diff --git a/Docs/model-combined.eff/README.model-combined.eff b/Docs/model-combined.eff/README.model-combined.eff
index 01444ee9f..414d2a8d8 100644
--- a/Docs/model-combined.eff/README.model-combined.eff
+++ b/Docs/model-combined.eff/README.model-combined.eff
@@ -8,7 +8,12 @@ The model-combined effect uses the ubershader to provide any or all of diffuse,
To use this on your aircraft model, you are advised to create a local effect that has the following lines:
+1. for automatic Rembrandt support on opaque objects use this:
+ Effects/model-combined-deferred
+2. for automatic Rembrandt support on transparent objects (glass) use this:
+ my-aircraft-glass-effect
The only modeller-adjustable settings are those found in the parameters section and listed here. There are other entries in the parameters section, but those are for internal use only, please don't mess with them.
diff --git a/Docs/model-combined.eff/model-combined-bump.eff b/Docs/model-combined.eff/model-combined-bump.eff
index af989740e..7c99249eb 100644
--- a/Docs/model-combined.eff/model-combined-bump.eff
+++ b/Docs/model-combined.eff/model-combined-bump.eff
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
WARNING: do not remove the Normalmap include at the end-->
- Effects/model-combined
+ Effects/model-combined-deferred
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
diff --git a/Effects/model-combined-deferred.eff b/Effects/model-combined-deferred.eff
index 43fa258a7..d098cb9ba 100644
--- a/Effects/model-combined-deferred.eff
+++ b/Effects/model-combined-deferred.eff
@@ -9,9 +9,10 @@ the objects that use it, and replaces it with the default shader.
+ /sim/rendering/shaders/model
@@ -27,33 +28,587 @@ the objects that use it, and replaces it with the default shader.
- false
- ambient-and-diffuse
- back
+ true
+ 0
+ 1
+ noise
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ BaseTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 0
+ ReflNoiseTex
+ sampler-3d
+ 1
+ NormalTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 2
+ LightMapTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 3
+ ReflMapTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 4
+ Environment
+ sampler-cube
+ 5
+ ReflFresnelTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 6
+ ReflRainbowTex
+ sampler-2d
+ 7
+ nmap_enabled
+ int
+ nmap_dds
+ int
+ nmap_tile
+ int
+ lightmap_enabled
+ int
+ lightmap_multi
+ int
+ lightmap_r_factor
+ float
+ lightmap_r_color
+ float-vec3
+ lightmap_g_factor
+ float
+ lightmap_g_color
+ float-vec3
+ lightmap_b_factor
+ float
+ lightmap_b_color
+ float-vec3
+ lightmap_a_factor
+ float
+ lightmap_a_color
+ float-vec3
+ refl_enabled
+ int
+ refl_correction
+ float
+ refl_map
+ int
+ refl_dynamic
+ int
+ refl_rainbow
+ float
+ refl_fresnel
+ float
+ refl_noise
+ float
+ dirt_enabled
+ int
+ dirt_multi
+ int
+ dirt_r_color
+ float-vec3
+ dirt_r_factor
+ float
+ dirt_g_color
+ float-vec3
+ dirt_g_factor
+ float
+ dirt_b_color
+ float-vec3
+ dirt_b_factor
+ float
+ amb_correction
+ float
+ shader_qual
+ int
+ hdg
+ float
+ pitch
+ float
+ roll
+ float
+ visibility
+ float
+ avisibility
+ float
+ hazeLayerAltitude
+ float
+ scattering
+ float
+ terminator
+ float
+ fogType
+ int
+ rembrandt_enabled
+ int
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Effects/model-combined.eff b/Effects/model-combined.eff
index 339e33e7c..5d82d862a 100644
--- a/Effects/model-combined.eff
+++ b/Effects/model-combined.eff
@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ please see Docs/README.model-combined.eff for documentation
+ false
@@ -223,12 +226,8 @@ please see Docs/README.model-combined.eff for documentation
+ 111
+ DepthSortedBin
diff --git a/Shaders/ubershader-gbuffer.frag b/Shaders/ubershader-gbuffer.frag
index e1db2e0d8..f8566e2eb 100644
--- a/Shaders/ubershader-gbuffer.frag
+++ b/Shaders/ubershader-gbuffer.frag
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void main (void)
N = normalize(VNormal);
///END bump
- vec4 reflection = textureCube(Environment, reflVec * N);
+ vec4 reflection = textureCube(Environment, reflVec * dot(N,VNormal));
vec3 viewVec = normalize(vViewVec);
float v = abs(dot(viewVec, normalize(VNormal)));// Map a rainbowish color
vec4 fresnel = texture2D(ReflFresnelTex, vec2(v, 0.0));