- don't prepend underscore to aircraft names (this was a leftover from
versions that wrote that name to the property tree) - move HUD part to the bottom. It isn't really part of the library - cleanup
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 202 additions and 204 deletions
@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ optarg = func {
isletter = func(c) { c >= `a` and c <= `z` or c >= `A` and c <= `Z`}
# door
@ -312,6 +310,208 @@ lowpass = {
# Data
# ==============================================================================
# class that loads and saves properties to aircraft-specific data files in
# ~/.fgfs/aircraft-data/ (Unix) or %APPDATA%\flightgear.org\aircraft-data\.
# There's no public constructor, as the only needed instance gets created
# by the system.
# data.add(<properties>);
# data.save([<interval>])
# properties ... about any combination of property nodes (props.Node)
# or path name strings, or lists or hashes of them,
# lists of lists of them, etc.
# interval ... save in <interval> minutes intervals, or only once
# if 'nil' or empty (and again at reinit/exit)
# /sim/signals/save ... set to 'true' right before saving. Can be used
# to update values that are to be saved
# var p = props.globals.getNode("/sim/model", 1);
# var vec = [p, p];
# var hash = {"foo": p, "bar": p};
# # add properties
# aircraft.data.add("/sim/fg-root", p, "/sim/fg-home");
# aircraft.data.add(p, vec, hash, "/sim/fg-root");
# # now save only once (and at exit/reinit, which is automatically done)
# aircraft.data.save(); # or aircraft.data.save(0)
# # or save now and all 30 sec (and at exit/reinit)
# aircraft.data.save(0.5);
Data = {
new : func {
var m = { parents : [Data] };
m.path = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/aircraft-data/" ~ getprop("/sim/aircraft") ~ ".xml";
m.signalN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/signals/save", 1);
m.catalog = [];
m.loop_id = 0;
m.interval = 0;
setlistener("/sim/signals/reinit", func { cmdarg().getBoolValue() and m._save_() });
setlistener("/sim/signals/exit", func { m._save_() });
return m;
load : func {
printlog("warn", "trying to load aircraft data from ", me.path, " (OK if not found)");
fgcommand("load", props.Node.new({ "file": me.path }));
save : func(v = nil) {
me.loop_id += 1;
me.interval = 60 * v;
v == nil ? me._save_() : me._loop_(me.loop_id);
_loop_ : func(id) {
id == me.loop_id or return;
settimer(func { me._loop_(id) }, me.interval);
_save_ : func {
size(me.catalog) or return;
var tmp = "_-_-_-_-_-_aircraft.Data_-_-_-_-_-_";
printlog("info", "saving aircraft data to ", me.path);
var root = props.globals.getNode(tmp, 1);
foreach (var c; me.catalog) {
if (c[0] == `/`) {
c = substr(c, 1);
props.copy(props.globals.getNode(c, 1), root.getNode(c, 1));
fgcommand("savexml", props.Node.new({ "filename": me.path, "sourcenode": tmp }));
add : func {
foreach (var a; arg) {
var t = typeof(a);
if (isa(a, props.Node)) {
append(me.catalog, a.getPath());
} elsif (t == "scalar") {
append(me.catalog, a);
} elsif (t == "vector") {
foreach (var i; a) {
} elsif (t == "hash") {
foreach (var i; keys(a)) {
} else {
die("aircraft.data.add(): invalid item of type " ~ t);
var data = nil;
_setlistener("/sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {
data = Data.new();
Data.new = nil;
if (getprop("/sim/startup/save-on-exit")) {
} else {
Data._save_ = func {}
Data._loop_ = func {}
# timer
# ==============================================================================
# class that implements timer that can be started, stopped, reset, and can
# have its value saved to the aircraft specific data file. Saving the value
# is done automatically by the aircraft.Data class.
# timer.new(<property> [, <resolution:double> [, <save:bool>]])
# <property> ... property path or props.Node hash that holds the timer value
# <resolution> ... timer update resolution -- interval in seconds in which the
# timer property is updated while running (default: 1 s)
# <save> ... bool that defines whether the timer value should be saved
# and restored next time, as needed for Hobbs meters
# (default: 1)
# var hobbs_turbine = aircraft.timer.new("/sim/time/hobbs/turbine[0]", 60);
# hobbs_turbine.start();
# aircraft.timer.new("/sim/time/hobbs/battery", 60).start(); # anonymous timer
timer = {
new : func(prop, res = 1, save = 1) {
var m = { parents : [timer] };
m.timeN = makeNode(prop);
if (m.timeN.getType() == "NONE") {
m.systimeN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/time/elapsed-sec", 1);
m.last_systime = nil;
m.interval = res;
m.loop_id = 0;
m.running = 0;
if (save) {
m.saveL = setlistener("/sim/signals/save", func { m._save_() });
} else {
m.saveL = nil;
return m;
del : func {
if (me.saveL != nil) {
start : func {
me.running and return;
me.last_systime = me.systimeN.getValue();
me.interval != nil and me._loop_(me.loop_id);
me.running = 1;
stop : func {
me.running or return;
me.running = 0;
me.loop_id += 1;
reset : func {
me.last_systime = me.systimeN.getValue();
_apply_ : func {
var sys = me.systimeN.getValue();
me.timeN.setDoubleValue(me.timeN.getValue() + sys - me.last_systime);
me.last_systime = sys;
_save_ : func {
if (me.running) {
_loop_ : func(id) {
id != me.loop_id and return;
settimer(func { me._loop_(id) }, me.interval);
