techniques at a "high" index to allow derived effects to
insert their own techniques first. -->
insert their own techniques first. -->
@ -249,6 +290,7 @@
@ -385,6 +427,206 @@
@ -406,10 +648,15 @@
@ -103,6 +103,10 @@
<box-bottom-thickness type="double" userarchive="n">0.2</box-bottom-thickness>
<box-bottom-thickness type="double" userarchive="n">0.2</box-bottom-thickness>
<box-bottom-n type="int" userarchive="n">12</box-bottom-n>
<box-bottom-n type="int" userarchive="n">12</box-bottom-n>
<cloud-shadow-flag type="bool" userarchive="y">0</cloud-shadow-flag>
<cloud-shadow-fov-flag type="bool" userarchive="y">0</cloud-shadow-fov-flag>
@ -1656,6 +1656,7 @@ setprop(lw~"timing-loop-flag",0);
weather_dynamics.convective_loop_kill_flag = 1; # long-running loop needs a different scheme to end
weather_dynamics.convective_loop_kill_flag = 1; # long-running loop needs a different scheme to end
@ -1691,6 +1692,14 @@ n_effectVolumeArray = 0;
# clear out the visual shadows
for (var i = 0; i<cloudShadowArraySize; i=i+1)
# clear any wxradar echos
# clear any wxradar echos
if (wxradar_support_flag ==1)
if (wxradar_support_flag ==1)
@ -1711,6 +1720,8 @@ settimer ( func {
@ -1803,6 +1814,14 @@ if (edge_bias > 0.0) {height_bias = height_bias + 15.0 *edge_bias + 20.0 * rand
create_streak(btype,lat,lon, alt -offset_map["Congestus"] -900.0, 100.0,n_b,0.0,edge,0.3*x,1,0.0,0.0,0.3*y,alpha,1.0);
create_streak(btype,lat,lon, alt -offset_map["Congestus"] -900.0, 100.0,n_b,0.0,edge,0.3*x,1,0.0,0.0,0.3*y,alpha,1.0);
if (local_weather.cloud_shadow_flag == 1)
var cs =, lon, 0.9 * (1.5 * x)/5000.0 , 0.9);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
else if (size>1.1)
else if (size>1.1)
@ -1822,6 +1841,13 @@ if (edge_bias > 0.0) {height_bias = height_bias + 15.0 *edge_bias + 20.0 * rand
height_bias = 1.0;
height_bias = 1.0;
create_streak(btype,lat,lon, alt -offset_map["Cumulus"] - 200.0, 100.0,n_b,0.0,edge,0.3*x,1,0.0,0.0,0.3*y,alpha,1.0);
create_streak(btype,lat,lon, alt -offset_map["Cumulus"] - 200.0, 100.0,n_b,0.0,edge,0.3*x,1,0.0,0.0,0.3*y,alpha,1.0);
if (local_weather.cloud_shadow_flag == 1)
var cs =, lon, 0.9 * (1.5 * x)/5000.0 , 0.8);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
else if (size>0.8)
else if (size>0.8)
@ -1998,7 +2024,7 @@ var alt_base = alt_20_array[tile_index -1];
#var alt_base = getprop(lw~"tmp/tile-alt-offset-ft");
#var alt_base = getprop(lw~"tmp/tile-alt-offset-ft");
# }
# }
var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400; # conversion factor for sinusoidal dependence on daytime
#var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400; # conversion factor for sinusoidal dependence on daytime
@ -2190,7 +2216,7 @@ var detail_flag = detailed_clouds_flag;
alpha = alpha * math.pi/180.0; # the tile orientation
alpha = alpha * math.pi/180.0; # the tile orientation
var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400; # conversion factor for sinusoidal dependence on daytime
#var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400; # conversion factor for sinusoidal dependence on daytime
# current aircraft position
# current aircraft position
@ -3984,6 +4010,16 @@ local_weather.init_sea_colors();
# create impostors - this should only happen when sufficiently high in air
# create impostors - this should only happen when sufficiently high in air
# start the cloud shadow loop
local_weather.cloud_shadow_flag = getprop("/local-weather/cloud-shadows/cloud-shadow-flag");
if (local_weather.cloud_shadow_flag == 1)
# weather_tile_management.watchdog_loop();
# weather_tile_management.watchdog_loop();
@ -4400,6 +4436,7 @@ var lat_to_m = 110952.0; # latitude degrees to meters
var m_to_lat = 9.01290648208234e-06; # meters to latitude degrees
var m_to_lat = 9.01290648208234e-06; # meters to latitude degrees
var ft_to_m = 0.30480;
var ft_to_m = 0.30480;
var m_to_ft = 1.0/ft_to_m;
var m_to_ft = 1.0/ft_to_m;
var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400;
var lon_to_m = 0.0; # needs to be calculated dynamically
var lon_to_m = 0.0; # needs to be calculated dynamically
var m_to_lon = 0.0; # we do this on startup
var m_to_lon = 0.0; # we do this on startup
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
# housekeeping_loop to shift clouds from the scenery into the buffer
# housekeeping_loop to shift clouds from the scenery into the buffer
# remove_impostors to delete a ring of impostors to mimick distant clouds
# remove_impostors to delete a ring of impostors to mimick distant clouds
# create_impostors to create a ring of impostors to mimick distant clouds
# create_impostors to create a ring of impostors to mimick distant clouds
# shadow_management_loop to manage cloud shadow information
# watchdog loop (debug helping structure)
# watchdog loop (debug helping structure)
# calc_geo to get local Cartesian geometry for latitude conversion
# calc_geo to get local Cartesian geometry for latitude conversion
# get_lat to get latitude from Cartesian coordinates
# get_lat to get latitude from Cartesian coordinates
@ -1120,6 +1121,19 @@ var housekeeping_loop = func (index, index1) {
if (local_weather.local_weather_running_flag == 0) {return;}
if (local_weather.local_weather_running_flag == 0) {return;}
# supply a few properties which are used more generally
lwObserverLat = getprop("/position/latitude-deg");
lwObserverLon = getprop("/position/longitude-deg");
var heading = getprop("/orientation/heading-deg");
var offset = getprop("/sim/current-view/heading-offset-deg");
lwViewDir = (heading - offset) * math.pi/180.0 ;
var n = 5;
var n = 5;
var n_max = size(cloudSceneryArray);
var n_max = size(cloudSceneryArray);
n_cloudSceneryArray = n_max;
n_cloudSceneryArray = n_max;
@ -1248,6 +1262,130 @@ weather_tiles.create_impostor_ring(lat, lon, alt, alpha, type, n);
# Cloud shadow management
var shadow_management_loop = func (index) {
if (local_weather.local_weather_running_flag == 0) {return;}
var n = 50;
var n_max = size(cloudShadowCandidateArray);
var s = size(active_tile_list);
# don't do anything as long as the array is empty
if (n_max == 0) # nothing to do, loop over
{if (getprop(lw~"shadow-loop-flag") ==1) {settimer( func {shadow_management_loop(index)}, 0);} return;}
# compute some general-purpose stuff for the loop
var eyeLat = lwObserverLat;
var eyeLon = lwObserverLon;
#var sec_to_rad = 2.0 * math.pi/86400;
var time = getprop("/sim/time/utc/day-seconds") + getprop("/sim/time/local-offset");
var sun_angle = getprop("/sim/time/sun-angle-rad");
var cloud_alt = getprop("/environment/ground-haze-thickness-m");
var offset_mag = cloud_alt * math.tan(sun_angle);
var offset_x = -math.cos(time * local_weather.sec_to_rad) * math.cos(eyeLat) * offset_mag;
var offset_y = -math.sin(time * local_weather.sec_to_rad) * math.sin(eyeLat) * offset_mag;
# indexing, we don't want to run through hundreds of candidates per frame
if (index > n_max-1) {index = 0;}
var i_max = index + n;
if (i_max > n_max) {i_max = n_max;}
for (var i = index; i < i_max; i = i+1)
var shadow = cloudShadowCandidateArray[i];
# housekeeping - delete shadows from deleted tiles
var flag = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < s; j = j+1)
if (active_tile_list[j] == shadow.index) {flag = 1; break;}
if (shadow.index == 0) {flag =1; break;} # clouds in tile index 0 are special
if (flag == 0)
#print("Shadow management housekeeping!");
cloudShadowCandidateArray = delete_from_vector(cloudShadowCandidateArray,i);
i = i -1; i_max = i_max - 1; n_max = n_max - 1;
# find nearest shadows
if (shadow.shadow_flag == 0)
var diffx = ( - eyeLat) * local_weather.lat_to_m + offset_x;
var diffy = -(shadow.lon - eyeLon) * local_weather.lon_to_m + offset_y;
var dist = math.sqrt(diffx * diffx + diffy * diffy) ;
if (getprop("/local-weather/cloud-shadows/cloud-shadow-fov-flag")==1)
var viewDotPos = (diffx * lwViewVec[0] + diffy * lwViewVec[1])/dist;
if (viewDotPos <0.7) {dist = dist -(viewDotPos - 0.7) * 10000.0;}