# HUD control class to handle both HUD implementations.
HUDControl = {
@ -369,205 +569,3 @@ settimer(func { HUD = HUDControl.new() }, 0);
# Data
# ==============================================================================
# class that loads and saves properties to aircraft-specific data files in
# ~/.fgfs/aircraft-data/ (Unix) or %APPDATA%\flightgear.org\aircraft-data\.
# There's no public constructor, as the only needed instance gets created
# by the system.
# data.add(<properties>);
# data.save([<interval>])
# properties ... about any combination of property nodes (props.Node)
# or path name strings, or lists or hashes of them,
# lists of lists of them, etc.
# interval ... save in <interval> minutes intervals, or only once
# if 'nil' or empty (and again at reinit/exit)
# /sim/signals/save ... set to 'true' right before saving. Can be used
# to update values that are to be saved
# var p = props.globals.getNode("/sim/model", 1);
# var vec = [p, p];
# var hash = {"foo": p, "bar": p};
# # add properties
# aircraft.data.add("/sim/fg-root", p, "/sim/fg-home");
# aircraft.data.add(p, vec, hash, "/sim/fg-root");
# # now save only once (and at exit/reinit, which is automatically done)
# aircraft.data.save(); # or aircraft.data.save(0)
# # or save now and all 30 sec (and at exit/reinit)
# aircraft.data.save(0.5);
Data = {
new : func {
var m = { parents : [Data] };
var ac = getprop("/sim/aircraft");
if (!isletter(ac[0])) {
ac = "_" ~ ac;
m.path = getprop("/sim/fg-home") ~ "/aircraft-data/" ~ ac ~ ".xml";
m.signal = props.globals.getNode("/sim/signals/save", 1);
m.catalog = [];
m.loop_id = 0;
m.interval = 0;
setlistener("/sim/signals/reinit", func { cmdarg().getBoolValue() and m._save_() });
setlistener("/sim/signals/exit", func { m._save_() });
return m;
load : func {
printlog("warn", "trying to load aircraft data from ", me.path, " (OK if not found)");
fgcommand("load", props.Node.new({ "file": me.path }));
save : func(v = nil) {
me.loop_id += 1;
me.interval = 60 * v;
v == nil ? me._save_() : me._loop_(me.loop_id);
_loop_ : func(id) {
id == me.loop_id or return;
settimer(func { me._loop_(id) }, me.interval);
_save_ : func {
size(me.catalog) or return;
var tmp = "_-_-_-_-_-_aircraft.Data_-_-_-_-_-_";
printlog("info", "saving aircraft data to ", me.path);
var root = props.globals.getNode(tmp, 1);
foreach (var c; me.catalog) {
if (c[0] == `/`) {
c = substr(c, 1);
props.copy(props.globals.getNode(c, 1), root.getNode(c, 1));
fgcommand("savexml", props.Node.new({ "filename": me.path, "sourcenode": tmp }));
add : func {
foreach (var a; arg) {
var t = typeof(a);
if (isa(a, props.Node)) {
append(me.catalog, a.getPath());
} elsif (t == "scalar") {
append(me.catalog, a);
} elsif (t == "vector") {
foreach (var i; a) {
} elsif (t == "hash") {
foreach (var i; keys(a)) {
} else {
die("aircraft.data.add(): invalid item of type " ~ t);
var data = nil;
_setlistener("/sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {
data = Data.new();
Data.new = nil;
if (getprop("/sim/startup/save-on-exit")) {
} else {
Data._save_ = func {};
# timer
# ==============================================================================
# class that implements timer that can be started, stopped, reset, and can
# have its value saved to the aircraft specific data file. Saving the value
# is done automatically by the aircraft.Data class.
# timer.new(<property> [, <resolution:double> [, <save:bool>]])
# <property> ... property path or props.Node hash that holds the timer value
# <resolution> ... timer update resolution -- interval in seconds in which the
# timer property is updated while running (default: 1 s)
# <save> ... bool that defines whether the timer value should be saved
# and restored next time, as needed for Hobbs meters
# (default: 1)
# var hobbs_turbine = aircraft.timer.new("/sim/time/hobbs/turbine[0]", 60);
# hobbs_turbine.start();
# aircraft.timer.new("/sim/time/hobbs/battery", 60).start(); # anonymous timer
timer = {
new : func(prop, res = 1, save = 1) {
var m = { parents : [timer] };
m.timeN = makeNode(prop);
if (m.timeN.getType() == "NONE") {
m.systimeN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/time/elapsed-sec", 1);
m.last_systime = nil;
m.loop_id = 0;
m.interval = res;
m.running = 0;
if (save) {
m.saveL = setlistener("/sim/signals/save", func { m._save_() });
} else {
m.saveL = nil;
return m;
del : func {
if (me.saveL != nil) {
start : func {
me.running and return;
me.last_systime = me.systimeN.getValue();
me.interval != nil and me._loop_(me.loop_id);
me.running = 1;
stop : func {
me.running or return;
me.running = 0;
me.loop_id += 1;
reset : func {
me.last_systime = me.systimeN.getValue();
_apply_ : func {
var sys = me.systimeN.getValue();
me.timeN.setDoubleValue(me.timeN.getValue() + sys - me.last_systime);
me.last_systime = sys;
_save_ : func {
if (me.running) {
_loop_ : func(id) {
id != me.loop_id and return;
settimer(func { me._loop_(id) }, me.interval);
Add table
Reference in a new issue