if (dist < cloudShadowMaxDist)
#print("Shadow management:");
#print("Max. dist is now: ", dist);
#print("Adding cloud");
#print("Array size is now: ", size(cloudShadowArray));
#print("CloudShadowMinIndex is now: ", cloudShadowMinIndex);
cloudShadowMaxDist = dist;
if (size(cloudShadowArray)>cloudShadowArraySize-1)
cloudShadowArray[cloudShadowMinIndex].shadow_flag = 0;
cloudShadowArray = delete_from_vector(cloudShadowArray,cloudShadowMinIndex);
shadow.shadow_flag = 1;
var index_max = -1;
var dist_max = -1.0;
var counter = 0;
foreach(s; cloudShadowArray)
var diffx = ( - eyeLat) * local_weather.lat_to_m + offset_x;
var diffy = -(s.lon - eyeLon) * local_weather.lon_to_m + offset_y;
var dist = math.sqrt(diffx*diffx + diffy*diffy);
if (getprop("/local-weather/cloud-shadows/cloud-shadow-fov-flag")==1)
var viewDotPos = (diffx * lwViewVec[0] + diffy * lwViewVec[1])/dist;
if (viewDotPos <0.7) {dist = dist -(viewDotPos - 0.7) * 10000.0;}
if (dist > dist_max) {dist_max = dist; index_max = counter;}
setprop("/local-weather/cloud-shadows/cloudpos-x["~counter~"]",int(diffx) + s.size);
setprop("/local-weather/cloud-shadows/cloudpos-y["~counter~"]",int(diffy) + 0.9 );
counter = counter+1;
#print("Dist_max:", dist_max, " index_max: ", index_max);
cloudShadowMinIndex = index_max;
if (dist_max > 0.0) {cloudShadowMaxDist = dist_max;}
settimer( func {shadow_management_loop(i)}, 0);
# watchdog loop for debugging
# watchdog loop for debugging
@ -1374,12 +1512,22 @@ var hp_to_inhg = 1.0/inhg_to_hp;
var lon_to_m = 0.0; #local_weather.lon_to_m;
var lon_to_m = 0.0; #local_weather.lon_to_m;
var m_to_lon = 0.0; # local_weather.m_to_lon;
var m_to_lon = 0.0; # local_weather.m_to_lon;
var lw = "/local-weather/";
var lw = "/local-weather/";
var cloud_shadow_flag = 0;
var cloud_view_distance = getprop(lw~"config/clouds-visible-range-m");
var cloud_view_distance = getprop(lw~"config/clouds-visible-range-m");
var modelArrays = [];
var modelArrays = [];
var active_tile_list = [];
var active_tile_list = [];
# a bunch of variables to be updated per frame used by different
# routines, managed by the housekeeping loop
var lwObserverLat = 0.0;
var lwObserverLon = 0.0;
var lwViewDir = 0.0;
var lwViewVec = [];
var lwTileIndex = 0;
# hashes to manage clouds in scenery or in the buffer
# hashes to manage clouds in scenery or in the buffer
@ -1442,6 +1590,24 @@ var cloudImpostor = {
var cloudShadowArray = [];
var cloudShadowCandidateArray = [];
var cloudShadowArraySize = 20;
var cloudShadowMaxDist = 100000.0;
var cloudShadowMinIndex = -1;
var cloudShadow = {
new: func (lat, lon, size, strength) {
var s = {parents: [cloudShadow] };
| = lat;
s.lon = lon;
s.size = size;
s.strength = strength;
s.shadow_flag = 0;
return s;
var cloudSceneryArray = [];
var cloudSceneryArray = [];
var n_cloudSceneryArray = 0;
var n_cloudSceneryArray = 0;
@ -4257,6 +4257,27 @@ else
if (local_weather.cloud_shadow_flag == 1)
var cs =,y+6000,phi), lon+get_lon(x,y+6000,phi) , 0.9 , 0.9);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
cs =,y-6000,phi), lon+get_lon(x,y-6000,phi) , 0.9 , 0.9);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
cs =,y-3000,phi), lon+get_lon(x,y-3000,phi) , 0.9 , 0.9);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
cs =,y+3000,phi), lon+get_lon(x,y+3000,phi) , 0.9 , 0.9);
cs.index = getprop(lw~"tiles/tile-counter");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#version 120
uniform float cloudpos1_x;
uniform float cloudpos1_y;
uniform float cloudpos2_x;
uniform float cloudpos2_y;
uniform float cloudpos3_x;
uniform float cloudpos3_y;
uniform float cloudpos4_x;
uniform float cloudpos4_y;
uniform float cloudpos5_x;
uniform float cloudpos5_y;
uniform float cloudpos6_x;
uniform float cloudpos6_y;
uniform float cloudpos7_x;
uniform float cloudpos7_y;
uniform float cloudpos8_x;
uniform float cloudpos8_y;
uniform float cloudpos9_x;
uniform float cloudpos9_y;
uniform float cloudpos10_x;
uniform float cloudpos10_y;
uniform float cloudpos11_x;
uniform float cloudpos11_y;
uniform float cloudpos12_x;
uniform float cloudpos12_y;
uniform float cloudpos13_x;
uniform float cloudpos13_y;
uniform float cloudpos14_x;
uniform float cloudpos14_y;
uniform float cloudpos15_x;
uniform float cloudpos15_y;
uniform float cloudpos16_x;
uniform float cloudpos16_y;
uniform float cloudpos17_x;
uniform float cloudpos17_y;
uniform float cloudpos18_x;
uniform float cloudpos18_y;
uniform float cloudpos19_x;
uniform float cloudpos19_y;
uniform float cloudpos20_x;
uniform float cloudpos20_y;
float shadow_func (in float x, in float y, in float noise, in float dist)
if (dist > 30000.0) {return 1.0;}
float width = fract((cloudpos1_x)) * 5000.0;
float strength = fract((cloudpos1_y));
float dlength = length( vec2 (x - cloudpos1_x, y - cloudpos1_y));
float shadeValue = strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos2_x, y - cloudpos2_y));
width = fract((cloudpos2_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos2_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos3_x, y - cloudpos3_y));
width = fract((cloudpos3_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos3_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos4_x, y - cloudpos4_y));
width = fract((cloudpos4_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos4_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos5_x, y - cloudpos5_y));
width = fract((cloudpos5_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos5_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos6_x, y - cloudpos6_y));
width = fract((cloudpos6_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos6_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos7_x, y - cloudpos7_y));
width = fract((cloudpos7_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos7_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos8_x, y - cloudpos8_y));
width = fract((cloudpos8_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos8_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos9_x, y - cloudpos9_y));
width = fract((cloudpos9_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos9_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos10_x, y - cloudpos10_y));
width = fract((cloudpos10_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos10_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos11_x, y - cloudpos11_y));
width = fract((cloudpos11_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos11_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos12_x, y - cloudpos12_y));
width = fract((cloudpos12_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos12_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos13_x, y - cloudpos13_y));
width = fract((cloudpos13_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos13_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos14_x, y - cloudpos14_y));
width = fract((cloudpos14_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos14_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos15_x, y - cloudpos15_y));
width = fract((cloudpos15_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos15_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos16_x, y - cloudpos16_y));
width = fract((cloudpos16_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos16_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos17_x, y - cloudpos17_y));
width = fract((cloudpos17_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos17_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos18_x, y - cloudpos18_y));
width = fract((cloudpos18_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos18_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos19_x, y - cloudpos19_y));
width = fract((cloudpos19_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos19_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
dlength = length ( vec2 (x - cloudpos20_x, y - cloudpos20_y));
width = fract((cloudpos20_x)) * 5000.0; strength = fract((cloudpos20_y));
shadeValue = shadeValue + strength * (1.0-smoothstep(width * 0.5, width, dlength));
shadeValue = clamp(shadeValue * (0.5 + 2.0 * noise),0.0,1.0);
shadeValue = shadeValue * (1.0 - smoothstep(15000.0, 30000.0,dist));
//shadeValue = clamp(shadeValue * (0.5 + 0.5 * noise),0.0,1.0);
return 1.0 - shadeValue;// exp(- (dlength * dlength)/(width*width));
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ else
float light_sprite (in vec2 coord, in float transmission)
vec4 light_sprite (in vec2 coord, in float transmission)
coord.s = coord.s - 0.5;
coord.s = coord.s - 0.5;
@ -54,9 +54,11 @@ uniform float dust_resistance;
uniform float WindE;
uniform float WindE;
uniform float WindN;
uniform float WindN;
uniform float osg_SimulationTime;
uniform float osg_SimulationTime;
uniform int quality_level;
uniform int quality_level;
uniform int tquality_level;
uniform int tquality_level;
uniform int wind_effects;
uniform int wind_effects;
uniform int cloud_shadow_flag;
const float EarthRadius = 5800000.0;
const float EarthRadius = 5800000.0;
const float terminator_width = 200000.0;
const float terminator_width = 200000.0;
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ float eShade;
float yprime_alt;
float yprime_alt;
float mie_angle;
float mie_angle;
float shadow_func (in float x, in float y, in float noise, in float dist);
float rand2D(in vec2 co){
float rand2D(in vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
@ -548,6 +550,7 @@ if ((dist < 5000.0)&& (quality_level > 3) && (combined_wetness>0.0))
NdotL = NdotL + (1.0-snow_mix_factor) * 0.3* dot_texel.a * (0.5* dotnoisegrad_10m * detail_fade(1.0 * dot_size, view_angle, dist) +0.5 * dotnoisegrad_10m * noise_01m * detail_fade(0.1, view_angle, dist)) ;
NdotL = NdotL + (1.0-snow_mix_factor) * 0.3* dot_texel.a * (0.5* dotnoisegrad_10m * detail_fade(1.0 * dot_size, view_angle, dist) +0.5 * dotnoisegrad_10m * noise_01m * detail_fade(0.1, view_angle, dist)) ;
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
if (NdotL > 0.0) {
if (cloud_shadow_flag == 1) {NdotL = NdotL * shadow_func(relPos.x, relPos.y, 0.3 * noise_250m + 0.5 * noise_500m+0.2 * noise_1500m, dist);}
color += diffuse_term * NdotL;
color += diffuse_term * NdotL;
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfVector), 0.0);
NdotHV = max(dot(n, halfVector), 0.0);
if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0.0)
if (gl_FrontMaterial.shininess > 0.0)
@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ void main(void)
specular_light = gl_Color.rgb;
specular_light = gl_Color.rgb * earthShade;
vec3 specular_color = vec3(specular_light)
vec3 specular_color = vec3(specular_light)
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ void main(void)
vec4 ambient_light;
vec4 ambient_light;
//intensity = length(specular_light.rgb);
//intensity = length(specular_light.rgb);
ambient_light.rgb = max(specular_light.rgb, vec3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1));
ambient_light.rgb = max(specular_light.rgb, vec3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05));
//ambient_light.rgb = max(intensity * normalize(vec3 (0.33, 0.4, 0.5)), vec3 (0.1,0.1,0.1));
//ambient_light.rgb = max(intensity * normalize(vec3 (0.33, 0.4, 0.5)), vec3 (0.1,0.1,0.1));
ambient_light.a = 1.0;
ambient_light.a = 1.0;
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ void main(void)
vec4 ambient_light;
vec4 ambient_light;
//intensity = length(specular_light.rgb);
//intensity = length(specular_light.rgb);
ambient_light.rgb = max(specular_light.rgb, vec3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1));
ambient_light.rgb = max(specular_light.rgb, vec3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05));
//ambient_light.rgb = max(intensity * normalize(vec3 (0.33, 0.4, 0.5)), vec3 (0.1,0.1,0.1));
//ambient_light.rgb = max(intensity * normalize(vec3 (0.33, 0.4, 0.5)), vec3 (0.1,0.1,0.1));
ambient_light.a = 1.0;
ambient_light.a = 1.0;
Add table
Reference in a new issue